User Reviews (1)

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  • I came across this movie on my mission to watch and review every martial arts movie of the golden age from 1967 to 1984. It was made completely in South Korea. At that time the South Korean movie makers strived to put out a movie with the look and feel of a Hong Kong movie.

    My copy is a typical VHS format converted to digital. The dialog is Korean and there are no subtitles. I have watched quite a few movies without benefit of translation. Sometimes it is easy to pick up on the story but other times it is difficult. This was difficult.

    It starts with a woman walking in the dark and followed by two men. Two more men approach her and all four fight until a fifth man appears. Everyone stops fighting and looks at him. The woman escapes to an apartment. She stumbles across a dead body then gets carried off in a sack. Cut to Whang In-Shik is beating up his henchmen. He then goes to a bar and watches a dancing girl. The girl in the sack is brought to the big boss. The dancing girl is brought privately to Whang In-Shik.

    I will base my review on the action. The fights are all basic karate or taekwando moves. The focus is way off in most of the moves. Most of the punches and kicks showed a lot of empty space between attacker and defender. I rate this movie as below average for the year and genre due to below average fights. I cannot recommend this movie to other fans but Whang In-Shik had fans back then so if you want to see all his few movies then go for it.