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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is basically about 2 people who think Cricket is poising the mind of there youth so they start a protest to stop cricket from airing.

    This story takes place in a type of commune( sort of I cant really describe it since there are few shots of the area) well anyways the 2 people create posters banners and pamphlets and tons of other stuff so they can stop cricket form airing On the other hand the youth of the commune fall in love with Reena who's husband is away at war. They take his chance to try to get with her. There idea of getting with her includes painting her house and doing chores for here LOL well this movie is pretty stupid and there are few parts in the movie that are actually worth laughing at. If you still want to watch it go ahead
  • Cricket is the backdrop for this film. It shows the obsession of the Indian public to watching India play cricket. However the true fight is going on thousands of miles away in a real war, which most of the characters are oblivious too.

    The extent to which cricket fans go is gently ridiculed here where as very little worth is given to soldiers risking their lives for their country by those same people. Watching cricket is also shown as a running away from personal tragedies and not focusing on what is truly important in life.

    Gaurav Pandey (the Director) has put together a great drama film here. Raveena (playing Reema Seth) puts on an excellent performance as wife of Major Raghav Seth who is sent away for war.

    A moving & thought provoking film that all obsessive cricket fans should watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cricket is the national sport in India, even though hockey is also a national sport. If cricket was an Olympic event, India would sweep the medal count. If cricket was a spelling bee event, India would sweep the podium.

    Stumped deserved to do better at the box office, and at first I was surprised it didn't do huge box office, especially with Sachin Tendulkar having a cameo! Sachin Tendulkar, the legend himself! Interestingly, Mr Tendulkar had a restaurant called Sachin's in Mulund (the "Prince of Suburbs" in the outskirts of Mumbai) but it didn't draw enough patrons to be a long-term sustaining business venture. Maybe because it was located in the Nirmal Shopping Centre where the security guards are insensitive brutes, but maybe because not enough Mulund residents had enough disposable income to fork out for meals where you don't have forks if you know what I mean.