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  • Warning: Spoilers
    ****Spoiler in review**** It is late, and being the night owl I am, was kinda just sitting around and watching the channel "Plex". I had just finished watching "My bodyguard" and was about to play some video games until I saw on the cable guide the "The weeping woman of the river" was on next. Well i am always up for a good ghost story, I mean the title interested me right away, I was surprised to see it was only a half an hour and in Spanish with English subtitles, so I was not sure how I'd feel about it, so i jumped on here as I began watching it, to see if it had been reviewed...No review, so what the heck, i gave it a shot and here's what it is about. The story starts with two young boys in present day playing with a ball, well the ball gets kicked over into a stream. As one of the young boys goes down to fetch it, the other hollers to him to be careful or the weeping woman will get him. It is from this point a flashback occurs bringing us to past (i'd say early 1900's maybe older.. To a party being held for a young beautiful Spanish girl named Esperanza. Her parents are a proud mild class family that are trying to reserve their name as well as their daughters innocence. During the party, an old hag crashes the party to steal some food, she is chased off and runs into the woods. Esperanza waits awhile and then wonders into the woods ( probably had some curiosity as to where the old woman lived), To her surprise, her hansom secret lover Ricardo jumps out to greet her. He tells her that he will be away for awhile (I am not exactly sure why...military perhaps?). They make love, and Ricardo disappears into the night with the promise of return in a years time. Soon afterwords, Esperanze starts getting morning sickness, her mother finds out as does her father, and needless to say they are NOT happy with her. They send her away to live with her aunt Lupita. Her aunt Lupe, is a recluse that lives deep out in the woods away from other people and it is a lonely place, the way her aunt Lupe likes it. Alone and sad, Esperanza tries writing to her lover Ricardo to inform him of her situation, but receives no replies. Months go by and Esperanza finally gives birth to a baby,and has her aunt send for her parents and Ricardo. Her aunt Lupe informs Esperanza that her parents are on the way, but Ricardo will not be coming for he is getting married. Esperanza is devastated by this news, and later that night goes out into the woods with her child and drown it in a near by stream. As morning approaches, poor Esperanza walks back to her aunts house, only to find Ricardo getting off a wagon. He greets her with a big smile and loving kiss and tells her he has come for her and the baby, that it was a lie, he was never getting married to someone else. Esperanza turns and runs back walk into the woods, screaming "where's my child..where's my child".... Back to present time, the young boy by the river is still trying to get his ball out other the water and both him and his playmate suddenly hear the wailing and ghostly cry... "where's my child, where's my child", they run off.. and the story ends. I'd say it was an interesting short tale, and supposedly based on a real ghost in Spain. anyways, check it out, the scene with her drowning her baby is heartbreaking, as is the story behind it. 5 out of 10 stars, good enough for a Independent film!