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  • I've been wondering lately whether paying for cable TV is such a good investment. After all, how much do I watch that I really like ? Some series occasionally make me chuckle, but nothing extraordinary.

    That is, until "Mio Figlio" came along. The beautiful beach city of Trieste, and the fact that it is in Italian, caught my attention. It starts out as your typical murder story : An older detective is investigating the death of a young woman and many clues are pointing to his own son.

    The detective, Dr Vivaldi, is thus forced to reevaluate his relationship with his now remarried ex- wife, his son, a budding policeman, his work, and his place into the world. The murder theme is there in the background, but the story starts to become much more, as it goes inside the lives of those people and their insecurities.

    I don't think I will spoil anyone's viewing by saying that the actor who plays the son is so talented and attractive that he can carry the film on his own. Attractive I mean in a real way, not puffed up.

    Make no mistake. Although the title means "My Son", the movie is about the father, a man who wants the world to be his way, and the lessons he is forced to learn.

    The subtitles disappeared due to a poor signal, and I was surprised to see that I actually enjoyed the movie better. How come? Because only excellent actors like those can convey emotion and intention with their face and the mere sound of their voice.

    So take out your popcorn and prepare to be dazzled and entertained!
  • jotix10013 December 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    We were pleasantly surprised by this Italian film made for television. It was presented in its original format by a cable channel. Its creators ought to be congratulated for what they have achieved with the story that rings true and it's treated with dignity and respect.

    Imagine what a blow it can be for a father in a macho society to learn, in the worst way, his son is gay! To make matters worse, Federico Vivaldi, a police detective in Trieste, also works with his son Stefano, who is a member of the force. Federico realizes it will be a terrible life for his son in that type of environment, rejected by his colleagues at work.

    When a crime is committed in the city, Federico investigates, which leads to his discovery of a gay underground where the murder occurred, which in turn bares the fact that Stefano has been hiding his true sexuality from his father for fear of how the older Vivaldi will react. Federico, who takes is badly at first, realizes Stefano is a good son and promptly comes to see him with pride as both get closer.

    The film was directed by Luciano Odorisio, whose work we haven't seen before. The film relies on the excellent contribution of the two principals, Lando Buzzanca and Giovanni Scifoni who appear as Federico and Stefano, respectively.

    If this film is shown in your area, don't hesitate to watch it. It was a nice surprise for this viewer.
  • chiefshamus28 December 2019
    The movie script kept my attention. Kudos to the folks behind the movie's creation. I hope to watch more Italian produced movies.