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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The basic plot here involves a couple of bad guys, including the half-owner of a copper mine, who have already killed the other half-owner, now waiting for his sister, Noreen, to come to claim her inheritance, so they can also kill her.

    They have a plot where one of the two main baddies and two of his hands attempt to stop a stage with the sister aboard. They were to make it look like a holdup and kill her. But the man riding shotgun and Hoppy, who happened upon the scene, shoot and kill two of the bandits leaving, of course, the one who already had a speaking part.

    Red has an accident here, falling off his horse and becoming unconscious. Hoppy takes him back to the Bar-20 and summons a doctor. But Red comes to just as the doctor arrives and inexplicably ducks out the back door and rides away rapidly.

    Hoppy spends three days searching for him. Red has wound up at the copper mine office, speaking English with a Spanish accent (and a much deeper voice than his regular one) saying he is Don Colorado, and that he is the rightful owner of the mine and much of the land in this area, saying it was granted to his ancestor by the King of Spain.

    Hopalong comes to the office and is shocked to see that Red claims this new identity and that he doesn't know his longtime saddle partner. He gets Red to agree to come with him anyhow but soon Red slips away again, this time going back to the mine office.

    The bad guys want to use him to get Noreen to sell her half of the mine. But Red learns of their intentions and gets into a fight with the pair. He is overwhelmed and taken to a shack near the mine and locked inside.

    Hoppy has to use his guns more than usual, killing more men, in coming to the rescue, of Red, and then of Noreen.

    In the fight with the two men against Red, we saw them start to struggle, with Red (Edgar Buchanan) in the middle, then we cut to a longer camera shot and the rest of the fight took place for about 40 seconds in most of which we could clearly see the side of the face, and physique of the stunt man for Red. His head was much leaner and his hair much darker than the redheaded actor.

    I have watched DVD fight scenes many times quite slowly and they usually hide the face of the stuntman so well that even slowed down you cannot definitely see that it isn't the actor. The first time through, at regular speed, this was the most obvious stunt man I have EVER seen in a TV or movie fight scene.

    Otherwise, a decent plot and lots of action, so I give this a 7.