User Reviews (2)

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  • Having never previously viewed a Portuguese film, I was curious about this particular new production due to its famed director (who apparently was a pioneer of Brazil's New Wave movement). Like the recent hit SYRIANA, Portugal SA may be hailed as a political thriller, exposing the dark side of politicians and their ties to corporate bosses. It explores about 10 major characters, all of whom know each other very well. They are highly influential in their career, and are lifelong friends. A bitter businessman comes along, takes in one of the guys, and the dilemma of "to double cross or not to double cross" begins. There is also a priest, who is sort of like the chief adviser to the group of influential characters, who secretly reads and narrates Machiavelli's "The Prince"--a text frowned upon by the church. But indeed, this film illustrates that some concepts from "The Prince" are very much alive in politics and abroad today, and hints that they may be essential for success. Although the government and situations depicted are Portuguese, I think the ideas are relevant beyond national scope. Bravo to Guy Guerra for undertaking this risky project.
  • darkforcepet4 February 2006
    I've seen better Portuguese films, hence the low vote. However this movie has a particular value, it is a great social critic a depicts very well the ways in which politics and business deal with each other.

    This movie has one asset which makes it even more interesting: the realism. This movie is based on a very recent true story that happened in Portugal, thats why any Portuguese person watching it will soon identify and familiarize with the movie.

    Technically speaking, this movie doesn't impress, the soundtrack is basic, the picture too, the actors aren't amateurs but not very professional either! In spite of all these not so positive arguments the movie is entertaining and elucidating.