User Reviews (98)

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  • I took my 10 year old daughter and her friend to see this movie, and only after few minutes I panicked thinking I made a mistake about the rating of the movie. This movie was NOT PG material! I like Hillary Duff, but I have to say that she is far from a good actress, and her sister Hailey can not act at all. They need to seriously take some acting classes. The movie had many racist comments, like when they pretend to be Mexican janitors, or when they run away from the black guy... and also some offensive comments like the comments about the people in the public buss. It was more like they are playing them real selves on the big screen. Spoiled celebrities who love to waist money and give their left overs to the "needy" and name it charity work. I do not recommend this movie and regret taking my daughter to it.
  • I was looking forward to this movie for the longest time because I thought it would be a very cute movie. I wasn't completely disappointed in Hilary her or her sister, I was disappointed in the movie! I thought it could have used a little more in the beginning and maybe the directing could have been a little better. It was kind of boring and slow. Closer to the end there were a few good laughs and it got better. But not so much that you fell in love with the movie. I watched it again the next day to really see how I felt about the movie, but it just made it seem worse. I myself was not in love with the movie. I wasn't talking about it for hours when it got over or anything like that, like you do after a movie that you fall in love with. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.
  • As a huge Hilary Duff fan, I've always enjoyed her work because she's so lovable. Unfortunately, Material Girls was almost the type of thing I would expect from Disney Channel not MGM Studios. On the plus side, the Duff sisters were likable in this movie and I came out thinking that Haylie was quite a good actress because she really brought something special to her character. Hilary also took a step up and proved herself a little bit more as an actress in certain scenes. If you really like the Duff girls, go see it and have a good time because this movie does pick up and get kind of fun but if you're looking for a really great movie, I would suggest you look elsewhere.
  • kayjayt21 August 2006
    I was 100% disappointed with this movie. I am usually a fan of the cheesy girlie movies, and Hilary Duff. Unfortunately the acting in this movie was not there. It seemed more like a movie done between the Duff sisters for fun. You could tell they were acting, not very believable. I'm one of the people who don't normally notice these things too! The plot wasn't that unique and it was so short with nothing really happening, and it was predictable. Yuck! I'm sure they had fun making it, but I didn't have fun watching it. And I don't think anyone else in the theater did either, instead when it FINALLY ended everyone just kinda hurried out of their in silence (nothing good to talk about). See it yourself if you want to, I'm just trying to save you your time.
  • Material Girls

    reviewed by Sam Osborn

    rating: 1 out of 4

    There's a moment in Material Girls when the infinitely wise and humble lawyer at the Free Legal Clinic bears down on the equally infinite stupidity of Ava Marchetta (Haylie Duff) and coolly snarls, "you're all frosting, without the cupcake." Granted, this one-liner is of no great wit or intelligence it does hold a kind of all-encompassing truth about Material Girls. Except, in saying Material Girls has as much density as a cupcake's frosting is probably giving the film a world of credit it has no business deserving.

    The gimmick of Material Girls is in the Duff sisters. Whatever film photographed behind them on the film's posters is immaterial. For all we care, this could be Hong Kong Kung Fu Fury, just as long as it stars the Duff sisters. So in the same way people go to see Snakes on a Plane just to see some actual snakes on an actual plane, people will go see Material Girls only to watch they're adolescent idols bouncing and hopping and giggling about in front of the camera. The quality of the film behind them is irrelevant; just a prettily painted canvas for a blonde hullabaloo. But for all those parents goaded into bringing their ten-year old daughter, I suppose a synopsis is appropriate. Ava and Tanzie Marchetta (Haylie and Hilary Duff) are the faces of Marchetta Facial Products. They're glistening socialites in the vane world inhabited in reality by Paris Hilton and her partying cohorts–minus the sex tapes. They're father, Victor Marchetta, passed away two years earlier and the company will soon be left in the girls' hands. But when a cut-rate newscaster breaks a scandal on Marchetta products causing cancer, the girls' stock plummets and they're left, gasp, without their credit cards. The girls must unite and disprove the accusations in order to save the image of their father. In the process of course, Ava and Tanzie must learn humility and sincerity through the conduit of their loss of funds and fortune.

    Director Martha Coolidge stumbles in her approach to the material. The film's intention bounces between parody and sentimentality. Sometimes it strives to ooze sympathy for its ditzy protagonists and rolls out the morals by the bushel. But other times, Coolidge ravages her characters with a volley of farcical gags. There's a happy middle-ground between the two intentions that a better director would likely find: where the believably clueless socialites learn to interact with the similarly convincing world of middle-class American society. But Coolidge veers more towards the feel of a sitcom, sans laugh-track. Without it, the jokes fall flat. Neither of the Duffs have a sense of comic timing and the screenplay doesn't bother with helping them along. Material Girls is so woefully unfunny that not even the heaps of twelve-year girls could be heard laughing.

    Just before the film started, I mistimed my restroom break and admittedly missed the opening minute or two of the movie. I asked my girlfriend, who'd been kind enough to sit through its entirety, what I'd missed afterwards in that opening minute. She explained it to me and I felt a deep sympathy for her. She was subjected to two more minutes of Material Girls, and the thought of any more torture was physically painful to me. That's essentially the effect Material Girls has: it is physically painful to endure.
  • TJSaffa24 August 2006
    First let me say that I like the Duff sisters, so I was not looking to hate this movie. In fact, we own Hilary's previous movies on DVD and I figured we'd eventually own this one too. Now that I've seen ("wasted money on" is another way to say it) this movie, I can tell you I will not ever buy this and will never watch this again.

    The only reason I gave this a one instead of a two is that I genuinely like the Duff sisters. I was looking forward to a movie that my daughter would like and I would enjoy, if not just tolerate. I think the sisters should fire their agents, advisers, producers, or whoever put them up to this. It did nothing to enhance their careers. And I'm still not sure who they thought their audience is. Certainly no adults would (or should) choose to see this movie if they weren't going for their daughters, but neither was this movie properly aimed at young girls (the Duffs' main fan base.) As far as the PG rating, I am not a prude - I actually own Mean Girls, and I am fairly liberal about what my children watch (e.g., we love Friends, even though others think the material is not always appropriate for kids) but I squirmed in my seat for the moms that had younger children in the audience, as well as for my 11 year old daughter. Without going into detail - no spoilers - there were blatant references to adultery, gang banging, and sex that I did not think appropriate at all. There was some foul language. There was outright prejudice against all sorts of people. Referencing an earlier review, yes the comment was about "I Love Lucy" and not a Hispanic nanny, but nonetheless, annoying anyway.

    Most importantly, the movie was mindless, and it didn't have to be. The Duff sisters aside, there were some genuinely talented people in the cast (Anjelica Huston, Maria Conchita Alonso) but the script was so bad that there was no saving this movie. There was a shot at redemption near the end, but the screenwriters blew that too. (How do these things even become movies?) It's almost as if the creators know that this movie won't last but a nano-second in history, as evidenced by the constant mainstream references and advertising plugs. Technically, there was bad continuity (Check out Hilary's hairstyles - in the beginning there is one scene where her french braid magically disappears with a camera angle change; or the lips moving out of sequence with the dialogue)and the jarring special effects editing were distracting and juvenile.

    Like the characters themselves, this movie is all form with no substance.
  • jotix10010 April 2008
    If you are a fan of trendy clothes, superficiality, and emptiness, "Material Girls" is the film for you. But, if on the contrary, you have a mind of your own, and couldn't care less for designer labels, and all the trendiness of a certain group of people, then this is a movie you might not enjoy. Even as the Marchetta girls keep getting poorer by the minute, they seem to have a knack for pulling the right outfits to go with their new impoverished state!

    One was curious as to what attracted Martha Coolidge, its director, to such paper thin material. She has done better with other movies, so we were surprised to see her at the helm of this project which will not add anything to her resume. As far as the acting goes, this movie will not win any awards, that's for sure. Even Angelica Huston, an actress of excellent taste seems to be asking to herself, "What am I doing in this piece of $#%%^%"!
  • shannstarr4219 August 2006
    Wow. This movie was bad. Terrible acting, dumb plot, unbelievably boring. I wanted to leave after the first 10 minutes! The Duff sisters are normally bearable (i loved A Cinderella Story and Raise Your Voice), in this, they weren't. I think there were about 10 people in the theater, and about 2 people laughing at the "jokes". I suggest not seeing this. Unless you can see it for free. Even then, maybe you should think about it... I want my hour and 40 minutes back. And my money. Kids might enjoy it... but none of the kids in the theater i went to were really acting like they liked it. So i can't tell you for sure.
  • OK I know it's not the best film ever made, God knows it would only compete in Razzie nominations! However I think we all love a chick flick every now and again, pretty, rich and kinda dumb girls, cute guys and a cosmetics empire! PERFECT for a boring Sunday afternoon. I gave the film 5 out of 10 because I don't really think its worth more than that, but I don't think it's as bad as the IMDb user rating, or to be placed #1 in the bottom 100 there are far worse movies out there you could see. The Duff sisters aren't going to be acting legends, nor Oscar winners so don't expect the best when it comes to the acting. The plot is a tad superficial but you will get a few cheap giggles and it will brighten your mood.
  • rivertam2623 August 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    OK so Material girls is awful. It's bland, redundant, silly, clichéd but strangely likable. There is just nothing right about this movie. It's all wrong., but it's very likable like it's two stars. Hilary and Haylie Duff are not good actresses by any stretch but they have that something that makes them popular. Barely retaining any talent they managed to stay in the spotlight. As for the movie it's about two sisters that are heads of their late fathers Cosmetics company they're socialites and referred to as the Marscheta sisters. Overnight a scandal takes place and bankrupts their entire company. Leaving them on their own to fend for themselves. There is of course the obligatory corny romances Hilary with hottie Columbo and Haylie with geeky but endearing Haas. Huston plays the villain the head of Fabiella cosmetics looking to buy their company. Although she really isn't much of a villain and Spiner of TV's Star Trek (Data) stars as their chummy trustee. The film works as you would think it would. There is nothing especially surprising about it. Except that it's just a bit more grown up of a film than you might usually expect from Hilary Duff. You'll finally recognize that her body has filled out and she's not afraid to flaunt it, especially her upper half. Recently she became quite emaciated but has filled out since than and looks healthy and good, very good. And there is a strange prison lesbian scene with Hilary it's all there upping the awfulness and yet adding to the likability as well. This is a strange movie when it does everything wrong but you just can't hate it. Martha Coolidge directed this likable mess and it's a far cry from her much better but slightly muddled Prince and me. So yes I found myself disappointed, but not by much. It's kind of what I expected. there was minimal advertisisng and not a big push for the film. But hey I liked it, I think...

    **1/2 (out of four) ????
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hilary Duff and her sister Haylie shine as sparkling young cubic zirconium professional heiresses. They have everything their bleached blonde little hearts could ever want, until OH NOES someone said mean things about their dear dead daddy, who just happened to be a cosmetics mogul in life. So, OH NOES, their feelings are hurt and their stocks go down and all in all they lose about a million bucks out of a hundred million. The people responsible for this piece of garbage obviously realized that not every pre-teen girl who saw this film would be quite as stupid as the characters in it, and therefore would not be inclined to feel any sympathy for the poor little bimbos, and so to make sure that our heart strings were successfully twanged, they burned down the girls' house, had their car stolen, and had all their friends abandon them. Actually, the girls burnt their own house down by setting fire to their makeup, and they gave their car keys to a couple of men who weren't actually valets. Oh, how I sobbed for their loss. I really sympathize more with their friends, fair-weather as they may be, who I saw as very intelligent rats who were finally blessed with an excuse to desert a sinking ship.

    The girls decide that dear daddy couldn't have done all those mean things he was accused of(creating makeup that causes face-rotting cancer)and set out to prove it. They enlist the help of a hunky young lab technician and a hunky young attorney to clear daddy's name, and set out on a adventure fraught with peril(public transportation)and hardship(having nothing to wear).

    This movie might have been tolerable, perhaps even enjoyable, if it had not been for one major factor: the characters have no real motive for anything they do. The girls aren't threatened with destitution, they're about to make millions off of the sale of their company. They have all the money they could ever want, but it isn't enough for them. They want it all, and they get it all. They end up right back where they started, with all the money, clothes, friends, makeup, and teacup chihuahuas they weren't actually in any danger of losing.

    The film tries very, very hard to provide the characters with some deeper motivation. They're not fighting for the spare change they lost over the scandal, no, they're fighting to clear their father's name! They're not throwing a tantrum over hurt feelings, they're standing up for themselves! The movie tries, so very, very hard, to show the girls learning some lesson about humility or responsibility or some other such teen movie drabble, and it fails completely. Both girls get all their money and their boys, and the movie comes across as a taunt to the audience. A sort of "Ha ha, we're so cool. Don't you wish you could be cool like us? Let's go get manicures! And after that, shoes!" message. In the end, this film might entertain Paris Hilton, but the rest of us are left wondering why today's society encourages this type of behavior, and more importantly, why we wasted 97 minutes of our time watching this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you want to go out and have a bit of fun, get a laugh and don't want the living daylights scared out of you with the recent release of 'Snakes on a Plane' well Material Girls will be a good choice. It may be a little silly but at the end of the day its a lighthearted movie with a good message. The Duff sisters acting talent has to be commended. Hilary acting like I have never seen her before. She is no longer acting a little goodie-girl but has made the transition into an adult who is a lot of fun to watch on screen. The elder Duff, Haylie, also has to be mentioned for her great acting skills and humour. Over all a likable movie with a moral which is worth seeing.
  • One there were only like three joke that were funny, the acting made me want to commit suicide, Hilary and Hayley were Just plain disturbing and Angelica Huston looked like she was going to kill herself.I would too if i had to work with them.Through out the whole movie there all like"I'm not paying you till i see your good service" which was retarded they know that you have to pay and also everybody knows how to clean and they have to act like they don't. o and by the way people there remake of the song sucks!i truly hope all of you take my advice and don't go see this movie even if you rent it. DON'T. Oh also after the movie i complained for my money back. So if you see this movie and don't like it complain. I wasted 10 dollars.
  • High time we had a hangin'. You know, I actually like Hilary Duff. She isn't so bad, compared to most of her contemporaries. Then she had to go and crap out a "movie" like this. I'm appalled that Anjelica Huston has fallen so far. Say it ain't so, Morticia. I heard this was written for the Olsen Twins, and they turned it down. I've seen New York Minute. If the Olsens turned it down, you have to be dumb or desperate to sign up, cuz it's gonna be bad. Hilary and Haley oughta get strung up for this. What a waste of talent. Maybe they'll do a horror flick and it'll happen, and then we can forgive them for swinging so low (no pun intended.) Let us pray to the movie gods for something good, soon. Please.

    But for now...somebody go get a rope.
  • Material Girls was possibly the most painful movie I have ever watched. I couldn't stop cringing, and felt embarrassed for every person involved in producing this film. I'll be honest: I love reality TV, so I can tolerate bad writing, but the writing in Material Girls made me cringe every single moment. Subplots appeared out of nowhere and dropped out without explanation. But the worst parts of the movie (and there are so many bad moments) were the little touches of racism: Hillary Duff's imitation of a "gang-banger" by putting on a bad Mexican accent, and the black executive's (the only minor character who didn't overact, actually) breaking out into rap at the end. I mean overwhelming awfulness is one thing, but overwhelming awfulness plus racism is quite another.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movies storyline was a good idea , I remember before I saw this DVD I thought this would a a good chick flick, but it wasn't hilary and haylie's acting was terrible as always. I must admit I didn't expect it to be Oscar worthy, but a movie that was average and fun. In the scene where hilary (tanzi or something) gives haylie (ava) a pampering type session she accidentally knocks over the nail polish remover and then when ava is smoking she "throws the cigarette" onto the carpet with the nail polish remover on it, oh yes which is highly flammable! Soo...the house sets on fire, what do they do..? They run OUT of the house screaming taking a few possessions with them. Pathetic. These are the parts of the movie I don't understand, I know they are supposed to be ditsy and its supposed to be funny, but its at a point where making dumb stunts like that make the movie boring and not funny..I would find a fart joke better...
  • mec213712 July 2007
    I give this movie a solid 2. The acting is terrible. The plot is horrible. The sets are boring. You could turn the sound off and follow along without any problems it is so idiotic. What little plot there is, is predictable. There is really nothing redeeming about this film - except - the Duff girls. They are smoking hot. Based on those two pieces of eye candy alone, I give the "two".

    Without their looks I would give it a 0.

    If you want to watch a better chick teen flick, try Mean Girls. Or watch a real movie like Animal House or Bullitt or Gladiator or Apocolypto or Cinderella Man.
  • If 0 were a valid vote number, it would be great to put a couple to First, I'm not the typical guy that just goes to see this kind of movies for the bit**** that appears on the cast(Come on people, you actually do that?), but mostly i see these kind of movies because im bored or because i have nothing else to see on the cinemas..that's the LAST time i will do something so stupid like that. I'm sorry if you are below 15,you're spoiled and rich,dumb blonde,retarded,racist or all of these options and you're still reading this. This movie is...choose whatever word fits for "steaming coil of blonde clichéd crap" I thought nobody actually liked this kind of movies(and only appear to fill the genre) but tough the fact that they keep appearing, I REALLY can't imagine the kind of behavior teen girls will have after seeing this movie. *Common mom, don't make me wear this, is soooooo yesterday!* *OMG, like, it's not trademarked!* *I can't believe you don't change brands...*

    Sadly, I'm immune to the Duff's "Magic" because, movies are SUPPOSED to be looked by anyone,not only for the fans(in that case, they should be sold,as direct to video movies). On the other Hand,these kind of movies, don't make a better opinion for them. It's actually more bashing for blonde's (and teens) that they express the dumbness to a exponential level(Women can't do anything,trusts anybody(even local thugs),can't cook,wash,etc). Brainless people who actually defends the Duff's for "Masterpieces" like this, should be more worried about their own problems.Jealousy? For what? What they have done for me to worry about them? These girls KNOW that they can't act.When I see this pair actually doing a movie about...a modest life with REAL troubles(let's say, paying the bills and actually getting a job)with a San Bernardo instead of the Fu**ing Chihuahua,I will smile at them.I thought one Paris was enough.. Two Zeros
  • SNAKES ON A PLANE is a GREAT bad movie because no one takes it seriously. It's preposterous, implausible, stupid and dumb and it KNOWS it! MATERIAL GIRLS is bad because the people who made this movie took themselves seriously. I feel sorry for Angelica Houston--she must need money or something....why would she lower herself to appear in such a horrible film? And as for the DUFF sisters, I think they're highly over-rated, spoiled and are two of the worst actresses in the world...don't even get me started on Hilary's singing! Parents should NOT let their children see movies like this as it sends a bad message. And children, in general, need to get over their pre-occupation with money and fame--as if the glamorous life accounts for a lack of morales and stupidity.

    Thank God the Duff sisters may not get hired to do motion pictures on the big screen after this. They'll be stuck on television where you can just turn them off...
  • I happened to stumble across this film one day on Netflix (I think.... maybe it was HBOGO) while I was home terribly sick one day. Normally I really don't have any interest in films of this sort... "Chick Flicks" or whatever you might want to call it... I am more of a documentary type of person and when I do watch "movies" that aren't documentaries, they are usually either crime type movies that are based on a true story or psychological thrillers or something more in that vein. Now, when my 17 year old daughter was very little, she LOVED Hilary Duff and I thought that Hilary had a very nice singing voice and was MUCH more of a positive role model than many of the other "tween pop" artists out there and I had also seen her on the Lizzy Maguire series and thought she was just adorable. So, while this movie is not some sort of "cinematic tour de force" it is definitely fun, lighthearted, and something very easy to watch when you are not feeling well. I quite enjoyed it and have watched it several times since. Definitely recommend to young women and also found it to be appropriate to show to "preteen" girls who I think might enjoy it for a sleepover or something.... in the same kind of category as "13 Going on 30" which is another of my "guilty pleasures"!
  • toivomartikainen23 February 2007
    This movie is close to being the worst movie I've ever seen. The actors suck, there's no real dialogue and the plot doesn't have anything into it. The Duff sisters act so poorly, and the other characters aren't good, either. All the characters say are some stupid one-liners and the plot doesn't really get a chance to grow (like it would matter, because the whole idea sucks).

    I saw Material Girls on an airplane when flying from Finland to Hong Kong. We continued our trip from HK to Cambodia, and another airline showed the movie. It was a nightmare, and the second time especially was breaking my balls.

    If I could give zero out of ten, I would. This movie is a total waste of money. One of those pieces that should've never been made.
  • anon121219 December 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought the movie was fun. It was somewhat silly & predictable, but overall I thought the Duff sisters were great. I liked watching their characters' progression through the movie. I would love to see the Duffs in more physical comedy roles. They were really good. It felt like I was watching Lucille Ball. I felt there was some real insight into the confusion that could come from having one's life turned upside-down. There was some very true statements on having to adjust and recognize the things about yourself that aren't always good. And true to form the girls had to adjust every day as they continued to learn. The gags were the best part. Some of the "moral of the story" parts dragged, but when it was funny it was very funny.
  • mersedeh_s22 August 2006
    I found the title interesting because the title Material GIrls is a song from Maddona.My mom and I went to the movie....I found it better. For those fans of Hailey Duff she played this as a good piece of the puzzle.

    If u were thinking that Hillary Duff always does the same thing she's doing the same thing that she always does (Not Predictable!!. It is interesting there was a lot of metamorphosis in this movie=D.TO tell you the truth I don't feel like writing all of this gig.BUT I WILL! It's not a movie that you'll say awe I wish I went to the pirates of the Caribbean instead, unless you like fighting shows and you're a boy.Before I went to see this movie since people said hardly anything good about it I thought I would not like it as much as for instance the Pirates of the Caribean.Mostly girls from the age of 6-12 will like this movies more than younger and elders=).yes great movie if u saw this message thanks if u agreed or listened OR thought it was funny for a kid to talk like this thank you for your cooperation!
  • bio-hazardous18 August 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was worse than I anticipated. And I expected it to be pretty bad. It was stupid, the acting was terrible and the whole movie was completely forgettable. The acting was too much. They exaggerated most of their actions.

    Their vocabulary was unimpressive and simple.

    It was another typical Hollywood heiress goes broke movie. While they're spending their money, they stupidly burn down their house and (OMG!) get jobs and take public transportation. Then they move in with their former maid - which doesn't make sense. So Duff and Duffer spend the whole movie, pouting, prancing, dancing around, text messaging and horrifying the audience with their fake acting.

    The only real acting was their stupidity during the whole movie. The humor was shallow and pretty useless. Overall, I thought it was a waste of my money.

    Some critics were so shocked by the horribleness of this movie, they thought that it was not worthy of being published.
  • iloveorli45430 August 2006
    I call it a pack rat movie. Why? because much like tinfoil and shiny things lure in pack rats, this kind of movie, with its overdose of fashion, diamonds, and corny one-liners draws in the pack rat audience, mostly comprising of 8 year old girls. (no offense) But while I would give it a low rating for that, this movie is even lower, because not even the story is original. If any of you out there are Disney channel lovers(like me!)you will know what I am talking about. As we flip through the endless list of Disney channel original movies,from corny to amazing to just plain bad,we come upon one movie. Cowbelles, made earlier this year, stars Aly and AJ as two rich, spoiled sisters who are made to work by their father after he loses his money made through his dairy factory. Sound familiar? Yeah I thought so. Both movies are pack rat movies, bursting to the seams with exurbanite fashion and huge amounts of bling,screaming, and shopping trips. they both also feature a common theme, that it is always good to work for your money, and after enduring some minor hardships, they come out changed people. they also come out with hot boy toys, and a "greater sense of the world". My summary? Material Girls is simply a badly made, copycat, pack rat movie that should stay at the back of the movie closet.
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