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  • With Tallulah gone, T-Shirt attempts to surprise surrogate aunt (I guess) Tabatha by inviting her to an opera (one again in a Victorian setting) only for T-Bag to encounter her deceitful cousin Vanity (V-Bag?), played by Glenda Jackson, adding a dose of double Oscar winning credibility to the show.

    Vanity plots to oust the rightful leading lady of the Opera, while T-Bag tries to get in on the act too. James Saxon shows up, once again playing a disturbing man-child (why did they go with this guy so often?) and, as usual, no one listens to T-Shirt's logic or common sense.

    The slapstick is okay, and Georgina Hale is amusingly over-the-top but this special ain't going down in history. I did like seeing her in the bathtub though, even if she was covered in bubbles.