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  • I base this review on the Generation Set release. This is an expansion pack for Half-Life, and with the adventures of Gordon Freeman being completed for the time being, they decided to give you a different perspective on the events of the original. You play one of the soldiers, this time. This continues several traditions of the first, and also brings with it some things. It does a reasonable job of doing justice to the excellence, although it obviously does not add as much "fresh" as it did. It does provide more good play in the familiar universe of that, if less time... this time, it took me about ten hours, like Max Payne 1 and 2. But hey, it's not a full game, plus, I knew where I was going, it may take longer when you don't. In a way pretty similar Yuri's Revenge put mind control all over the place, after it was in Red Alert 2 some, this takes the teleportation we've already seen and expands(albeit nowhere near as aggressively as YR). There's a weapon that utilizes it, for example, and it's not half bad. This has all the ones the first did, and at least half a dozen new ones, including a machine-gun, a sniper rifle, a Desert Eagle with laser-sight and a couple of exotic instruments of bringing swift death to your opponents, such as a grenade launcher-like one, and one of those mouth-aliens that you're familiar with if you've tried one of these. That one can even be used for transportation, by you having it pull you towards specific areas(and it is pretty gnarly to use against someone, if possibly disturbing to some). The arms remain faithful to those of what came before this in being tactical and awesome all at the same time. They do appear to be stronger. Your foes are also still smart, and team up to take you out. Now that your compadres are marines, you also get to engage in squad combat, and in that, too, the AI is quite fantastic and well-done, though the method of giving orders could arguably have used work, if it does get the job done, and seldom has actual problems. The commands are again limited to "stay here" and "come with me", and if they're doing one, merely press the Use key to get them to do the other. Apart from regular troops, there are Medics... self-explanatory, they heal, you, and, if you can get them to do so, the other uniformed guys(however, when you *need* them to, to progress, they will, as far as I have seen), and Engineers, who can blowtorch through certain locked doors. Neither of these are really used all that often, which in itself is not necessarily a big deal(and in this case, it doesn't feel *that* tacked on). Worse is the case with the rope. It isn't used a ton, thankfully, because climbing and swinging them is simply tougher than it ought to be. They got the physics relatively right, and the implementation isn't awful(if repetitive), and they definitely did not do as horribly with them as they could have, but still. You are taught about them in the Boot Camp, the training bit of this, which is harder than the Hazard Course, and, thus, arguably prepares you for the rest of the title better, which is a tad less easy. There are three difficulties, and they are the basis for the re-playability of this. This also gets going somewhat faster, and offers you the means to fight back sooner. The plot is fine, not as compelling as that of what preceded this, with fair progression and pace. The story-telling is as it was, with no actual cinematics, rather, you overhear conversations, dialog is spoken at you, and you witness occurrences. Through all of that, you have some freedom in choosing the angle, as the view never changes from First Person, with 360 degrees of turning it. This doesn't hold up to as close scrutiny... why does every guard and scientist you meet accept you as being on their side? Did someone radio everyone, giving them a basic description of what you look like? The boss battles are well-done and satisfying enough. This has nice references to HL. The humor doesn't take away from the rest of this. The multi-player is fun, nothing has really been altered. It does have 13 arenas. Team Deathmatch and Free For All are still the two modes it allows. This features creatures not seen before, well-done, and this means you have to adjust to them, rejuvenating the experience. There are a couple that are used so many times in what is not a very long time, spammed to the point of you getting tired of them, once or twice in this. The level design, as is something of a theme in this, are a step down, if not a huge one, from the one this follows. The puzzles are well-done. The take on Night Vision in this is decent, at the very least, in my opinion. The graphics are dated today, and if you want them improved, you can consider investing(meanwhile, don't expect it to particularly go up in value, unless copies of it are or become collector's items or something) in Blue Shift, as it holds a High Definition Pack, that upgrades the visuals on NPC's, or Non Player Characters, and your arsenal, alike. The audio is well-done, with voice acting above average in quality, well-composed score and sound effects all fitting. There are bugs in this, possibly less than the one before it, and, whilst it is an issue this time around, too, this may possess greater stability, as well. There is a little language, and the violence and gore are present, if by no means as extensive as other VGs. I recommend this to any fan of this franchise and series, and/or, while it is suggested that you start before this one, those who enjoy FPS's in general. 7/10
  • Half-Life: Opposing Force is an expansion for the original Half-Life. This time you are Corporal Shepard, a soldier tasked with hunting down Gordon Freeman while fending of aliens at the same time. It soon turns out that in general chaos everyone fights everyone, including new alien species and black ops soldiers.

    There are a few new weapons (alien lightning gun, Desert Eagle) and some new features. You get to lead other soldiers with various specialties: engineer who can cut doors, medic who can heal you. You learn to climb ropes and at one point you can use alien technology of grappling gun.

    Graphics is not great, but it's cool enough and the level design with brilliant color schemes and lighting styles makes up for it.

    Music sets the mood nicely, especially dynamic themes when something serious is going down.

    It's 2015 and I definitely enjoyed playing Half-Life: Opposing Force! GAMEPLAY 8/10 GRAPHICS 7/10 AUDIO 8/10 STORY 9/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Opposing Force is an expansion that cranks the action up to 11. I'd argue that the game itself is more difficult than its predecessor and even more satisfying at times with its approach of ditching those tedious little puzzles for some intense action; once it gets going, it doesn't let up until its finale. That classic half life 90's sci fi atmosphere is in full effect here, and serves to immerse you in a way unlike most other games, just like the original. The secret to this lies in its adherence to making Black Mesa as realistic and ordinary as possible, this place feels like it could exist in the real world minus all of the new aliens and spec ops soldiers. Speaking of those suckers; they will give you a run for your money far more often than not. Add in a nice training area that references Full Metal Jacket in every possible way and the coolest marines this side of Aliens, and you have a classic that adds to the Half Life goodness.
  • In this game you play as Corporal Adrian Shepherd on a mission to clean up the Black Mesa Incident from the first game. I think we all know what happened there. So i wont elaborate. The hazard course or boot camp, as it is in this game, is very entertaining. Especially the first part. I tell you Full Metal Jacket fans will not be disappointed.

    The actual game, gameplay and graphics is pretty much identical to the first Half-Life game. Which (of course) is a very good thing. The game ties up a few loose ends from the first game and it's quite clever how they both tie in to each other. On top of that this game features a few new monsters and a couple of new cool guns. As always in all the Half-Life games there are puzzles to solve here. Some of them are quite hard but that's what walkthroughs are for! So if you were in to Half-Life then get this game! And don't forget to pick up Blue Shift to!

  • gelziabar1 December 2006
    Oppossing Force, the official expansion pack for Half Life by Gearbox software is better than its parent original game in every single way. You play as one of the marines sent to cleanse out Black Mesa, instead of Gordon freeman. For starters, the level design is brilliant and far better than the old static levels. You also get a whole load of new weapons including one that is really an eel and a very powerful minimi machine gun. You'll need them as you go against new and more powerful monsters and bosses. The story also neatly ties in with the events from Half Life and the ending itself is far better than the original ending of Half Life.
  • I think this sequel is a bit worse than the original Half-Life game: "Opposing Force" has less diversion in enemies and level design. I think the dialogs and sound effects are also a bit worse. It's somehow strange, that the two Half-Life games from Gearbox aren't as good as Valve's Half- Life games.

    But it also has a larger diversion in weapons and fortunately there are new enemies introduced. I love the crossover between Adrian Shepard and Gordon Freeman and G-Man takes an important part in this game.

    I'm satisfied that the story of Gordon Freeman doesn't need a "Opposing Force" or a "Blue Shift".

  • PC Game: Half-Life Opposing Force.

    Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter.

    Developer: Gearbox Software.

    Publisher: Sierra Studios.

    Release Date: 31.10.99.

    Engine: GoldSrc (modified Quake engine).

    Protagonist: Corporal Adrian Shephard.

    Settings: Black Mesa Research Facility, New Mexico, USA; Xen.

    The action of Opposing Force, the third installment of what appears to be the greatest PC game series ever, interweaves with the events of Half-Life, so that the player catches a glimpse of Gordon Freeman, the player character from the original game, sees an officer making a pivotal radio broadcast that Freeman overhears in the first game, and visits some recognizable locations.

    In the original Half-Life, a "resonance cascade" opens a dimensional rift, which cause Xen aliens to teleport into the Black Mesa Research Facility. The surviving scientists and security guards at the facility struggle to escape. Responding swiftly, the United States military initiates a massive "clean-up" operation to eradicate the alien presence at Black Mesa as well as "silence" any witnesses. As the game begins, Shephard is part of this operation. After his transport aircraft is shot down and he is cut off from the rest of his unit, the clean-up mission is abandoned and Shephard joins forces with the scattered survivors seeking escape.

    Being an expansion pack, Opposing Force added many new aspects and capabilities to Half-Life's gameplay. It is notable for the introduction of squad-based support. Whereas the player in the original had to rely on composite models of a security guard, the player in Opposing Force can rely on other soldiers of different classes, including the regular support soldier, a heavy machine-gunner, an engineer, and a medic. Each class possesses unique abilities, such as the engineer being able to cut through certain doors and the medic being able to heal teammates. The AI was improved to allow better coordination of offensive actions during combat.

    Opposing Force also included several new weapons. A weapon based on the barnacle creatures acts as a grappling hook. Other organic weapons such as the Spore Launcher and Shock Roach are based on the newly-introduced Race X aliens. In the single-player campaign, some of these weapons replaced their old Half-Life counterparts (Desert Eagle - Colt Python, M40A1 - Crossbow, Pipe wrench/Combat knife - Crowbar). However, in the multiplayer game the player can carry both the new Opposing Force weapons and their Half-Life variants at the same time.

    Additionally, a new class of security guards was added. Like Barney in the original game, Otis, also named after a character in The Andy Griffith Show, served a similar role. Having the appearance of an overweight and balding guard, Otis can follow the player and provide support during combat. However, Otis is armed with a Desert Eagle, making him much deadlier in firefights than Barney, who is armed with the weaker Glock 17.

    The Opposing Force soundtrack is credited to Chris Jensen and contains 19 .mp3 tracks.

    My rates (compared to 1999’s level, of course):

    Gameplay: 9.5/10 (a slight minus for linear straightforwardness).

    Graphics: 9.5/10.

    Sound: 10/10.

    Score (OST): 7/10.

    Story: 8/10.

    Controls & Interface: 9.5/10.

    Multiplayer: 9/10.

    OVERALL: 9.5/10.

    If you like this game I also recommend: Half-Life, Half-Life Uplink, Half-Life Blue Shift, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Lost Coast, Half-Life 2 Episode One, Half-Life 2 Episode Two, Portal, Half-Life 2 Episode Three, F.E.A.R., F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, Far Cry, Doom 3, Quake 2, SiN, SiN Episodes, Aliens vs Predator, Aliens vs Predator 2.
  • PROS
    • When I play this game, I feel like playing a familiar game with an entirely fresh experience. Immersive, interactive, destructive, physically correct, and grotesquely violent, Opposing Force ensures a quality game of Half-Life as a reality.
    • Gordon could break boxes with the crowbar, but Adrian Shephard can turn Headcrabs (amongst other small creatures) into a splat of guts with the powerful strike of a wrench. The player gets a thorough story of a tale of one soldier of the Opposing Force who finds himself to be fighting for survival, and while the secondary characters that tell the dialogue are still designed to be "there and done", the exchange of conversation and dialogue has notably been improved.
    • Graphics are equally beautiful as the original, and the level design is agreeable and additionally, thanks to the utilization of some of the additions of new content, has some of the trickiest and most well-planned level architectures and puzzles ever.
    • For an expansion pack, we got an abundance of new weapons (up to 23 according to the game files and in multiplayer compared to the original's 14--with 5 being entirely new weapons and 4 essentially being re-editions--though there are only 17 in single-player), enemies, personnel with their own abilities for helping the player, and ways of physically interacting with the world, notably the climbing of ropes, which I find to be among the most pleasing additions to the game. Gearbox obviously tried so hard to make the game not feel too familiar to the original that they would add the new stuff and replace some content with better versions. The Barnacle as a weapon is a very special surprise to me, we have teleporting guns, there are replacements such as the revolver being placed by the more-functional Desert Eagle, and we are fighting primarily against a race of aliens known as Race X, comprising species other than those in the original game, not to mention that the flashlight has been replaced by night vision.
    • As a bonus for enthusiasts of multiplayer, functionality is expanded to not only include Deathmatch as in the original Half-Life as well as additional levels, but Capture the Flag as well.

    • Sadly, there are cases where there are under-demonstrations of the improvements such as the ropes as well as over-demonstration of certain improvements at a time that can render the game a bit repetitive, specifically late in it. I have had a lot of fun with the improvements, but with about 7 hours of campaign, I am left disappointed with the feeling of missing out on the full potential.

    CONCLUSION: Half-Life: Opposing Force offers ideas that further demonstrate the capabilities of the GoldSrc engine and successfully build on the original game, in the same way that made the original popular to begin with.
  • loganplayz-6640810 May 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's good but the soundtrack is god awful, it's not memorable like the original Half-Life soundtrack Cool weapons though, and nice seeing Gordon going through the portal

    It's alright.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very fun game. It is not too long, life Half-Life. I don't like the military members at all, but it can be fun to play as one. Wow, this is soo weird. I'm the first one on here, and no one might not even come to this section. This is a spoiler, I'm going to tell you how to beat the final boss. When he appears, go to the right turret, shoot right eye, and go to other eye. When you shoot both, a hole in it will appear, so you your own weapons on it. A shock trooper will appear, kill it and go to recharge pool. Keep repeating, and a bridge to the left turret will break, forcing you to use the barnacle. Keep on doing this until it dies. Note: there might be a bug in the game that won't let you see the ending, so if it happens, go to to see it. Ciao!