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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Danny Cimoli, a wannabe magician becomes immortal. He doesn't know why it happened but uses this as his new act at the circus. To be killed and rise again. Danny becomes a huge hit with all kinds of offers coming in. Duncan and Amanda explain things to Danny, but he's all caught up in his newfound success. In the meantime, an immortal, Damon Case, had gotten wind of Danny and is after him.

    I think Amanda and Duncan's approach with Danny was all wrong. They went to him all smiles and laughs, which didn't exactly inspire what a serious situation Danny was in. I think they both forgot what it was like when they first became immortal, and how shocking that was. They both had good teachers that were serious with them. Duncan and Amanda acted like it was a joke. No wonder Danny didn't take it seriously.

    Danny's mother: "Now who sits alone in a dark room?" Someone who is depressed, that's who. I know you wanted him to have a regular job but some people aren't made that way. Maybe if you encouraged him in his pursuits instead of belittling him, or at least suggested doing both, having a part-time job whilst pursuing his dream. Just saying.

    I thought Damon Case was one of the most interesting immortals they had on the show. He was religious but not evil or crazy. He truly believed that them being immortals and their fights were holy work. Who's to say he's wrong? After all, the biggest rule is that they cannot fight on holy ground. Personally I always sort of felt it was the Greek Gods, given that the whole thing is set up as a game.

    But anyway Case was just an interesting guy. I don't think he suffered fools lightly such as Danny and Jean-Philippe de Lafaye. Jean-Philippe was an annoying little pr*ck, wasn't he? He was basically mocking Case and getting in his face. I was glad when Case took him out. It appears Duncan already knew him in the flashback. It would have been cool to see him in another episode, but the show never did.

    I commend Duncan for wanting to help Danny. He was as innocent as Richie was when they first met. Also, there was something childlike about Danny. Not sure if it's a developmental issue or what? Danny deserved to be protected, helped, and taught. But Duncan and Amanda took the wrong approach from the beginning. And neither ever saw that this guy was probably deeply depressed before his new act turned things around. He just couldn't let go of his dreams.

    I felt like the episode did a sudden flip-flop with Danny as a way to get Duncan out of the burden. First of all, who told Duncan to go and kill a good man, Case? No one. Second of all, he could have clubbed Danny over his head and shipped him off somewhere. Anything, just get him out of there. Maybe when Danny called the police that wasn't exactly a bad idea. If Case were in custody for a while it might have been enough time to get Danny out of there.

    Anyway, I felt like the writers didn't know what to do with Danny next. It was jarring and didn't make sense that Danny, who specifically said he didn't want to kill anyone, suddenly decides to kill Mac. I was disappointed with that to be honest.

    Later Danny's dreams come true after he performs in Las Vegas. He's a big success there. I guess it was poetic in a way to be taken out right at the height of his success. A little sad too. Didn't care for the Duncan and Amanda scene at the Moscow circus. I usually stop this episode right after Danny is killed. I gave the episode a 7/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    1. Pre immortal Danny Cimoli was killed when hit by a truck, but unfortunately revived in front of witnesses including his mother. He tries to go on with his life while using his new found immortality in his magic act at the circus. Duncan and Amanda find him and attempt to help Danny get started in his life as an immortal. Danny never takes their advice seriously and loses his head very soon. 2. I do have a couple if questions and observations about this episode. Damon Case, a no nonsense immortal who lives for THE GAME comes looking for Cimoli just days after he has enhanced his magic act. I suppose Amanda was right. Cimoli's advertisment of his magic act was bound to catch the eye of some immortals. This spelled Cimoli's demise in Las Vegas. 3. Flashback to Duncan's friendship with overly confident immortal Jean Filippe. Dincan exits the pub just in time to see the blinding flash of a quickening. That bright flash made me think of a NASA rocket launch. 4. I never cared much for Amanda's platinum hair and cut so short in Highlander nor in the spin off series, but I must confess that she did look great when she and Duncan appeared in the circus in Russia.