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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Toter Mann" is a German small screen movie from 2001 that won a pretty nice deal of awards. One reason may be the fact that writer and director Christian Petzold had already made his way into the elite of German filmmakers over 15 years ago. I think this was his first collaboration with actress Nina Hoss who he kept casting as his leading lady many times afterward, a collaboration that was very much in favor for the both of them. The other main actors here are André Hennicke and Sven Pippig. The first half focuses more on Hennicke, the second on Pippig. And it's all about the characters portrayed by these two and how they interact with Hoss' character. A dark secret comes to the surface at the very end, but until then the audience is left completely unknown, which is not a bad thing though. After all, thanks to the (German) title we know that somebody gets killed eventually, most likely one of the two men in the center of the action.

    The film runs for 90 minutes and shows Petzold's strength. I think he is a very good story teller with really good focus. The result is that many of his films are not long at all and he has a handful movies that are even shorter than this one here despite only running for 1.5 hours. I like his approach a lot and even if this one is certainly not my favorite film by him (or top3 probably neither), it is still a very profound watch. Hoss shows her capability of playing lead characters which she does to this day and the two males bring their own approaches. There is always some kind of dark mystery to Hennicke, while Pippig (rest in peace big guy) is giving it the likable chubby guy approach who may not be as harmless as he seems. It all feels really authentic and with Petzold's works you never have the impression that you are watching actors instead of real people. "Something to Remind Me" may need slightly too long with the final explanation/revelation, bu it is nonetheless a well-crafted work by every body involved. I recommend checking it out.
  • Originally this movie was made for TV only, but it got shown at some festivals and even if it might be a bit too slowly filmed, it certainly is a movie that's worth looking at. Quite difficult to describe the story without telling something about the plot, so better tell that it is an ordinary urban tale that has some surprising turnings throughout the story. Somewhere "Toter Mann" is a hommage to the German crimi-genre (Tatort and even Derrick), the Hollywoodthriller from the Fatal Attraction-school and cinema verite. Perhaps not so known outside Germany but once again a glamrole for Nina Hoss.
  • A slow-burning Hitchcock-style thriller.

    Toter Mann keeps you guessing until the end and is possibly the only film you'll ever see that makes the song "What the World Needs Now is Love" seem sinister.

    I saw it at the 2002 Karlovy Vary film festival. Worth watching if it comes your way.
  • Actually this German movie was made for T.V. It was received so well however that it was showed at the Rotterdam Film-festival in 2002. I don't know what the score was in Holland but I found this one very good. Not being focused on German movies - so far only a few did the trick for me e.g. "Run Lola Run" and "Das Boot" - I can definitely add "Toter Mann" to my list. The story is about a lawyer (Richter) who falls in love with the nice looking Leyla who he meets at a swimming pool. After an 'interesting' night she disappears.... Before Richter has any notice, he is captured in a murder mystery with a riveting climax and a surprising end. Very well played by the cast and superb directing (great colors!) in an intelligent movie that will keep you to the edge of your seat!! 9 out of 10.
  • gphgrm0119 January 2023
    This film is a hidden gem, and I recommend it to everyone who likes psychological thrillers situated in the seemingly quiet, laid-back provincial towns, while actually a mystery is slowly appearing, well incorporated in the realistic framework of the story. It is not a Hollywood type of movie, but everything else is there: obsessive love, mysterious woman, ordinary life, crime and revenge. Everything is done with a lot of poetry and good visual shots. It is interesting that, although very young here, Nina Hoss still showed all her absolute talent for the roles of troubled and strange but irresistible women. But the rest of the cast is also very very good.