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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first time I saw this episode, I sat there for a second after it was over. "Thank God." I finally said, out loud. "Cordy's evil." (True story.) Cordelia's been acting so bizarre this season that finding out that she's a Big Bad was an incredible relief. Real Cordy wouldn't have stabbed Lilah, so this MUST be a demon. "Cavalry" gave me reason to hope that I could one day have Real Cordy back. (Which, as it turns out, was a little optimistic of me, but I'd rather have no Cordy than Conner & Cordy's sex-capades. Besides her return in "You're Welcome" in season five is probably the greatest "Angel" episode ever.) Anyway, this is a fun episode that sets up a lot of stuff. Not only does it allow me to like Cordelia again, but is also sets the stage for Angelus's new reign of terror. I highly recommend it.

    "Cavalry" revolves around Team Angel trying to re-ensoul Angel. After Angel's soul is stolen from the Hyperion, the others to come up with a plan to find it. Angelus is amused by their efforts and continuing to taunt them. Meanwhile, Lilah shows up at the Hyperion. Hearing that Angelus is back, she wants to use him to get back at the Beast for ruining her life. She & Wes talk and it turns out that she's found some information on the Beast in a book from another dimension. None of it seems to say why he's blocked out the sun, though. They're all interested to hear Angelus's theory: The Beast isn't the Big Bad. He's just the flunky.

    Meanwhile, Cordy has a new idea on how to get Angel's soul. They get the skull of a soul eating demon and preform a spell. Suddenly, Angel seems to be cured. He says he has his soul back and everyone believes him. Even his reading for Lorne comes back clean. Still, in pretty short order it's clear that he's faking his recovery. Angelus escapes the hotel. Wes, Gunn and Conner chase after him. But Angelus doubles back. He attacks the women at the Hyperion. While Lilah tries to get away, Cordy suddenly grab her and stabs her in the throat.

    There are some excellent parts to this episode. I just love Angelus pretending to be Angel. He's asking Fred for a hug and sweeping out of the hotel with a heroic, "I have to go save the world!" It's pretty funny. And I like his disgust at the lack of "food" in LA. The vampires have killed so many people that he's having a hard time finding a snack. Also, I really like Lilah being at the Hyperion. I wish she'd had more time to interact with Team Angel, because she adds a lot to the group. Fred is jealous when she learns about Wes and Lilah's history. Lorne is still annoyed about getting brain sucked. Nobody trusts her and she's causing all sorts of problems. Ya gotta love her. Finally, I like Angelus inadvertently helping Team Angel solve their problem with the Beast. He's so dismissive of their abilities, that he's pointing out their mistakes and actually lending a hand. He's reminding me of Spike in season four of BTVS again, unable to stop himself from chiming in and showing off, even if it means giving the White Hats some new information. His idea that the Beast has a Master just sets up the next stage of the story so well.

    On the down side, Lilah dies in this episode. I just love Lilah and I'm sorry to see her go. Also, I think if Angelus was going to impersonate Angel while singing, he would have chosen the song "Mandy."

    My favorite part of the episode: Angel taunting Gunn about his role as Team Angel's "muscle." Gunn feelings of inadequacy and his desire to be a leader again drive his decisions in season five. I think it's cool that Angelus spotted that so easily.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    The Good; Angelus is so evil and conniving you wonder if Holtz and co had a point? Altogether a great episode with so many wonderful scenes

    The Bad; ?

    Best line: Cordelia; (stabbing Lilah) "Why do you think I let him out you stupid bitch?"

    Jeez, how did they get away with that? Some nastily implied racism when Angelus goads Gunn (Liam of course was also pretty racist to Gunn and Wesley in 'Spin the Bottle'). The vamps killing the firemen is also nasty but worst of all the tragedy of the vamped little girl, you realise why Holtz killed his daughter.

    Apocalypses: 5

    Angel Clichés Inverting the Hollywood cliché; Fred wants to continue her relationship with Gunn after she learns of Wes and Lilah. But he turns her down, obviously been getting lessons in quiet dignity from the Groo (Riley could have done with some).

    In disguise; 8

    DB get's his shirt off; 12

    Cheap Angel; 6

    Fang Gang in bondage: Cordy: 5 Angel: 13 Wes: 6 Gunn; 4 Lorne; 4 Fred; 2

    Fang gang knocked out: CC by Angelus Cordy: 14 Angel: 16 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 1 Lorne; 4 Groo; 1

    Kills: 1 demon for Gunn Cordy: 5 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 41 vamps, 57 and 1/2 demons, 5 zombies, 8 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 12 demons+3 vamps, 5 zombies, 2 humans Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 11 vamps+ 13 demons, 5 zombies, 1 human. Groo; 1 demon Fred; 3 vamp+ 1 demon, 5 zombies Connor; 12 vamps, 5 zombies, 2 demons

    Fang Gang go evil: CC and how! Cordy: 3 Angel: 3 Gunn; 1 Wes; 1

    Alternate Fang Gang: Cordy: 4 Angel: 10 Fred; 2 Wes; 1 Gunn; 1

    Characters killed: 255

    Recurring characters killed; alas poor Lilah, she was evil but I always felt there was hope for her. 9;

    Total number of Angel Investigations: Angel, Gunn, Fred, Lorne, Wes, CC

    Angel Investigations shot: Angelus by Lilah (if she still had her pistol why not use that when Wes enters her hideaway?). CC takes an arrow Angel: 12 Wes; 1

    Packing heat; Gunn with the flamethrower we saw in 'Dad' Wes; 7 Doyle; 1 Angel; 3 Gunn; 1

    Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Interestingly it's Gunn who breaks up with Fred rather than the other way around Cordy: 5 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis+Groo+Connor Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 3; Virginia, the bleached blonde and Lilah Gunn; 1 Fred Fred; 1 Gunn Groo; 1Cordy

    Kinky dinky: Angelus threatens to rape Fred to death. He also tells an aghast Fred about Wes and Lilah. Angelus thinks Lilah wears a thong.

    Captain Subtext; Angelus thinks Wes is quite the dish 'if I swung that way'. Lilah comments that Lorne's suits make him look like Liberace. Lilah calls Fred 'honey' and asks if CC is trying to 'turn her on?'.

    Know the face, different character; 4

    Parking garages; 6,

    Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony

    What the fanficcers thought; read an interesting one once where Angelus wipes AI out but then Dru get's resouled and forms her own heroic gang with Lilah, Kate, Gwen, Oz, Justine, Bethany, Ethan Rayne etc

    Questions and observations; Interestingly in this ep we're told a soul can be destroyed which I didn't think was possible. We learn that Angel always suspected that Gunn killed Sidel. The soul-stealer was buried by the Chumash who are the American Indian tribe also featured in 'Pangs'. Nice scene with Connor and Gunn bonding during the digging. Well, hands up who saw this twist coming? Liars! Shocking and all pretty damn brilliant. But you know what, it only get's better from now on! Nice scene at the end where CC and Lilah almost seem to bond a little. Lilah's 'he killed the...' speech appears to be part inspired by 'The Usual Suspects', could the Beast be in fact Keyser Soze? Or is that CC?

    Marks out of 10; 9/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    How did you survive this long being so retarded? - This episode takes the dialog even further than 'Soulless' but not with better results. I love with how much the writers got away with, it would be normal for Cable TV but this was aired on the WB. There were a lot of insults like 'Fred' telling 'Lilah' to shut her fat mouth and 'Lorne' calling her a walking infection and of course 'Angelus' who takes it a little further and tells 'Fred' he wants to rape her to death. My main issue with this episode is 'Lilah's death, why couldn't it have been 'Fred' or 'Gunn' or 'Lorne'? 'Lilah' had plenty of story lines left and to be honest, I was even hoping she would become a regular, damn the writers! Another thing that I didn't really like was 'Cordy', her character was so off, I was actually very happy when they revealed she was 'The Beast''s master. My least favorite scene was when they did the spell to re-ensoul 'Angel', it took to long and it was already obvious he was still 'Angelus'. But other than those issues, I love the episode, it's so dark and had plenty of twists. I don't love it as much as the previous 11 episodes, but it still is strong enough to be another superb season 4 episode. CORDELIA: We'll find another way. I'm sure if we just all... LILAH: What? Hold hands and sing a hymn? That might be a little hard when the Beast is ripping your guts out. CORDELIA: Lilah, I know things look grim right now. LILAH: Don't go watchtower on me Saint Cordelia. I don't think I could stomach it. CORDELIA: Man, I'd love to punch your face in. LILAH: Are you trying to turn me on?. (9.0 out of 10)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When Angel knocked out Cordy after being let out of the cage my first thought was, "What happened to Lorne?" I know Cordy was acting a little off but I didn't think twice about it until the end of the episode. Imagine the shock finding out that Cordy is The Beast's Master. And why did they have to kill Lilah? Besides the fact that she was one of the more interesting characters, she was so damn hot. There was already so much tension going on with Fred obviously having feeling for Wes and later finding out from Angelus that Wes was screwing Lilah for 6 months. Just imagine the kind of plot twists that could have been created. Fred and Lilah fight over Wesley, they double team him and make him have to choose, one kills or puts a spell on the other one. So many great possibilities. Along with the Fred & Wes thing, Fred & Gunn breaking up was way too long in coming. I had been waiting since the first episode after they hooked up to see this. A punk thug like Gunn never deserved her and you could see, even from then that she was always drawn towards Wes no matter how much she said she loved Gunn. Wesley's line of "I think this is the part where I'm supposed to say I'm sorry. And I'm really trying to be, but." even further proved how much he loved Fred. Why couldn't Gunn have gotten killed instead of Lilah? Nobody would've missed him.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In "Calvary" the gang searches for a way to get Angel's soul back. They learn that the Beast is actually just a minion working for something more powerful. Lilah shows up looking for safe and information from Angel. She joins the team as a quasi-member. The gang does a spell that they think restores Angel's soul. Angelus tricks them though and pretends to be Angel. While most of the gang is gone, he attempts to kill Lilah. In the end though, it's (seemingly) revealed that Cordy is the big bad and she ends up killing Lilah before Angelus has a chance to.

    Wow! I honestly didn't see that one coming. I just took it for granted that Cordy showed back up with no explanation or backstory into her return but I suppose this makes a bit of sense now! And her sleeping with Connor, it all adds up now.

    I figured that the spell wouldn't work though. I knew at some point Angelus would have to be set free and let run amuck for a few episodes. Now he's off the leash! We shall see what happens...