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  • The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival closed with the very funny and entertaining "Cupidity", a new film by director John Gallagher ("Blue Moon", "The Deli"). The docucomedy is based on improv revolving around James, the lead character, and his journey into the fiery pits of dating hell in an attempt to find true love.

    After being dumped by his girlfriend Bethany, James goes on an odyssey of 20 dates, all seeming to come out of a fun house of incompatibility. Each date serves as its own comedic set piece in which James is confronted with a wide variety of women who present him with roadblocks in his quest to find Miss Right.

    The film is wall to wall with talented new faces, who are exactly the type you would hope the festival would shine its light on. The brightest of these future stars is the lead, James Gilmartin, who has tremendously appealing charisma, personality, and comic timing as he carries us through the film date after date. He has a strong leading man sensibility, and is a consistent point of reference as we see him matched with swarms of wrong women. Gilmartin demonstrates a true understanding of what an actor must bring to the role of the male lead in a romantic comedy: a man who has a personal sense of dignity and charm, while having the ability to laugh at himself. His performance makes us feel sorry for the poor guy, while at the same time leaving little question that he's of a strong enough personal character to find his way through the loneliest moments of doubt; enabling us to feel secure that this guy's going to be okay, and stronger than before. Someone to laugh with, not at, we are drawn in to James, and are thoroughly entertained for the entire ride.

    The actresses who play his 20 dates also deserve much praise for their ability to individually create interesting characters who, one after the other, simultaneously offer James different and bizarre obstacles to finding the right woman; and each give the audience something fresh, interesting, and funny to watch. The film could have chosen to cover a little less of the entire dating spectrum than it did, allowing for a deeper narrative thread between the main couple's breakup, journey, and resolution. But that said, Gallagher has non the less presented a funny, entertaining, and successful experiment in romantic comedy that deserves the attention of audiences everywhere who are looking for love, laughs, and something to soothe the soul.
  • John Gallagher's "Cupidity" is an endearing NYC romantic comedy that is an undeniably entertaining and heartwarming film, exceptional in that it is completely improvised.

    The lead, James (played by James Gilmartin), shares with us his hilariously misguided and unsuccessful search for love in a refreshingly honest and direct, yet sweet-natured manner. The handsome and lovable Gilmartin manages to display his impressive range, despite the limits set by the nature of the film's genre.

    He succeeds in creating a character who not only inspires laughter and tears, but, most importantly, evokes empathy within the viewer. He achieves this through subtlety, knowingly and confidently counterbalancing the colorful and absurd cast of caricatures that surround him.

    A number of these individuals are also note-worthy, namely Michele Coniglio, who plays the stalker, and Jared Miller, Dr. Cupid. Many of the myriad of women who act as James' dates in his disastrous experiment provide a great deal of laughter as well, due to their outrageousness.

    Though the audience may rightfully desire greater character (i.e. James and Bethany) development, they are awarded with a movie that is touching and universal in its tale of love. Anyone who has sought, found, or lost love can relate to "Cupidity". It is the underlying theme, the final message articulated by James that gives the film its most valuable meaning: in looking for love and in life as a whole, relinquish fear and "be yourself."
  • I was home getting ready to cook myself something to eat when my friend Janice called me and told me her co-worker cancelled their plans for the night so she had an extra ticket for the opening of a new movie. After giving 20 reasons why I should not go out she finally bribed me with dinner at a Italian Restaurant near the theater. After satisfying our hunger we went to see the movie. Luckily we arrived early because I think they underestimated the amount of viewers. We were seated in the middle of the theater and had a good view but quite a few unlucky patrons were standing at the top and sitting on the stairs in the center. I thought the movie had put the horrors of dating in a comedic perspective. I am not familiar with the previous work of any of the actors, directors, or producers of this movie but they knew how to capture the audience's attention and keep a firm grip on it. I think the movie resembles a realistic scene from some dates we have all been on and wish we could forget which makes it so entertaining. I would love to see more films involving the cast in the near future(standby for more reviews guys). The main character,James, is played by a great looking, talented guy, that fit the part perfectly. Not to mention I saw him at the opening and was a bit too shy to walk up to him. I am sure we will see more of him in the near future. Great movie for anyone and everyone who has been on a date. P.S. By any chance that James reads this comment, don't hesitate to contact me.
  • Summary: Fresh faced, funny, fabulous

    I recently saw the premiere of Cupidity at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. It was hard to find a seat so I actually sat on the steps leading up to the aisles (a bit uncomfortable for my tailbone, but on the plus side-nothing to block my view of the screen). Not all of Gallagher's films have won me over, so after he introduced the flick as a docucomedy improvised by himself and the cast, I thought, `Oh, Jees, what have I gotten myself into?' But to my pleasant surprise, he hit a home run with this one! I found myself laughing in unison with the rest of the audience quite consistently from beginning to end. Plot: James loses Bethany, the love of his life, by taking bad advice from Stevie, a male stripper. James embarks on a Manhattan dating odyssey with a gallery of the nuttiest ladies in the city. Bethany learns that true love is possible and James learns the importance of being true to oneself. I think people really liked the film, not only because it was funny, hilarious at times, but because it has a universal theme. I mean, who hasn't had a string of less than ideal dates on the journey to find true love? And you can't beat NYC as the setting. Gallagher's casting was unmistakable. The film is full of unknown talent (but not for long). I have a very good feeling we'll be seeing a number of these fresh faces again especially the lead: James Gilmartin. I can tell you from experience that good improvisation is not easy! And James and the rest of the cast were remarkable in that regard. In sum, this film is a delightful, funny, touching, fast paced little gem and I hope it enjoys a very large audience. P.S. Be sure to take your vitamins and bring your strongest constitution for the anal surgery date! ;)