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  • The only thing I can say about this film is that it's fairly unique. So I don't know how it managed to be so steeped in hackneyed plot points.

    A girl is born a hunchback into a family involved in the media and through the judgment and suffering doled out by everyone except her father, she becomes, in the words of Nobokov, a "humble hunchback." A bunch of stuff happens and she suddenly rockets from rags to riches at one point.

    It's a morality tale about how one should be nice to those with physical defects because... they might be rich one day.

    It's just about as cliche as it gets. People treat the protagonist badly but she gets a reward out of destiny for all of her suffering. She has a little dog for the cutness factor, and every mean character gets its comeuppance.

    Aside from that, it's quite poorly acted by about half the cast. Strange seeing as some of the rest of them were apparently big names.

    Barely a 5.

    Honourable Mentions: Evilspeak (1981). There aren't too many dramas about hunchbacks or people with physical deformities (although the ones that are around are pretty famous, come to think of it), so it's not rock-bottom hackneyed and I can't in good conscience give it just the bare minimum rating. By the same token, Evilspeak is such an insane horror with such unexpected plot elements that, while technically bad, you just can't say it's worst of the worst. A circus for the eyes.