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  • nagratron16 October 2005
    This is as close a depiction of "Punk Rock" on film you'll ever get. Its not that bad a horror movie either. Every shot, every line, every sound is horribly important. It should be mandatory watching for every high school student and they should only be allowed to listen to November Spawned a Monster by Morrissey for a week. On cassette tape. Not on their I-Pod. This should give them a beginning of an idea of what their up against. Technically, the film has its limitations but these actually work to the films advantage. It adds to the spirit of the film. Fogged film, audio peaks, scratched film, bad acting, unsecure sets and locations, small budget, and stuff. A real slice of Americana. They're dead, they're all messed up.
  • BitterMan2314 March 2005
    I have watched this about 1000 times. Its the best zombie documentary short film I have ever seen. The best scene is when the one zombie is eating a guy in a field and he sees the documentary crew, so he runs away. the actor is totally goofy as he runs!!! hahaha what was he eating anyway? it looked like a tongue! The only thing that bothers me is all the Hitler/Nazi subliminal messages. I don't understand why they are in the movie. Was Hitler a zombie?? Also why does the Bryce hick become Jimbob later in the movie? But that aside, its still a good movie, and the people who did it clearly put a lot of work into it. The makeup is just as good as a Romero zombie film, with a lot of gore (though there is one CGI gore effect that looks horrible, I'm not sure why they did that). If you can find this, I recommend checking it out.