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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mac is the prosecuting officer in a murder case; the defending counsel is her old law professor Juanita Ressler - who had, years earlier, suggested that Mac take up a career as a lap-dancer!

    The details of the case are probed and eventually Mac realises a way to get many more researchers on the case as she tries to dig into the defendant's otherwise-sealed juvenile background. Courtroom hi-jinks ensue as the two female lawyers clash. Beforehand, Mac goes through "media hell" as every commentator in America feels entitled to comment on her hairstyle, uniform - and bikini.

    In parallel, Harm is on the high seas, investigating the death of a crew member who decided - inexplicably - to run out in front of an aircraft; not surprisingly, the result was 1-nil, but his family demand answers. Eventually, Harm works it out and triumphs - as does Mac.
  • Patrick Labyorteaux and Sean Murray once again show how totally inept they are ... if it wasn't for karri turner, this episode would be a total bust ... some male actors never get the nuance or just can't due to brain waves... this is a bad episode from the onset ... dump the guys gals