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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Before Ms. O'Donnell got her shot at her show, made it successful, then turned on her audience "if you don't agree with me, you're wrong", there was Wil Shriner's show.

    Basically the same setup, but Wil was funnier, never resorted to shlock like Rosie did (when she would mess up lines, she would make funny gibberish).

    He would have a pair of sisters, grown women, who were hysterical. They said their mother had been an only child and she didn't know how to punish her daughters when they were bad, so she would make one clean the windows from the outside and the other clean from the inside and the girls would be spraying each other's faces and be laughing in no time.

    They did homemade Halloween costumes with leotards making rabbit ears, then the costumes didn't work right.

    HOmemade taffy made them think of (they said it in unison) "Little House on the Prairie." ?????? These sisters were on a show with Dr. Joyce Brothers (who thought they were wonderful) along with Harry Anderson, Jay Johnson, Gary Sienfeld and George Wallace, who were dumbfounded by the stories the ladies told about playing hide-and-seek and rolling up in the garage door and forgetting she was there.

    Another funny episode had Richard Moll (from Night Court). Wil thought it would be fun to put wigs on Moll's bald head. Moll is a very easy going guy, but the stare he gave that box of wigs caused Wil to lower the box back down to the floor and wait for Moll's okay to try on the wigs. Moll seemed amused that he got that reaction.

    At this time, Michael J. Fox was riding high on his motion picture success, so it was quite a surprise and a boon for Wil to get Fox to appear on his show.

    The sisters sang a song about replacing their husbands with a department store mannequin that I still have on audiotape.

    One oddball episode had Jay Thomas, Cathy Ladman and a searching-for-an-identity Gary Coleman (this was during Gary's rap period with that other fellow), and Ladman told a hysterical bit about going through the Canadian border and mistaking the patrol woman as thinking that she said Americans aren't funny.

    "Where are you from?" "The United States." "What do you do?" "I'm a comedian." -- The patrol woman thought Ladman said she was a Canadian.

    "I thought you said you were from the United STates?" -- Ladman thinks the woman is saying Americans aren't funny.

    "You know, humorist Will Rogers was a great American." -- Ladman seemed to have no idea why she said this.

    "I don't care who you are related to. Are you trying to be funny? What are you, some kind of comedian?" "No, I'm from the United States." No idea why Wil's show didn't work, unless it just wasn't the right time for such a show.

    Rosie did the same thing, but a lot louder. Maybe Wil was too quiet.