User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The message was really deep even though on the surface it seems like its a pointless plot, in some ways. It is an art film, I'd say. So art is up to the interpretation of the viewer. Yet this movie is a type of art that makes it rather clear what the message and purpose is.

    So as not to make this a total spoiler, I can only urge you to watch it and experience the message of this work of art yourself. It makes a lot of sense when you realize what is going on the world today.

    Well what is going on? A lot of confusion, a lot of causes, activists running in every direction, trying to help out here and there and every different little angle they decide to take! So the protesters need to stop what they are doing and join together - into one focal point group. What is needed most is UNITY to change the world.

    This movie demonstrates that in a most surreal and zany way. Just for the sake of comedy, Protesters is also entertaining. You can't help but laugh when you watch all the unique characters.

    It is available from their website or amazon.