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  • ISOcc10 June 2006
    The Joe Schmo Show seems stupid at first. When picking up the cheesy-looking DVD box set for sale (at the low, low price of $9.99), the show looked like typical mindless entertainment. However, the Joe Schmo Show proves to be rather brilliant at points. Matthew Kennedy Gould is a reality show participant who believes he's in a real contest- but the entire show is staged and fixed to test his reactions and to put him through the wringer. Along the way, the writers provide a hilarious parody of our horrid American reality shows. The show's host is an absolute riot. Pick it up and laugh- it's a shame that the series only ran two seasons.
  • A average, everyday person finds themselves selected for a reality TV show with a large prize at stake. Little do they know they're the only contestant: all the other "competitors" are actors and the whole show is just a set up to test how they react to different scenarios and moral dilemmas.

    A show that that uses reality TV as a basis for a competition but has the opposite effect, and degree of quality, as reality TV. While reality TV is cheap, dime-a-dozen broadcasting bringing out the worst in people, The Joe Schmo Show was a clever, quality production showing the best in people. Watching Season 1 gave me a new, positive view on mankind: whatever the producers/writers threw at our hero - all manner of moral tests - he passed with flying colours, always doing the honourable thing.

    Wonderfully life-affirming and a great a parody of the blight that is reality TV.
  • Pro Jury29 October 2003
    The first episodes of the JOE SCHMO SHOW were fun to watch. But then the series ended with a two hour final that was 75% empty hype, and little more than replaying and repeating of past highlights.

    Why was the last two hour episode so empty? Because filling up 120 minutes by replaying old footage is 1000X cheaper than shooting and editing new footage.

    The show's final would have been much more interesting if the repeated and replayed portions were removed, and new footage was shot six months later so viewers could see if Matt (Joe Schmo) kept in contact with ANY of the actors, and to see if any of the actors keep in touch with each other. It would also be interesting to see what projects the actors might be working on six months after the JOE SCHMO SHOW stopped shooting at the "Lap of Luxury" mansion.

    Six month's later, what happened to Matt and his $100,000 winnings? I hope he did not put the money in the pockets of "a professional investor" as he said he would do during the show. There are tax exempt muni bond funds that are very safe and secure and fee-free. Matt (Joe Schmo) should Do-It-Yourself.
  • this is the funniest television show i've seen in ages. if you haven't seen an episode yet, trust me, give it a chance. the show's posing as a reality show with eleven fake contestants and one real one. the eleven are really actors, while matt, the sole contestant, is the show's basis.

    all the actors play a different type of character from different backgrounds, a gay guy, white trash, a geek, a southern bell, and a couple others. each actor stereotypes their characters to the max, while matt hasen't at all a clue he's being played. sorta like the truman show, but on crack.

    the difference between this game and others, is that it's really based on a 'joe schmo' - the average guy. he isn't very good looking, nor wealthy in any means. he's just a nice guy, or like two of his fellow 'competitors' refer to him as 'just the nicest guy in the world, the kinda friend all girls love.'

    trust me, watch it. shame though, that it's on spike. bet if it was on nbc or cbs, it'd be recognised as the next best thing.
  • Haven't seen the most recent one yet, hopefully it's as authentic and genuine as the first two Schmo Shows were. It's very disheartening that this show didn't get the recognition it deserved. This show was absolutely brilliant! Haven't seen the most recent one yet, hopefully it's as authentic and genuine as the first two Schmo Shows were. It's very disheartening that this show didn't get the recognition it deserved. This show was absolutely brilliant! Haven't seen the most recent one yet, hopefully it's as authentic and genuine as the first two Schmo Shows were. It's very disheartening that this show didn't get the recognition it deserved. This show was absolutely brilliant!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have watched season 1 so far as that's apparently the good season. The other seasons are supposedly cash grabs after the huge success of the first season about Matt, the guy in a fake reality show where everyone else is an actor. It's hard to replicate such stuff as you need gullible people too and if they mess up there is nothing you can do to save the show. I guess this happened in season 2 and that's why it has lower ratings?

    I decided to watch this after watching Jury Duty with a similar concept. Jury Duty was a ton of fun, but overused toilet humor waaaay too much. It got disgusting and lame at many points, but still overall was fun.

    Season 1 here meanwhile is way too sexualized. I actually really like they didn't go the modern American way. They showed boobs when a porn star with a perfect body came by. When a bikini on an actress slided to the side they of course did censor it. But what irritates me is how extremely horny Matt is all the time. They make him out to be this good guy who wins $100K while being super nice. In actually he's a horndog and it get pretty disgusting. He hits on 3 of the 4 women. With one he straight away asks her jokingly to sleep with him. With another he constantly talks about her hot body and constantly claims he wants to hook up with her. Not really respecting boundaries. And he flirts so heavily with the third one that the directing crew tells her to stop it. And when she stops the flirting by claiming she likes the host instead he right away tries to vote her out and does it in every round thereafter. He's constantly talking about hooking up with these models while he himself is out of shape and works a minimum wage job. There is also a scene where they have to lick the chocolate of a very attractive blonde and he straight away goes for her boob even though he doesn't like chocolate and stops soon after. This is quite frankly in bad taste as we don't even know what the deals or agreements are. He just looks bad in such situations and without him being a great guy this show doesn't work as well as it should. In Jury Duty they made sure to never make the guy look bad so the show always worked as we were rooting for him. Here it was harder as he kinda messed up a lot of the time.

    Still the show remains fun and very interesting. Especially the love triangle with the host and 2 actresses was fun as heck. I couldn't stop laughing. The initial episodes where they overdo the gags are too much as it was clear he would figure it out very soon if they kept it up. It was too silly. The love romance gags meanwhile were very realistic. Kristen Wiig was also awesome. Her subdued humor was on point as she never screamed. She is naturally funny and it made it feel funny yet real.

    They also overplan the events to minor details and never let Matt influence anything. At one point he wants to vote out the woman he flirted with, after she shuts down the flirting, and makes other contestants say yes to it. Yet they already planned for another hated contestant to get immunity and have to force a result in a competition for immunity that is clearly fake and makes Matt question the event because of it. It was pointless to protect the other contestant here as for once Matt didn't want him out. So they could have made the scores play out naturally and let Matt do well. There were a lot of forced events that made Matt question stuff. Every single contest was planned with winners and losers. It makes the show look less realistic when they mess up this often.

    Overall season 1 was fun. I'm for sure a fan. But you can't really recommend this to everyone. A guy licking boobs without asking is a bit much similar to how Jury Duty had the nasty toilet humor. I would love to watch season 1 with Matt's commentary. Would be super fun too I figure. But I will also try to check out the other seasons because frankly this is pretty damn fun and even slightly worse seasons may not be terrible. Though I figure the lower scores are there for a reason.
  • JBoze3138 September 2003
    I love this show. Genius idea if you ask me. I've never watched any of the reality shows...I've seen bits and pieces, and to me- that has to be the dumbest stuff on tv ever. This makes fun of all of that stuff, so I enjoyed it a lot. Even if it wasn't making fun of "reality" shows, it would be entertaining. Matt is clearly a really nice guy, and that helps the show a lot. He's so cool in general, you can't help but like the guy and want to see what happens. The actors do a fantastic job, all playing over-the-top stereotypes of reality show contestant personalities. The gay guy, the jerk, the rich snotty girl, the old guy, etc.

    In Matt's defense...I'm not sure why some call him dumb. I don't think ANY of us would ever think that we were being set up on a fake show and the rest of the contestants were actors. Why would that thought even come to mind if you were on a show like this? You're just thinking you're on a show with some normal people and some not so normal people...none of our reactions would be- "wait, are all you guys actors?" He surely wouldn't have recognized any of the other actors from previous work, since none of them have had any leading roles in a thing- I looked at all the actors pages on this site, and the hutch has done some work, but not much, and not too many people would recognize him from his past work.

    Very nice idea, well played out so far...but you can't help feel bad for good ol' matt who is being duped. Then again, he's on tv, he's going thru this adventure, and I'm sure they paid him in the end- so I guess it's not TOO bad of a deal for him.
  • klandersen10 September 2003
    WOW! From someone who really wants "Reality" shows to be taken off the air and all copies of all their tapes be destroyed utterly I really enjoy this show. I usually avoid "Reality" shows like the plague because of the fact that they appear so phony and the people on them really annoying but this one parodies those shows to the "T". Of course they will have to figure out a way to keep future "Joes" in the dark as to the real purpose of the show. After seeing this people will know that the show "Lapp of Luxury" is a fake and is really "The Joe Schmo Shoe". Unless when the producers poll potential candidates they (the applicants) have never seen any reality shows. It's possible but they have probably at least heard of the big ones like "Survivor" and "Big Brother". The producers will also have to keep finding new actors for the other "candidates", which isn't as difficult as finding the "Joes". I think being one of the actors on "The Joe Schmo Show" would be better than being a real contestant on any of those quote "Reality TV" shows.
  • My husband and I thoroughly enjoy this show. We are hooked and are watching the second season as well. I do have to say, I find Matthew Kennedy Gould more entertaining and likable than the two Schmos they have on the show during the second season. Could Matthew Kennedy Gould be much nicer or more genuine. This is a man we would love to meet and become friends with! As a warning, if you are not a fan of reality TV, leave this show alone as well. The spoofs of the stereotyped characters are right on, but if you didn't like those people to begin with, you're not going to like these overblown versions either. I must admit, these people really do play their characters well. If you like reality TV you may find yourself trying to decide who will get "kicked off" the show tonight!
  • I saw the first Joe Schmo, and thought it was a great concept. Who among us isn't a bit sick of the plethora of reality. In practice, it was pretty damn decent.

    My favorite part of the first one was Ralph, the Smarmy Host, so how pleased am I that he's back as Derek Newcastle? Very!

    The new version is a parody of reality love shows, this one called, "Last Chance for Love." Two innocents (using that term loosely) are on the show with such stereotypes as the Heir, the Stalker, the Bitch, and the Drunk Girl.

    I think that this season may be even stronger and funnier than the first, as they have already experimented with the formula and now can perfect it. And watch out for Ingrid-- she'll school you good...
  • Ok, I happened to love this show. It's new and interesting to watch. I love how the actors (actresses) tend to find ways to make the show more interesting. I get very excited when the (1 hour) show is over cause the scenes for the next one are always exciting. Question: Does any one know if the show is making a number two? And if so, how can i find that on the internet? Please No childish remarks. Thanks, and please comment. -10/10-
  • For those of us who have become annoyed with the producers, screenwriters and excessively-enthusiastic viewers of the reality game shows that have come out in the last few years (starting with SURVIVOR) , this show is a welcome alternative. Although one person is putting on an act using his real first name, the stars are pretending to compete with each other on a nonexistant reality show called LAP OF LUXURY while lying about their names, ages, homes, occupations, families, incomes, backgrounds, education and personal experience. Only one guy doesn't know that it's not for real. Everybody else struggles to keep a straight face and prevent Matt (a law student turned pizza deliverer from Pittsburgh) from getting suspicious. Instead of going to the watercooler each morning and hearing people gossip about "who got voted off this week", we'll hear about the clever joke that's being played- which I'm sure for many of us is a vast improvement and possibly even a sadistic thrill.
  • <<They're going to study up some on reality shows before they go on one, they would hear of "Joe Schmo," and they'd wonder if something was up.>>

    Jane Schmo (Ingrid) said in an interview that the only reality shows she has watched were "The Real World" and "The Bachelorette", and Joe Schmo (Tim) hasn't even mentioned any reality shows he has previously watched.

    The first season of "Joe Schmo" peaked at 3 million viewers, which is only about 1/4 of the "Bachelorette" audience. You have to think that the "Joe Schmo 2" producers made absolutely sure that neither Joe nor Jane Schmo had heard of "Joe Schmo" or Spike TV, and because "JS" didn't get huge national ratings, that shouldn't be too hard.

    <<I wonder if they also know that Spike TV is hosting it, or how Spike TV would hide that fact?>>

    Most reality shows, just like sitcom pilot episodes, are not tied to their eventual network when they are produced. Potential reality shows are filmed and then production companies shop them around to various TV networks. There is no reason for Joe and Jane Schmo to even be told that this particular show will end up airing on Spike TV. The producers could simply say, "Once we're done filming 'Last Chance for Love', we will be meeting with TV executives to try to sell it for future airing."

    On top of that, Jane Schmo (Ingrid) probably has never heard of Spike TV because a) she is not in their target demographic (young men) and b) she has spent the past few years traveling the world and reading books about Madeleine Albright in her spare time, not watching wrestling on Spike TV.
  • Its so nice that even me have the feeling what Matt feels when he know that he is the only one on the show that was real!! Keepup the good work guy!!!!Very nice idea, well played out so far...but you can't help feel bad for good ol' Matt who is being duped. Then again, he's on TV, he's going thru this adventure, and I'm sure they paid him in the end- so I guess it's not TOO bad of a deal for him. Hope to watch the next show you made!!! Its so really nice and interesting to watch!!!The producers/writers of this show set Matt up. (Joe Schmoe). He thinks he is on the Reality TV show "Lap of Luxury" with ten others. They live in a beautiful mansion and "compete" to win the pot of $100,000K. He was picked alright, but what he doesn't know ALL the houseguests are actors! They are all playing crazy goofy insane characters. ( The (arrogant) host is an actor too. He's now involved in a love traingle. LOL) This poor guy...LOL The actors are so over the top! ( One plays a flambuoyant gay puertoriccan man, a goodytwoshoes beautyqueen, a raunchy rude guy, a weird nerdy guy, an older army veteran, a shrink, a cpl BIT**es ... and Matt. Throughout the show viewers see "commentaries" (like Survivor or Big Brother) The actors feel so baaad because Matt is so nice, sweet and kind and GEESH! gullable! The cast get a daily script, so there is lots of addlibbing & fudging when they screw up. The 'stunts" these guys have pulled on him, and Matt's reaction really make the show. Like I said, he makes the funniest facial expressions. He's always like "WTF?" :blink: And Matt's little commentaries....the things he says. He gonna feel like an a$$ when this allover....remember he thinks its real... oh! that poor lovable dork! Please forgive the spelling errors i'm too lazy to edit. Till here!!!C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!
  • To quote from "A Lion in Winter": "I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. We know Henry knows, and Henry knows we know it. We're a knowledgeable family."

    I just saw the new Joe Schmo 2. I can't think of a way that these two don't know that they're "reality show" is fake. The host, the set, the cheesy reality show clichés are the same as they were on the first show. They're going to study up some on reality shows before they go on one, they would hear of "Joe Schmo," and they'd wonder if something was up. I wonder if they also know that Spike TV is hosting it, or how Spike TV would hide that fact? If they do, then they have to know its fake. I just hope there's not some twist at the end where the Schmos were also actors, and the joke is one the audience. That would be real weak. And even if it is real, the two Schmos aren't that likable. They're not the amiable schmuck that Matt Kennedy Gould was. Tim seems a little like a short jerk with a short-guy complex; the comment "from the heart and not from Walmart" seemed really snide. And Ingrid seems like a complete ice queen. Nevertheless, some aspects of it are amusing: T.J the Stalker and Gerald the "Gotta be Gay" Guy are creative and funny as hell. (Gerald reminds me of a lot of guys I knew from college who acted gay as a daisy but were the biggest players you'd meet.) But even if the Schmos really don't know, there not likable at all. The magic is gone.
  • This is the best reality TV show ever. Ten times better than anything on MTV. If you haven't seen this show you diffenatly need to give it a look. Nohting is funnier than watching your neighbor being made a jerk of on national TV. Although when the series is over we might find out that the real joke it on the F grade actors.
  • Just another bend down the spiral that is called 'reality tv', they take a guy who is arguably the dumbest guy in America, or the world for that matter. They throw him into a life amongst people who are acting. He apparently didn't recognize any of them from previous acting jobs. It didn't really help either when the actors blatantly screwed up by forgetting things about who they were supposed to portray.

    At the beginning, they play 'Guess the underwear', an exchange of underwear which provided a disgusting look at their nearly naked bodies - except Kip who was completely naked but thanks to digital censorship we saw minimal amounts of his 'manhood'. At least the women were lookers.

    If this show doesn't provide the final blow to 'reality TV', I have no idea what will.
  • When I originally saw the promos for this show, I thought it looked kind of stupid. But I have been watching The Joe Schmo Show marathon today... and it's a great show! Matt is really genuinely innocent and clueless... he is an all-American guy - a little chunky, a little goofy, super trusting, sweet, funny, and loves hot porn stars. Watching him go through these fabricated (and often ridiculous) scenarios and doing all of his hilarious expressions is what makes this show such fun stuff.
  • This show is certainly better than most of what's on television, but not as good as the original JOE SCHMO SHOW. Having two marks at a time tended to cause a loss in the focus and the concept had worn just a tad bit thin. Also, the producers and cast were careless in letting Ingrid get so many clues that the show was fake. Nevertheless, it was a welcome change of pace from hearing people babble at the library and the supermarket about, "DID YOU SEE WHO GOT VOTED OFF LAST NIGHT?!?!?!" on reality game shows that take themselves seriously. Unlike many people, I found the flatulence and diarrhea scene offensive. I liked the "reveal" in the last episode. In both seasons so far they've had the most-threatening character bring on the reveal and the host has asked the actors to raise their hands to acknowledge that there were in on the joke. The sentimental stuff at the end was mostly nice and well-done. I'm hoping for a JOE SCHMO 3, this time more carefully done and satirizing the job-search sub-genre of reality game shows started by THE APPRENTICE.
  • sejdoodah15 October 2003
    I am unable to express how great this show is. I am not a fan of the term `reality' for programming such as 'Survivor', 'Temptation Island', etc. as they are far FROM being `real'; essentially they are long term game shows, IMHO. That having been said, I only really watch 'Survivor' and a few Home Decorating Show - 'Trading Spaces', 'While You Were Out', etc for some tips to make my hole, err, home look a little better.

    However 'The Joe Schmoe Show' I passed while channel surfing and just sat and watched it for awhile. At the point I first watched, I saw Matt's actions and I was hooked. He is the most likeable real person I have seen in a very long time. I have caught up on all the episodes having watched them more than a few times, and even watching reruns and knowing what will happen, the show makes me laugh.

    It is my hope Spike TV will release this on DVD, w/o the censoring and blurry images. On a personal note, as a 100% deaf as a stump (and some say dumb as one, too) adult male, Spike TV - Thank You for Close Captioning this show!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show works on a few different levels. Because of it's nature, it's a clever parody of reality shows, an improv show, and a psuedo-sitcom all rolled into one. It's fun watching the talented actors set up situations and react to unexpected turn of events. And while their performances must be convincing for the show to work, you can see they're also having a blast mocking reality tv.

    But what's best about this show is the nonactor: "Joe Schmo". He's simply a nice guy, nothing more nothing less. You can tell right away that the actors don't wish to hurt him or make a fool of him. They're all good people involved in an elaborate practical joke.

    The gentle way the concept is played out is a breath of fresh air.


    Okay, I could be completely wrong on this account, but here's something I was wondering: Do you think that Joe Schmo is an actor too? Just imagine: at the end of the show, it isn't Joe who was duped, but it was all the actors who were fooled all along! It would be such a dramatic ending, I can only think it's probably true. It would also explain quite a few things I've seen so far.