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  • "One Man Shy" depicts Peter's awkward courtship with a very pretty debutante (Lisa James), while her snobbish, high society boyfriend Ronnie (George Furth) refers to The Monkees as 'fifth-rate musicians' (Micky corrects him: "third rate!"). The group prove to be no match for Ronnie at skeet shooting or archery, with the twit warning his butler to stand back as Nesmith checks out the bow and arrow! The unforgettable George Furth was well cast in roles like this, delighting audiences for decades in such comedies as "Blazing Saddles," "Young Doctors in Love," and "Oh, God!" Best of all, this episode features the debut of Neil Diamond's "I'm a Believer," issued as the band's second single the month before (Nov 12 1966), produced in New York by Jeff Barry, who went on to produce The Archies nearly two years later. This was also the second go-round for Nesmith's own production of "You Just May Be the One," inferior to the band recording done in March 1967 for the third LP, HEADQUARTERS. Broadcast no. 13 (Dec 5 1966), "One Man Shy" was 16th in production, filmed Sept 28-Oct 3.