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  • nyarnebbanot29 January 2022
    Worst anime ever. This is the worst anime ever period to come hot out of Japan. Or cold because this OVA is a one dead body

    The characters are dumb. There is guy, girl girl and guy and there was one person named Junpei and that's it.

    The characters hold a McGuffin which some stereotypical mob boss wants. He's totally not Yakuza because that would be a good drive.

    The animation is ok. It's your typical anime fair with big detailed eyed adults and it looks like every anime ever at the time. The animation is sort of smooth but nothing remarkable.

    The climax has only car chases and giant robots which looks like Metal Gear.

    The music is forgettable and the dub is bad.

    Overall, Tokyo Vice isn't high octane. It's just bland. Avoid or if you want a cheap laugh watch it. Watch a movie with characters.