• Moderate
  • Opening scene with a man axing someone violently to death. No blood and no direct shot of it though.
  • A woman punches a man in the stomach and he spits blood.
  • A lot of violence, both stylized and realistic.
  • In the opening scene there is one non-bloody severed leg and a woman gets shot with a shotgun.
  • A character gets his back broken (not shown) and foam comes out of his mouth.
  • The gang of antagonists is the "axe gang" carrying around axes as a weapon. Many-on-one axe attacks against an unarmed opponent are shown.
  • A man's head is hit so hard it twists around 360 degrees, killing him. (Shown but stylized.)
  • A man is decapitated and a cat is cut in half by "magic forces", both are only seen as shadows on a wall.
  • Mother and child get soaked in gas and a burning lighter is thrown at them. (It's caught by a character mid-air before it ignites them.)
  • A boy gets beaten up by a gang of boys and they urinate on his head.
  • There is a lot of violence but nothing overly graphic/gory. Some blood overall but mostly just from small cuts and bruises.
  • Blood is seen flowing from a door in an asylum. This is a direct reference to "The Shining", which Stephen Chow said to be one of his favourite movies.
  • A man is beaten and his head is punched so hard it goes into the floor.