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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let me begin by saying that religion will always be a questionable subject for some people, myself included. I personally have struggled with faith all my life. I consider myself a relatively intelligent, open minded person but am infuriated after seeing this movie. It attacks Dan Brown for writing a book he believes is historically accurate. Do I think every theory in Dan Brown's book is correct? No, I wanted to watch this special based on the fact that I am open to interpretation and wanted an objective rebuttal to the book. I never expected to be preached to about the historic value of the bible and its religious implications.

    The church has publicly documented that the bible is a collaboration of religious and historical theology as practiced by early catholics. Most catholics believe the bible is the word of god. This is a problem for me. In my objective opinion it's the word of man. Men wrote the documents, Men put the documents together, Men distributed documents as a religious text and preached the contents as gospel. Did God inspire the men to write, There's no way to prove or disprove that theory. Is it fallible, of course, Man Wrote It.

    This documentary uses the bible as it's evidential proof to disprove Dan Brown. That's the real problem I have with this movie. Every statement the experts made were then referred back to the bible as proof. The only historic evidence they give is on some of Leonardo Divinci's work, what little they do provide. I thought this movie would be more objective, religious, but objective. They even provided scripture as "proof."

    I think that everyone should be able to believe what they want to. Catholics should able to believe in god and the bible. I personally think it's wonderful to have unfaltering faith. I just wish they wouldn't try to convince me it's a historical text. This movie is perfect for a devout catholic who needs reassuring that The Divinci Code is a work of fiction. For the rest of us, we don't need convincing. Dan Brown might believe everything he wrote, but as most people that I know who read the book, including myself, realize it's no more infallible than the bible itself. It's just a darn good book....
  • pospisil-219 February 2006
    I have to agree with those comments above who claim this to be a total sh * t. I expected objective and scientific polemic about the books theme. All I got was "God exists, Jesus lived, died for our sins and was resurrected. So now you know (because we gave you all this "scientific" evidence), you have to believe!" Oh, what a load of junk! it's not objective at all. Some people there seem to be truly the experts, but others are just babbling the same Christian sh * t all again over and over. I do not think the book is even close to the truth, but I pity the Church and all the Christians, who have so little faith and so much doubt that they have to make film like that to support themselves.
  • Another example of fear-based religious fundamentalism that sees a fiction as a threatening fact. Dan Brown's novel is a fiction, a Hollywoodesque jaunt based on conjecture and myth. It contains murder, sex, intrigue and love. Hmm, pretty much like the Bible. This supposedly 'scientific' debunking of what is perceived to be one of the great threats to Christianity proves nothing except that the film makers could gather numerous opinionated people to spout conjecture. It is not a scientific argument to assert that Da Vinci had no quarrels with the Catholic Church if you've just contended that very little is known about the life of Da Vinci. What a load of rubbish! Don't waste your time.
  • huntergratzner28 February 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, let me just say this review is based on 20 minutes of watching this documentary. Also, i have read the Da Vinci code. I enjoyed reading it, it's a nice fictional novel.

    I planned watching "Exposing the Da Vinci code" because i was very curious about the historical "lies" so to speak. Yet, after 20 minutes of watching the documentary, i had been bombarded by so many Church propaganda, that i stopped watching it before i'd start vomiting like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Keep away from this piece of Trash. Unless you are a church fanatic that enjoys being bombarded with dogmas every 10 seconds, go for it.
  • its about time the wiccan mentality (the world's oldest 70 year old religion) was put back into its ragged box. This movie might even be able to help those who cannot think their way into a wet paper bad.

    The truth yearns to be know and Mr Brown did a damned fine job of subverting it in the mind's of the history knowledge challenged.

    The Davinci Code is TOTAL bunk and this movie is a delightful journey to help the misguided and the hostile.

    you need to watch this movie this movie is for you share this movie with your friends buy this movie for the narrow minded buy this movie for the closed minded