User Reviews (4)

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  • This film may have the highest "entertainment value : Production cost" ratio ever. Yeah, its a very cheap flick, and you can tell from the start. The actors and producers, however, use this to their advantage, ultimately adding much to the comedic value of the film. I'm really pumped up about the upcoming new film from Dead Gentlemen-- The Gamers II: Dorkness Rising.

    If any of you are MMO gamers, you could compare this film to the online shorts on The Gamers, however, is better written, acted, and conceived. If you've ever had any experience with gaming (D & D, computer RPGs, etc.), you'll enjoy this flick.
  • "The Gamers" takes a look at the world of role-playing games, and the idiosyncrasies of some of the players. The ending will surprise many, and make those who actually play roll in the floor. (and this from a gamer!) Just make sure your DVD player is relatively new (newer than 5 years) or you won't be able to get beyond the startup screen. (I learned that the hard way.) If you are a gamer, or know someone who is, I recommend this movie. Take it to a con, show it at your next tournament, whatever. Dead Gentlemen Productions has produced an entertaining video with all the elements of a good game - a dungeon, costumes, munchies, an "evil" girlfriend. I thought it was worth buying, and I'm a poor college student (paying my own tuition!).
  • This movie is not the same as "The Gamers" made in 2002! The above reviewer is confusing the hilarious 2002 "The Gamers" with this movie, incorrectly titled "The Gamers". I have been to GenCon SoCal where they screened this movie, it is called "Gamers:The Movie". "The Gamers" is the Dead Gentlemen Productions movie of 2002. Also, there is a new movie from the Dead Gentlemen Production, which is called "Dorkness Rising." I have seen the preview trailers of "Dorkness Rising." It seems interesting. By the way, I am just a fan of "The Gamers," who feels responsible to inform the viewers about the misconception. Please do check out the facts if you had any doubt about what I have said here. You will see the discrepancy.
  • I'd heard about this movie back in 2003 when it first came out, but I didn't get a chance to see it until tonight when my boyfriend brought it home from his weekly comic pick up.

    (I want to make something perfectly clear before I continue: I am a role-player by heart, so I might have secretly enjoyed it more than I should have. I'm also one of the rarer breed of gamers: I'm a girl.)

    I throughly enjoyed the movie. If you've ever played a RPG, then you know full well how your mind plays out the scenarios and of course, you strive to make them the best they can be. To this end, even though it is a budget film, it only takes a small budget, imagination and a lot of laughs to really appreciate what we rpgers do in our spare time. It was very well done and I am anticipating the sequel to this movie, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising. If you want to spend $20 on a movie that you'll watch over and over (I've seen it 3 times already tonight), and you want a good laugh, then I highly suggest this movie.