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  • Fred and Barney are stuck babysitting a neighbor's kid while Wilma and Betty have a bridge tournament.

    A very funny Season 1 episode. It starts with Barney getting 2 tickets to the fights from his boss. This may be the only time we see Fred's name on his front door. It was probably there to set up joke-Wilma is being especially nice when Fred comes home and he looks at the door and says "I'm in the right house all right". The baby's name is Egbert and Fred keeps calling him Egghead. The guys can't even watch the fight on TV since there is a blackout. Their friend Joe Rockhead is outside of the blackout so they break into his house, for more funny scenes.
  • The episode was really nothing special the first three quarters. All the new characters in the episode were pretty bland (Barney's boss, baby Egbert, Egbert's mother, the cops, and the police station desk sergeant). Episode plodding along until Fred and Barney got to Joe Rockhead's house. Then the last quarter things got pretty hilarious. Somehow Fred and Barney couldn't tell the difference between a baby and a brontosaurus when the brontosaurus trotted right in front of them and jumped out the window. The funniest parts are when the brontosaurus bit Barney and Fred and then he bit Fred again on the nose. Oddly though Barney was just eating a brontosaurus burger an episode or two before at the Bedrock diner.