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  • A workmanlike episode. Harm has to investigate a plane crash involving his mentor. Sadly, two civilians were killed when the ruined Tomcat finally crashed to earth after the crew have safely banged out.

    The aviator at the centre of the case is Harm's former mentor (the actor would later return, several times across the seasons , as Capt Tobias Ingles).

    Harm gets to explore a young brunette, literally beats the pants off two Marines at snooker and generally shows his devotion to "the truth" - whatever the personal fallout.
  • In the opening of these episodes they state that Rabb, an aviator, could not fly anymore because of night blindness. Night blindness can be caused from birth or injury or vitamin deficiency. So I assume Harm suffered an injury. Now Harm unable to fly at night whatever shall we do? I got it, we'll make him a lawyer, same thing right! So when did Harm go to Law School? The show just automatically makes him a lawyer. I guess they don't realize he would have to go back to a law school, get another degree (in law) pass the bar and then get some experience to be a skillful attorney which the show automatically "poof" turns him into.

    I said it before and I'll say it again, this show is a ridiculous joke.