User Reviews (4)

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  • Kind of a tough movie to find and possibly not worth finding in the first place. The "Zuma" character is pretty cool-looking and the mechanical snakes on his shoulders have their charm, despite the crudeness of the overall effect. There is some decent action, nudity, and gore towards the beginning and the film really had potential but blows it. My main gripe about this movie is the 141 minute run time-it's too much. I assume the idea was to keep it in line with the comic book story it's based on, but I have no idea what the comic book was about and honestly don't care. The film starts off strong but gets stupid after Zuma gets zapped by his "daughter". From that point, it might as well be another movie and the thing just drags. This would have been a lot better if they had cut out the drama and kept the time down to around 90 or 100 minutes-that's all a film like this needs to get the point across.

    One scene that cracked me up was when "Philip" needs to use his girlfriend "Isabel" to lure Zuma into a trap. Why? Because Zuma only goes for virgins. The girl is hot, so what's up with Philip?
  • CitizenLen24 November 2007
    Consider that this movie was made in the 80s with a budget of probably $60,000 whereas American movies, their budget can be millions of dollars, this movie is actually not as bad as the above post. True, that it did prolong its story, but it's because the director and writers clearly did not read the comics which has great characterization of who Zuma was and how his spawn will be the end of him. Again, consider this movie is a low budget and no thrills. I'd actually watch this more than Superman Returns and his illegitimate son with Lois Lane. Also, there is a remake of this movie coming out 2008 with higher budget and better special effects. Hopefully, it will be better visually, but knowing the crap of movies Philippines is churning out, don't expect X-men.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was drawn in by the sight of the title character in pictures. He's a tall bald guy with a snake on either shoulder (or is it a two headed snake wrapped around his shoulders?) Sometimes I should just not be so curious.

    The plot has some people discovering a buried pyramid. A group of them go into explore. A woman in the group, off on her own sees something get out of a crypt and leave the pyramid. When the group investigates they find nothing, only bodies outside. Soon after this Zuma, the guy from the crypt and who is a tall bald green guy with really big snakes on his shoulders, comes across a camping couple. He sets poisonous snakes on the man and then rapes and makes a slave of the woman. Bodies begin to pile up as the woman and Zuma, sporting a trench coat and a very large straw hat begin to eat their way across the country side. Zuma is captured and the woman is thrown in to prison. The military not standing on ceremony locks the green man in a cage and then fires several hundred rounds from a machine gun at him. When that doesn't work, they blast him with cannon fire and end up burying him in an avalanche. Where most movies would fade out at that point Zuma is only getting started, its only been 35 minutes and there is still 90 more to go.

    Truly one of the wildest movies I've ever seen, this is is a long movie that never seems to end. Zuma returns, there's a child, years pass and we get to see one of the worst wigs in movie history. Its a dense, often talky movie that wears out its welcome after a short time. As I watched this I kept hoping that there would be a commercial or two to break up he monotony. I'm completely unfamiliar with the comic its based upon, but I'm forced to wonder if it was really necessary to compress the entire run into 125 minutes.

    Zuma has an interesting look. The snakes on his shoulders are clearly mechanical, however considering when and where tit was done its actually quite good.

    Over all this is not something you really want to waste your time on. If you run across it take a pass. If you really must see Zuma in action then see if you can find the trailer on line or if you can talk your way into borrowing it from some sucker who owns a copy.

    4 out of 10. Potentially interesting story rather dully told.
  • Worst, Worst, Worst, Movie Ever ! Banned This Movie !