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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This isn't about the whole show. I have a comment on an episode of Island Life. The one about Fidalgo Island. First of all, DO NOT CALL IT FIDALGO ISLAND. You're just trying to make it sound more tropical. Please just call it Anacortes! For Pete's sake, we're not called the Fidalgo Island Seahawks (by the way, you COULD'VE given us some credit for helping name the football team). As a resident of this island (which is really barely an island), I would know that we were all pretty excited for this episode, but we were sadly disappointed. I hate to sound rude, but you just destroyed our summers. Now that you blatantly publicized it, the roads will be massively crowded and left turns will be quite hard to make. I now feel great sorrow for other towns who went through this and I just hope that you'll put more consideration into your episodes!