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  • If anyone has seen this series, the last thing you think you would do is actually become emotional any cry during one of the episodes! After watching the series for a number of years and seeing Cannon bounce people into swimming pools and bully his way into homes this episode was an unexpected treat. I shed a tear each time I watch that first scene! I never even though about the fact that Cannon could have been married once or even had a child.

    The acting and writing are indicative why this show had such a good run and attracted so many celebrity guests.

    This series is a must for reruns.
  • When this episode begins, a dying prisoner asks to see Cannon. On his deathbed, the man admits that he murdered Cannon's wife and son long ago but dies before being able to tell him why. But he did seem to tell him that Cannon's wife was a hooker! This opens up many old wounds...wounds the audience had never heard about until this episode. This backstory was all new to the viewers. So why did the man do it...and who was responsible for ordering the killings, as the now dead man was a famous hit-man? All I could tell was that Cannon has really lost his mind in this episode...and he's not gonna stop until he gets answers.

    I appreciate episodes of cop and detective shows that provide you with back story. Up until this time, you really knew little about Cannon's past...other than the fact he was once a great cop. Here, you learn much more and also have a chance to see a different side of the character....something I loved. I also loved how you got to see William Conrad act and emote....making it one of the best shows in the series.
  • Among the best shows in the entire 5-year run of Cannon. A great character cast, with suspense, action, and plot twists. We learn about Cannon's late wife and son, and why Frank Cannon left the Police Department to go into private practice. Superb acting by William Conrad, as he tracks down the person who caused his family's tragic death. Violence, grief, a family reunion with the father-in-law, political intrigue... this episode has it all!
  • 10 Plus Stars. Off the scale.

    With MANNIX and IRONSIDE being cancelled, CANNON was one of the last tough tv detectives, and he carries one heck of a torch in this special episode.

    NIGHTMARE is a one of kind season premier. No other way to spell it.

    The haunting story explains what happened to Cannon's wife (Laura) and son (David) who were killed by a hitman many years earlier, while he was a cop on the LAPD. There's also a hint his wife was NOT who he thought she was.

    It's a complicated, noir-ish-like tale that is extremely emotional and well acted. The opening scene is a knockout, and it is difficult to watch. Credit writer Robert Lenski, who was behind many top MANNIX episodes, without too much surprise. Paul Stanley did a fantastic job as director, long associated with HAWAII FIVE O.

    William Conrad deserved an EMMY for his part in this production. You see him in a far different light, you can only feel sorry for the character he portrayed and the burden he carried for many years. It's strange, though, this story did not surface in earlier seasons, which would have given more development to his offbeat role and the fact that he was a lone wolf.

    In the deathbed scene, the killer does not reveal how Mrs. Cannon and her son died, but it's apparently due to a gas explosion.

    The cast is spot on, with lots of veteran actors; John McMartin (veteran Broadway actor SWEET CHARITY) as Senator Andrews, also John McLiam as Captain Corday in a very good role. Look for Elizabeth Allen as Arlene and Joe De Santis as Benito. This cast does their job thanks to Paul Stanley.

    To note; It must have been very difficult for any actor to accept the role as the killer of Cannon's wife and son.

    Not for all tastes, but if you can get through it, it answers a lot about Frank Cannon. Partly filmed at the magnificent Gull Estate in Malibu, a frequent pit stop for all cop shows.

    Recommended for completists. SEASON 5 EPISODE 1 remastered color CBS/Paramount dvd box set. A beautiful box set with a distinguished picture of William Conrad. 7 dvd set. Released May 2016. A collectors item to be sure.
  • With this ep, we get a backstory of Frank Cannon as he visits a former hit man on his deathbed who confesses to killing his wife and son 14 years before. He also reveals something about his wife that surprises Frank as he sets about to find out who's responsible for ordering a killing that led to the accidental death of his immediate family members. With this ep, William Conrad gets to emote as he's never done before in the series as it entered its fifth and final season in this entry. I didn't recognize any of the guest stars mentioned at the beginning but when reading the ones in the end credits, I found myself amused seeing Beth Howland's name there as a secretary to a senator in the narrative. She seemed familiar when I saw her near the end though her hairstyle was different from when she played Vera in "Alice" which began its run the following season. Anyway, "Nightmare" is an essential ep of "Cannon" worth watching for partially explaining why Frank is the way he is. Highly recommended.