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  • I really wanted to like this film but it barely eked out a 3. It's surprising that equal amounts of the votes were 10, the other half 1. All the characters were entertaining and even talented but as a whole the film didn't pay off. Sebastian Hernandez is appealing; charismatic and likable (he even physically resembles Marc Anthony in a more approachable yet ultimately conscious sort of way...) but even he couldn't save this mess of a movie. Scenes dragged on far too long and points were ultimately beaten to death. The banana scene fringed on self-absorption, seemingly showing how much movement was in his boxers. But in his defense it was his first movie as director (that I'm aware of) and I appreciate his labor of love. It just left me empty despite what was trying to be said. Ultimately I think the story would have been better handled by a more experienced director. From what I've seen of the 'extras', there is a real story behind this and, perhaps when I finish watching them, I'll appreciate this attempt more.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie has some good performances, as others have pointed out, but suffers (as others have pointed out, except for the people who apparently are either friends of the filmmaker or the cast to otherwise explain why they would deem this a "10") from some self-conscious and self-absorbed film school padding and excess plots. This is the type of plot that Sex In The City could handle in a half hour episode, so there was no reason for it to be even an 88 minute movie. A perfect example of wasted footage is the fast forwarding montage in the first third of the movie. Some of the back story is merited, but too much time, for example, was spent on Daria character with the anal sex boyfriend and on the back story for Paulie, who was not a realistic character, although the actor did a decent job with the lines he was given.

    The worst aspect of the movie was the level of amateurish parts: from typos in the typed material, to bad jumps and edits, poor camera positions, angles, lighting problems throughout and, most glaringly, a poorly written script with a badly developed concept. If the writer (also the director and lead) had collaborated with someone, he might not have ended up with a 100% rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes, which further belays the ability of anyone to truly believe the people who gave it a 10 on the rating system here.
  • SEX, POLITICS & COCKTAILS is another version of the 30s-something relationship avoiders trying to master the art of partner browsing, 'looking for love in all the wrong places'. This little shoestring film seems more like a stand-up comedian gig with visuals than a movie. That may be due to the fact that the writer and director and producer and star are all one person - Julien Hernandez. While Hernandez has a charm and adequate charisma to make this theme work, his film could have benefited from outsourcing the roles other than actor and make a little movie that would have seemed more entertaining and less self indulgent.

    Screenwriter Sebastien (Julien Hernandez) has turned 30 and has yet to have a significant relationship - or employment. When a film project is offered to him, despite the fact that the subject matter is a study of gay relationships, Sebastien pleads for the job and then turns to his best friend Daria (Marisa Petroro) who is constantly surrounded by gay friends to introduce him to the gay life (Sebastien has been living a straight life). What follows is an endless set of encounters with gay men in interviews, in acting out, and in demonstrating just what makes various gay relationships work and not work. Sebastien is drawn to the crowd as they are drawn to him and begins to feel the gravity pull towards the men, one of whom is a wealthy African American male Billy (Lonnie Henderson) who dispels all of Sebastien's prejudices. The characters we meet in this survey are for the most part stereotypically flat and some of the 'controversial' parts, such as Sebastien's first encounter with a solo night of video porn and a banana fugue, go on too long to remain funny.

    Julien Hernandez is a talented guy on the screen with a big dollop of charisma and natural charm. The one standout actor is Marisa Petroro who has a fine screen presence and saves the film in every scene in which she is featured. The problem with SEX, POLITICS & COCKTAILS lies in the direction and the decisions to employ too many camera tricks, flashbacks, stills on moving shots, and captions that only serve to slow the film down and reveal a degree of self indulgence. Others such as Woody Allen are capable of combining all the roles that Hernandez takes on but manage to keep the resulting work focused. But then this is Hernandez first outing and despite the overall weakness of this effort, he does give notice of a man with talent: he just needs a good director! Grady Harp
  • Julien Hernandez is a young writer/editor/actor/director to watch. Talented and bright, cute, sexy, and just plain funny, he has concocted a rather stylish coming-of-age film about 30-ish (he's a late-bloomer), straight-ish Sebastian, an aspiring LA film-maker. He has never had a serious relationship but longs to wake up with someone special and hear an affectionate sweet nothing whispered over breakfast.

    When he gets a job making a documentary on gay relationships, Sebastian asks his soap-star friend Daria (beautiful Marisa Petroro) to introduce him to 'the boys'. It seems he doesn't know any gay men which, as he lives in Silver Lake, qualifies as a bona fide miracle. In any case, Sebastian becomes friends with a veritable pot-pourri of gay types, all well-played, quirky, and familiar. Devon Michael Jones is hilarious as bitchy therapist Blaire Edgewood (or Blaire St. John, depending on what part of the film you're watching), seriously in need of help himself. Gingerly welcoming his new experiences, which come fast and furious, Sebastian reacts by mugging adorably throughout his journey.

    At his first 'swanky' Hollywood film party, where he hopes to meet and impress influential people in his best thrift-store duds, a self-conscious (and drunk) Sebastian becomes ornery, perverse, and ever more comical. His encounter with Billy is pure gold: their alchemy is both genuinely sexy and profoundly funny. These last 20 minutes of the film reveal Mr. Hernandez' deft -- even inspired -- touch in all his capacities.

    There are questions of continuity, semantics, and production choices, to be sure. But chalk them up to guerilla film-making where virtually all expense, of necessity, has been spared. Mr. Hernandez' story and purpose over-ride any such quibbles. The message -- free yourself from preconceived expectations and notions of love and where to find it -- earns his ever-surprising, multi-faceted little gem a well-deserved eight stars.
  • This flick made me laugh so hard! The cast is solid. The director/actor Julien Hernandez has a contagious smile and effortless charm. It's hard to believe that this is the Directors' first film. I read an article that the Director would squat at bookstores and read endlessly about film-making. There was an article that said; that in exchange for food, the director hired homeless people as extras. To me, someone like Julien, is what independent filmmakers are made of. SEX, POLITICS & COCKTAILS is a heartfelt, off beat comedy that inspires one to keep looking for that "SOMEONE" to permanently spoon with. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO THE INDIE CROWD.
  • Hendersol25 March 2004
    A hot must see piece of film viewing. Funny stuff for anyone wanting to laugh out load! Two thumbs up for sure! The film gave me a little insight as to what gay life is all about. Wow, what and eye opener and the characters were all so real. I have seen some of those characters through out my life of living in NYC and LA. Good Stuff, light, fun and easy to view. The story had a flow that worked for me. I was never disassociated with the work I saw performed on the screen. How can you not like Sebastian and Billy? What and interesting couple, total opposite and they do attract hence the saying. I will see it again and again twenty time over because it's just that funny and real to any sex and it's relations. HOT FUN!!!!!!!!
  • Please Julien make more movies like this. It appears this was Julien Hernandez's first film - he got it right! A perfect ensemble of characters that feed off each other with lots of pizazz - it reminded me of Mambo Italiano. Marisa Petroro is present and in character in every scene from the bossy bottom to the penis saleswoman. She is priceless. Julien, unsure of his sexuality, builds his character throughout the movie from a job interview for a gay documentary and telling how many gay people he knows to the end of the movie where we see he begins a "breakfast" relationship with a man. Gay or Straight - don't miss this.
  • catsharp0876 November 2005
    Incredible! As I browsed my local video store, planning on a movie night with my self, the title caught my eye...better yet the tag line was perfect for me; 30, single and looking for love or at lease that great orgasm.

    The characters were great. Real! The actors were well committed to their choices. Great editing & cinematography. The style of the film was, sorry to pull this, Young and Fresh. Some of the jokes dragged, but I was so already in love with Sebastian that I was in it till the end, esp when he got his breakfast ;) Great job Julian!! I look forward to seeing more of your work!