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  • I've seen this documentary in its pre-screening version, not the theatrical version, but I know it's not very different. It is a gripping story, one that unfolds like a well-told drama, all the better because it is true! It is touching, frightening, uplifting, romantic, all the trademarks of a good story. The filmmakers do a great job of weaving pictures, audio and live interviews to tell a story that happened 50 years ago. It is very moving to hear the actual voices and words of people that were involved in the story. There is a movie coming out next year by this same production company, based on this story. Be watching for it, it promises to be a gripping and high-quality movie. This documentary is a film for the whole family.
  • This is the most compelling documentary and story I have ever experienced. I was only vaguely familiar the story. The idea of going to live with people who killed one of my loved ones is difficult to understand. Even the idea of why the families were there in the first place is foreign to our American culture. The music in this documentary sounds like movie music, and the people in the story are amazing, the north and south Americans.

    Clearly this amazing tribe would have wiped themselves out if it were not for the missionaries. They should make a feature film about this story.
  • jantoniou17 October 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    This documentary is not a sermon--it is about Christians living out their faith. For those that complain about the politically correct approach to the documentary, I'd have to disagree. The faith of those involved is self-evident by their actions.

    We sometimes forget all but one of the original 12 disciples was martyred for their faith--and even then John barely escaped a pot of boiling oil.

    The wives of the men slain could have easily--many would have said should--walked away from the Waodani. Instead, they stayed and they've returned with subsequent generations of the same families. Over the years they all had contact with and spent many months in the Waodani villages, among the same men who had killed their husbands. Their children--the grand-children of the men who were killed--now call the man who killed their natural grandfather grandfather. It is truly amazing.

    One of the most compelling statements made in the movie was that of one of the children of the men slain--she wanted to be baptized in a place and among people that meant the most to her. She was baptized by the same men who killed her father, in the same river her father's body was dumped. If this is not a statement on the power of forgiveness, nothing is.

    The men who first approached the Waodani and paid the ultimate price said a very simple thing when asked why they shouldn't bring guns "just in case." Because they were ready to go to heaven and the Waodani were not. These were men who lived their faith, simply, easily, and actively. This is a superb document to not only their living faith, but that of their wives and family who are also living it out, not by slamming Christianity in our faces, but by living as Christ did--by relationship and teaching.
  • What is the difference between "March of The Penguins" and this movie?...Everything.

    I have been wanting to listen and know about the five missionaries and their mission for quite some time. Now that I have seen it; I comment that this movie is to be placed on your DVD collection.

    Powerful message (it is a documentary, not a sermon), great music, excellent story telling; This movie has it all.

    This movie, rather the story, does live up to the proverb "To err is human, to forgive is divine". It does take a divine amount of forgiveness to be able to forgive the people who have wronged you, especially people under the circumstances described in the movie. Very powerful, not to be taken lightly.
  • i love this movie. great for the whole family. very moving and it gets you thinking about whats really important in life. please watch. I would recommend. And its a true story!!! Its about 5 missionaires who were killed and it shows such compassion and true love between people of all parts of the world. Its inspiring and its amazing how missing missionaries are not even reported anymore and back then it was such a big deal. I think people forget what this country was founded upon. I really didn't think this was going to be any good, but once I started watching it i couldn't stop. Such a wonderful story of some very brave and wonderful missionaries. This is funny,romantic, sad, suspenseful. please watch!
  • My sociology teacher played part of this in class, and it piqued my interest enough that I searched it up when I got home and watched the rest of it. And wow, what a story! I'm not even a Christian, and it touched my soul all the same. It's a hidden gem that you don't want to miss out on, regardless of whether you're religious or not. This documentary is sorrowful but uplifting, and the events that transpired were tragic but ultimately hopeful.

    Aside from the beauty of the story, it's so bizarre that such a thing actually happened and I had no idea about it. Truth really is stranger than fiction, and I was reminded through this film that the world is very, very big and extremely interesting.
  • I agree with film lover that this is an amazing film about an amazing group of Christians who really "walk the walk" when it comes to loving and forgiving enemies. The widowed Elizabeth Elliott and her aunt not only forgave the Aucas who killed her husband, but went out and lived among them with the help of some Auca women. And she took her two young children with her! This DVD goes beyond a previous film, "Through Gates of Splendor," to show the children and the grandchildren's experience over many years living with the Aucas. Kathy, a daughter tells how she chose two of her father's killers to participate in her baptism, the ceremony held in the river near the grave of her father and his four colleagues. There's more to this inspiring documentary, ably edited from home movies, newsreels, photographs, and on camera interviews with Aucas and members of the missionary families. And by the way, there is a feature film coming, based on this story. Entitled THE END OF THE SPEAR, it's due out in January 2006. A neat double meaning to the title, the five men losing their lives at the end of a spear, and the coming of the missionaries bringing an end to the era of endless cycles of murder by the spear that threatened the Aucas with extinction.
  • I have heard this story of the 5 murdered missionaries in 1956, all my life, and have looked forward to seeing this movie, Beyond the Gates of Splendor, for some time.

    But, I thought that these folks were bringing the love of Jesus Christ to these uncivilized people. I do not recall one mention of Jesus, Christ, or even the generic "God." I seem to remember the phrase that Jim Elliot said, something like we will not shoot them to defend ourselves, we know that we are going to heaven, we are not sure about them, a very nice moment. But that was about it, as I remember.

    I was VERY disappointed with this "politically correct" editing. It could have been more inspirational, instead of educational. Other than that, the story as told/edited by sociologists and those who prefer to only speak in secular "verbage," is still next to none.

    Having the actual people filmed telling what happened was FANTASTIC.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a great documentary, about a great story everyone should hear. I first saw a shorter documentary about this story in 2001. I was in Ecuador on a mission trip. We did not go into the jungle, we were doing more urban missions in Quito and Calderon, but the missionary who we worked with does go into the jungle to the tribes. He showed us the shorter documentary. I have always thought highly of these people who gave there lives in the name of spreading God's Word, and their family members who risked their own lives, and turned the other cheek, and reached out to the killers. It never ceases to amaze me how violence and revenge totally controlled the Alca's society. This film is a great informational resource not only about what happened, but also as an insight to the people themselves. It gives a back story of the couples involved, and of the Alcas involved. If anyone is hesitant about following God's call, and leaving their comfort zone, this is a great story to inspire you, of people who truly served God with their all.
  • I was spellbound as I watched this story unfold. A terrible tragedy that was national news headlines, was turned into an unbelievable triumph by the complete forgiveness of the wronged parties, and the power of God to truly transform the minds and hearts of everyone involved. After five missionary men were murdered by tribesmen in the rain forest of Ecuador, their wives and children went back to the tribe and lived with them. Strengthened by God and dependent upon His protection, they taught the people of this culture the power of forgiveness, love, and compassion. In the words of the tribesmen themselves, if the missionaries had not come to them, they would have continued to kill each other to the point of extinction.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    **This critique contains spoilers**

    I saw this film two days ago, and was absolutely blown away! What an amazing story!! And the courage it must have taken for the wives of the murdered missionaries to befriend their husbands' attackers. And then, the fact that their children came to grow up with the same people, that takes some serious faith! I would definitely recommend this to anyone, Christians and non-Christians alike. It is a great story about overcoming the boundaries that separate people, and about learning to forgive others, no matter what they've done to you. *Tissue Alert*You might wanna bring some Kleenex* The story is very intense, and quite touching.
  • I went to see Steven Curtis Chapman in concert. I discovered there would be a film shown during the concert. This is not what I had envisioned, when going to a concert. "A movie"? "I didn't pay money for a movie, not tonight at least." The film which turned out to be Beyond The Gates Of Spldor, put me to tears. If you have ever had a tough time forgiving someone for an incident that happened in your past, please watch this movie.

    Steve Saint and Mincaye were there and walked on stage right after the film was shown, a standing ovation was given.

    Four years later I see the DVD for sale at a video store.

    I didn't even think twice about dropping $20.00 for this. It is a must have, and I am proud to own it.