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  • The trial ADAs and the investigators from the DA's office are facing the toughest cases of all in this episode, that of police brutality. Hard to prosecute because the police never like informing on their own. It's called the blue wall of silence.

    In this case there was a disturbance at a gay bar and a young 18 year old kid was taken away. He resisted arrest and struck one of the officers. So Domenick Lombardozzi decided to give him a little payback and sodomized him with a nightstick in the tradition of Amadou Diallo. Only an artery was pierced in the victim's rectum and he died.

    Everybody wants a piece of this case. District Attorney Fred Dalton Thompson and Armand Schultz the US Attorney do a little legal jousting for jurisdiction. And Bebe Neuwirth and Amy Carlson have to contend with Investigator Scott Cohen's reluctance to get involved in a case involving his own precinct. In addition he knows one of the two cops charged Mike Colter who is Lombardozzi's partner.

    Things get a bit heated between Neuwirth and Cohen and frankly I can't blame Neuwirth because Cohen is making her job all that more difficult. When he's put on the stand she makes it difficult for him.

    To see how everyone's agenda is met, rent this Trial By Jury episode. It's pretty good.