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  • The premise is that a psychology researcher is trying to gather data on exhibitionists. But of course she gets caught up in the action, first by watching and later by doing a little exhibiting of her own.

    It's a pretty thin plot, but the film does have high production values and some good looking women.
  • I feel cheated. The premise of the movie is kinky, sexy, arousing. The whole therapy sub-plot is also interesting and sensual. Come on, with a woman like Catalina, it has to be sexy!

    But the lack of sex is outrageous. Why else would I watch a movie like this?!

    I can only remember 4 decent scenes: Sex in the parking lot, girl on girl action, Catalina getting it on really hard on a couch, Sydney Steele riding a guy in a movie theater seat.

    To be honest, I watched it for Catalina and Sydney. Catalina looks as hot as hell. Her sex scenes disappointed me.

    Sydney has only sex scene and although it's kinky (she wears a skirt and has sex in the movie theater), it didn't fulfill my expectations.

    Cannot recommend this one.
  • Dr. Gore14 August 2005
    Warning: Spoilers

    I saw this on cable the other day. Catalina Larranaga is the super hot doctor researching some exhibitionists. She's creating the Exhibitionist files. She talks to them, they talk into the camera, Catalina talks into the camera and basically everyone keeps talking and talking until I passed out cold. "The Exhibitionist Files" makes the same fatal mistake that "Married People: Single Sex" makes: Too much talking! They've think they've hit on some universal truth and want to hammer it to death. Yes, people like to have other people watch them have sex, be naked and generally act naughty. So skin flick performers are exhibitionists and the viewers are all voyeurs. OK. I'm a voyeur and you're an exhibitionist. Glad to meet you. Now can we please start exhibiting something interesting?

    I think I counted a grand total of two sex scenes. Catalina has sex with a guy on a couch and some other hot chick gets it on in a parking lot. Other than that, it is just one lost soul after another confessing everything to Dr. Catalina. I finally went insane when they had one guy tell Catalina about how he likes to go to massage parlors and have the women look at him as he touches himself. People please! Stop! No more! I don't want to know! Keep it to yourself man!

    The only good thing about this one was Catalina Larranaga. She's got that great Mediterranean look we all know and love: Long dark hair with dark skin, etc. She had some hot outfits on in this one. She wore a couple of tight fitting turtlenecks and some nice suits. Just the fact that I have to praise her wardrobe gives you an idea of the amount of nudity in this skin flick. Close this Exhibitionist file immediately.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When "erotica", even soft-core, puts "plot" ahead of titillation (pun intended) the results are seldom good.

    The actress playing the main character, Catalina Larranaga, is beautiful and shows some potential as a character actor; unfortunately her attempts at cinematic seduction fall flat.

    An attempt at video camera "exhibitionism" almost brings on the giggles. It's a shame that a woman feels she has to do this kind of trash simply to get a SAG card. And whatever potential she has is wasted in a paper-thin, cliché ridden plot. A few more acting classes and she may be ready for prime time.

    The director and writer, however, are sub-par film school hacks, the lighting barely professional, and the rest of the cast is utterly forgettable. It almost has the feel of a corporate training video.

    The so-called "stalker" sub-plot is the worst of TV stereotypes and, in this I agree with the other reviewer, serves only to add another fifteen or twenty minutes to reach the 90 minutes that's the bare minimum for a "movie".

    Bottom line: D+
  • Pick up this movie in the uncut format. They had to tone this down on Skinemax as on many these late night movies. The uncut is quite good and all those cut away scenes from Candace Washington are in this as well as a nice girl girl scene. I have seen both and there are several cut away scenes in the Skinemax version. Candace also has another nice scene with a camera man as well. I have learned lately that the TMC late night movies are a bit more on the uncut side. This movie when laid out has a decent plot and is certainly one of the better B type movies out there. Especially the girl girl scene I don't think either one of these adult stars are faking anything. Candace Washington can be seen as Lexi in some of the Sista series as well as other adult pictures.
  • Spacetree15 April 2006
    Let's get things straight people: no one watches Skin-e-max at 1:00 am for the critically acclaimed movies. Well, maybe they do. But not often.

    Most of the time its for the softcore porn. And why do we watch softcore porn? Because we can't access real porn at the moment. It's a substitute. Therefore, the more explicit the content of one of these late night skin flicks is, the better it is. The closer it gets to hardcore while staying within the censorship laws, the better.

    Based on these criterion, "The Exhibitionist Files" is just boring. There's a lot of nekkidness, but not a lot of nookie. And since one does not watch these films for one's intellectual stimulation, this is a bad movie. Skip it. Watch one of those "Bikini" so-and-so films. Those are MUCH more stimulating, heh heh...
  • I'm not a big fan of porn, but this movie I find very interesting. This movie has little of everything you want to know about exhibitionism. I can go for that, is because I too have been a target for exhibition. I saw in one case that one woman loves to flash her breasts. I was a flash victim too, but I would handle it very well. Whenever I got flashed I would howl like a wolf! A friend of mine said to me, "Bra or no bra, you're still seeing skin!" The actress who played the researcher did a very good job at it. She ought to do this thing herself. I know she would go over head when she dealt with ex-subject who wouldn't take "no" for an answer. This research is just like journalism, only slinkier. The unrated version belongs to the adult video selections the R-rated version should only be for psych majors in college. Only watch it on your own time, in your own home. I give this movie an "A"! Rating 4 out of 5 stars.
  • This movie does contain nudity; if you don't want to see that then there might be too much of it for you.

    If, however, you want and expect to see nudity, then this movie will disappoint you. Most of the exhibitionism exists as talk with little or no images.

    The plot is definitely thin. Most of the plot involves analysis and other talking.

    There is a stalker, but that does not add much to the movie. I think the stalker exists in the movie just because there is so little else in the movie.