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  • Are you a bitter out of work filmmaker or something? Granted, this movie was not quite as good as people on suggest, but you make it sound like its completely pointless - it's not.

    Pete Shawba is a first time director and this story has been stated as being autobiographical. The film was in fact shot in Marinette, Wisconsin for less than a million dollars, and as a filmmaker, I thought many things were impressive, not extraordinary, not bad.

    One of the things you have to consider when you make a low budget movie is that you will have many unknown or first time actors appearing in the movie either underperforming, overperforming, or surprise you and hit it right on. The Godfather of Green Bay did that.

    The biases you're referring to are people from Marinette who recognized many of the locations (I'm from Marinette as well but I try to remain on neutral ground.) There were some things that I did not like: the overuse of the Macarena, the emphasis of stereotypes and the overall low budget feel when the bartender announces that Rocktoberfest has begun- it seems as if this event only takes place in a small bar, where a field full of campers, stages, and drunk Wisconsinites would be more appropriate. Instead we get the later, which if you're like me (An indie filmmaker), the lack of depth is forgivable.

    As for Lauren Holly and other name actors appearing in the film, they all performed well and kudos for appearing in a film that obvious isn't mainstream and paying for a second home in Hollywood.

    Last word: This movie, for the first time in movie history, shows Northeastern Wisconsin in bloom of fall, capturing the beauty of the tree along the highways near Marinette. I was please to recognize many locations (Mickey Lu's and Trade Winds in Marinette, the playground on the Menominee, MI Marina with the library in the background. I loved seeing Wisconsin on film and I was pleased to see that someone other than myself has made a movie in Marinette.

    5 out of 10.
  • I have heard for quite some time about THE GODFATHER OF GREEN BAY because it's quite a forgotten movie and being the major expert on these movies (judging also from what I mostly rate and review when I don't go to theater) I knew that sooner or later I would have seen it, and I did last July tho it wasn't that great in the end.

    Joe Keegan is a failed stand up comedian that has a chance of reviving his career by traveling to a Wisconsin town during the Rocktober fest and if he succedds, he will even end up on the TONIGHT SHOW. At the same time the title character, Big Jake Norquist (Tony Goldwyn) is not only a difficult and raucous audience member but is also interested in Joe's girlfriend and of course, trouble ensues.

    The first part wasn't that bad I admit it. There were some occasional funny moments and jokes but as the movie progressed, the more it became like I said in the summary. A gratuitous scene of horse having intercourse (something reminiscent of Tom Green's FREDDY GOT FINGERED), a shoot-out in a toilet and the unfunniness of the lead's humour aren't exactly what I call great entertainment.

    Overall, a misfire that tried to launch the career of someone who would never work again in the industry and overall, watchable for some occasional laughs here and there.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Godfather Of Green Bay premiered this weekend (March 24, 2006) in Wisconsin. I wouldn't say its a stinker, but it certainly isn't a knee-slapper either. It has its moments, but I think on the over-all, its a movie that will appeal more to people like myself -- life long Green Bay Packer fan and resident of Wisconsin (I hail from Oshkosh, B'Gosh!). The portrayal of the Packer fans is dead on as is the rivalry between the Packers and the Chicago Bears. The scenery shots are beautiful -- fall season in the Marinette Wisconsin area. Like Escanaba In 'Da Moonlight, I think The Godfather of Green Bay is one of those films that will be more of hit with the people from the locale its set in and won't be noticed much by people across the country. But if nothing else, maybe it will be successful in bringing back the Macarana. I wouldn't say don't see The Godfather of Green Bay. Its no Fargo, but I would put it on my "movies to see list" -- maybe just a little more towards the bottom of the list.
  • Interesting Idea, Poorly Executed.

    Here are the positives I can say about this movie. - The idea of a comic going to a bar in a small town in Wisconsin to catch his big break is a pretty cool and an interesting idea. - The background and secondary characters are good. It has a very good small town atmosphere. And it does capture the spirit of the region

    Other than those two this movie is pretty bad. Poorly written, poorly shot, bad lighting throughout even for a low budget feature.

    The problem I had with it was that you have two movies going on at the same time and they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. You have one story which is this sort of sideways-ish story about a comic trying to rediscover his love of his work and a second story which is this cartoonish sidebar about a Green Bay Drug-lord.

    These two stories have nothing to do with each other and any contact between the two stories is completely coincidental. The Drug Lord and the Comic actually probably only share about 3-5 minutes of screen time together in the entire film.

    Then there are Montages that go too long, scenes that stretch way too long, a lot of unnecessary scenes. The actual guts of the film should really only produce about an hour long film. The rest is just padding, in particular the Macarena scenes of which there are too many and they are too long.

    It's just weird that you have a movie called "The Godfather of Green Bay" where the character that the movie is named after could have been completely cut from the film and you would have not lost a thing. It could have become one of the secondary characters and fallen to the background without a problem. And as a result there could have been more character development and time for the main story which is really the more interesting story.
  • crossflip23 October 2005
    These reviews are obviously biased in some way. 10 out of 10. Seriously. This is the Godfather of Green Bay not The Godfather. I'm giving it a 1 just to offset you people. This movie is a complete waste of time. It has been said that it takes a miracle to make even a bad film. Well, congrats go out to the makers of this movie. They did perform a miracle. A really pointless, unfunny miracle. I know that it probably was done for a very small budget and it is an independent film, but that doesn't excuse some things.

    The two main characters that are supposed to be comedians have absolutely nothing funny to say and every attempt at a joke is awkward. The lead, Pete Shwaba, is so wooden. He brings nothing to the screen. How did he get Lauren Holly for this mess. I felt so sorry for her while watching this movie. Of course Mr. Shwaba and her have zero chemistry. Miss Holly, I hope that check cleared. For someone who I am told claims he is a comedian, Mr. Shwaba couldn't deliver a punchline in this movie. The writing is ridiculous. The mac-arena... come on. Doesn't work on any level, kitsch or otherwise. The directing is amateurish at best filled with close-ups and awkward staging. I've used the word awkward twice now, but it sums it up. If you see this movie, beware. You will have that weird feeling in your stomach. It is awkwardness. Awkwardness that you spent money on this experience. Awkwardness about how to leave the theater discreetly. Don't worry. You aren't alone. Everyone else will have it too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Believe it or not, I'm not a bitter, out of work filmmaker; just someone who thinks this unfunny movie is only worth a star. Whether this movie is pointless or not, it wasn't good and didn't work for me. That is terrific that it is shot in Marinette in fall no less but it doesn't make this any less of a failure. Being an Indie fan I have no problem at all with unknown, first time actors as long as they are interesting, likable, and/or funny. The two leads were not any of that as the dialog fell flat. They were actually criminals who like to eat for free. Isn't that funny? Look, they just did it again! Then they hit a guy for more laughs. I love how the cover dangles Goldwyn and Holly and then subjects us to the two awful leads instead. The only redeeming quality is the beautiful setting. I don't blame the citizens of the town one bit for getting joy out of that as there is plenty to be proud of. I just wish the movie did it more justice.
  • I saw this movie at the Wisconsin Film Festival in Madison on April 1 and it was great!- no April Fools. The movie does a great job poking fun at the way of life of people from Northern Wisconsin. The laughs are constant and not the same jokes and situations seen in every Hollywood comedy. The music was written by the BoDeans, a Wisconsin group, famous for the the lead song from the "Party of Five" television show. (Song's name was Closer to Free). From it's Packers/Bears jokes to referencing the "Macarena", this movie kept you laughing. The movie stars Pete Schwaba ( A Guy Thing) who wrote the story, Lauren Holly (Dumb and Dumber) who plays his love interest, Thomas Lennon (Reno 911) as local comedian, and Tony Goldwyn (Ghost) as the Godfather himself. The movie also includes Mark Borchardt, a successful independent movie maker (American Movie) who plays a local dj.
  • People compare this film to sideways, including those involved, but as a film, I think it's better. No, there's no pretentious wine tasting, but unlike sideways, you don't hate the characters by the end.

    Anyway, I admit I was invited to the screening by Pete, but I only know him because we both write at the same coffee shop in LA. I never actually talked to him before he handed me the flier.

    I was nervous that I'd have to say nice things about a bad film, but this was one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in a long while, and the whole audience laughed a lot. Very impressive.

    And Thomas Lennon, who plays D.U.G. was fantastic. For those who don't know the name, he plays Lt. Dangle on Reno 911. Well written and acted role for him in this film.

    If you want to laugh and have a good time, see this movie if you can. They are trying to get distribution, an uphill battle, but if any Indy comedy deserves to be seen, it's this one!

    BTW - the 1 star guy? He has something against pete, and should be ignored. Even if you don't like a movie, it takes a lot to give it a 1 out of 10. even catwoman and electra aren't 1 out of 10. giving a 1 star to "balance" things is not how ratings are supposed to work.

    there's enough backbiting and hatred in Hollywood. let's not take down a nice little movie that is fun to watch just out of spite.
  • Non-stop laughs throughout this Sideways meets Fargo type buddy movie. Its filled with original, colorful characters that you end up loving by the end. The main character is full of quick lines, but really plays the straight man to a dine and dash buddy who pulls him back to his hometown in a backdoor attempt to get on the Tonight Show. The characters in the town of Pine Lake really make the film. Dug, played by Thomas Lennon, steals every scene he is in. Ratboy, is the funniest character of all with his brilliant facial expressions and love of hunting. The Godfather's creepy but ridiculous fascination with the Macarena will make you bust out laughing. You begin to see the whole town the way the main character does, at first skeptical and weird and by the end laughing at everything. This movie is guaranteed to make you laugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw the premier of Godfather last night in Marinette, Wisconsin where most of the movie was filmed. Pete Schwaba was there. He answered a lot of audience questions and also signed movie posters at a reception following the showing. Apparently, some of the movie is autobiographical. He chose to direct it so that the writing would not get altered as it had been in previous projects. His efforts are commendable and extremely funny. I attended with my 14 year old daughter, and although the movie will most likely get an R rating, there wasn't anything in it that she couldn't handle and very few jokes that she didn't get.

    You can tell that this was a low budget film and even the sharpness of the images on the screen are not of the highest quality, but somehow you seem to forget this part-way through the film when you want to see what happens next. You can get quite attached to the main characters. They are understated, yet genuine. While you often see a joke coming, it still makes you laugh out-loud. It was fun! Thanks Pete. Can't wait to see how this movie plays out nation wide. While it obviously has regional appeal, it should prove to be a much more marketable comic representation of the northern Great Lakes area than 'Escanaba in 'da Moonlight' that was filmed only 60 miles away.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this movie tonight at a special screening. I wasn't really sure what to expect, since I hadn't heard much about it other than the title and the cast list. Still, I've loved Lauren Holly since the Edward Burns movie "No Looking Back," and I like Thomas Lennon from "Reno 911," so I figured it can't be all bad.

    Well, it turns out that this movie is one of the best I've seen recently. The stars are terrific. Lauren Holly gives a fun, quirky performance as a former teacher who is now a manager at a small motel in Pine Lake, Wisconsin. Once a year the world descends on Pine Lake in the form of Rocktoberfest. Among the attendees every year is the talent booker for the Tonight Show, so two struggling stand-up comics from L.A. decide to do their comedy act in a bar there.

    Along the way, they run into a drug dealer, the kookiest cast of misfits around, fornicating horses, a backstabbing fellow comic, and a hit man on a mission. It sounds like the set-up for a raucous low-brow comedy, but while it does have its low moments (the macarena, the fornicating horses, and several fistfights worthy of a "Bridget Jones" movie), this is actually a buddy pic/love story/finding yourself story with a lot of heart, some really great characters, and some insanely funny moments.

    Thomas Lennon is absolutely genius as DUG, a second rate comedian who still has the dream. Lauren Holly was terrific. And Pete Schwaba, who also wrote and directed the movie, was a big surprise. He's funny, he's handsome, and he has great comic timing. It's amazing he hasn't been in anything else before.

    Comparing this movie to others is hard. I would say it is somewhat like "Sideways" in tone, where it is a hilarious comedy one minute and then a somewhat serious drama the next. I guess it's like "Sideways" without the depressing bits. I loved it and highly recommend it.
  • I recently saw this movie at the Saugatuck Film festival and loved it. It nicely captures small-town Wisconsin's unique charm, beautiful scenery and quirky characters, while also providing hilarious insight into the struggles of up-and-coming comedians. At times, I laughed so hard I was in tears! Tony Goldwyn is great as the Jaker, Lauren Holly is beautiful in the role of Molly, and Pete Schwaba is the perfect Joe to Lance Barber's hilarious Kenny. I also loved the fact that the score was done by Kurt Newman of the Bodeans, an awesome Wisconsin band. I can't wait to see this movie in theaters soon, and I hope that Pete Schwaba is working on his next creation - I'll be anxiously awaiting it.
  • I just saw the premiere of this movie in my hometown of Marinette, Wisconsin where the movie was filmed. The movie did a wonderful job of depicting the people, the scenery, and the whole Wisconsin vibe. The characters in this movie were well acted, including lead roles by Pete Schwaba and Lance Barber. Audiences will truly appreciate Big Jake and Rat Boy, because everyone knows someone like these two characters. My favorite character in the film was played by Thomas Lennon (Reno 911, The State), every time he was on screen he brought a giggle or smile to my face, great casting here.

    This movie should be enjoyed by all. It offers a nice escape and a peek inside small town life through the eyes of some big city guys.

    Excellent cast, great laughs, and an all around good time!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I spent hours of my time volunteering as an extra for this movie, sometimes staying out until 2 a.m. to make sure the directors were happy with the scenes! I was standing near the pool table during the fight scene. It was just as funny then as it was when it was all put together. Seeing how the movie was made, and then seeing the final production on the big screen was an adventure I'll always treasure!... Of course I wasn't there for the filming of the entire movie, just little snippets, so when I went to the premier and saw the completed movie it was awesome to see how it had all come together to make a very funny-crazy movie. Despite the fact that its my hometown, and I'm in the background a few times, I would definitely recommend this movie to any family and friends across the country - just because I laughed myself silly both times I saw it. I plan to see it again soon! SO GO SEE IT.
  • For a low budget movie, this movie was more then I expected. It had a good plot line and most of the character relationships were believable. I did have a problem with the relationship between the main character and his old school teacher. The age difference did not seem believable. It was well shot and did not look too "low budget". There were many different locations and even some aerial shots. It kept my attention with quite a lot of good comedy. Some of the improvisation from the secondary cast is great. Keep an eye on the character of "Ratboy", he kept me laughing through most of the movie. Drama, suspense, comedy, farce, romance, the movie has it all. If you get a chance to see it in the theatre or on video, check it out. If you are from Wisconsin or Upper Michigan, this movie should not be missed.
  • I thought this movie was such a gas. It was really just pure fun and I was smiling the whole time. I thought the acting was fantastic, the characters much more so than all of these popular Jud Apatow films that everyone is doing back-flips over. Pete Schwaba pulls off a helluva debut without being crude or vulgar. And the plot is believable, unlike so many of these ridiculous comedies I've seen lately. Its really sweet and endearing, and the first film I've seen in a long time where the hero is a truly good guy who you are honestly rooting for! The humor is quirky and original and I look forward to Mr. Schwaba's next project.
  • I judge a comedy by how often and how much it makes me laugh, and especially how believable it is.

    The Godfather of Greenbay is right on target!

    One of the genuinely funniest movies I've ever seen in a very long time. The movie was much more intricate and clever than I expected. The more often I watched it, the funnier it got! There's a lot going on that's easy to miss. If one is attentive enough to catch most of the clever lines and actions through the first viewing, it's a 10! The scenes and script are extremely authentic and totally believable. It leaves one with rich images, lines and great memories we'll remember and use for a lifetime! It is a very fresh and original film, not afraid to break new ground. It takes the risks necessary to make it a genuine product. I laughed more than I have at movies with budgets a 100 times more. Pete Schwaba is a genius in that regard. It may be the best romantic comedy film ever made for the money! This movie is not only typical of Wisconsin, but of every American small town and their unique everyday way of life. It will definitely not only be added to my DVD collection to enjoy again and again, but it will be my favorite Christmas stocking stuffer this year!
  • esulk19 September 2020
    Such a good job Pete! Better than expected! Love the timeline
  • Eeic "F-ing" Price! How the hell are ya? Long time no talk, as a matter of fact, long time no see.Looks like life & Hollywood did you well! I can't wait to see you, and see you in more movies!!!! I also got to see your "Pop Lockin for cancer on Reno 911!" FUNNIEST STUFF I EVER SAW, except in high school when the teachers said being a class clown wouldn't get you anywhere, and with out skipping a beat you would go right into that whitest of whites voice's only you can do any where. like you did at the end of your skit on Reno 911! You proved them wrong!!! The white studious voice you did at the end of that sense was amazing, JUST LIKE IN HIGH SCHOOL WHEN YOU WOULD GET INTROUBLE. you would go to that voice!!! PISHA on all those who thought you couldn't make it!! How do I get a copy of "The Godfather of Green Bay" movie? I SO HAVE TO SEE IT!! Can't wait until the Reno 911 movie comes out!! I'M SO THERE!!!! Give me an instant message on yahoo Denise_N_Jason_1988 MSN is our e mail address which is

    Denise Manke (Melanie Koser's old best friend, and H.J.'S ex girlfriend, in case you don't remember me, but I bet you do!)
  • I'll never forget the day my wife and I took our nephew to see "The Godfather of Green Bay." How can we ever repay the webmaster at IMDb? More on that later.

    Rarely have I been so excited to see a movie - here is the back-story… While surfing IMDb for local movies & times this past Saturday, my wife stumbled upon a link to "The Godfather" which was apparently showing at a theater some 40 miles from our home. "Hey look!" my wife said to me, " 'The Godfather' is playing!" Although we found it a bit strange that this 1970's classic was showing locally, my wife clicked on the IMDb link to make sure it was the movie we have both come to adore as one of the greatest movies ever made. Wow! The IMDb link brought up the 1972 Coppola classic - we reasoned that perhaps a re-release was in conjunction with the new Godfather video game. Whatever the reason, we soon changed our dinner plans for the evening and called our nephew who attends a local college to inform him to drop everything… "The Godfather" is playing.

    After driving to our nephew's dorm then to the theater, an hour trip one way, my actual quote to my 18 year old movie loving nephew was, "I envy the pleasure you will have seeing this movie for the first time." So, let's see… how can I accurately portray our surprise when "The Godfather of Green Bay" began. I guess it was like the surprise Sonny Corleone felt when he was stuck at the toll booth. For, like Sonny, our evening had been killed. During a cavalcade of under our breath cursing, we realized the mistake - the IMDb web-crew had mistakenly linked the local showing of "The Godfather of Green Bay" to "The Godfather".

    Funny thing - for all we know, "The Godfather of Green Bay" may be the greatest comedy of all-time. But since we were so extremely mad at the IMDb web-geeks and their error, and because we were earlier so jazzed to see "The Godfather" there was no way we could sit through even the first few minutes to find out. So, being disappointed beyond words, and with our popcorn tub barely dented, we left. Anyhow, as indicated, we have the IMDb web-master to thank for our botched evening. Which brings me back to my original question…How can we ever repay him? I'll make him an offer he…well… you know.