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  • Trapper Keeper is a very interesting south park episode.It spoofs plenty of classic sci-fi films such as The Terminator, 2001 A Space Odyssea and the 1988 anime classic Akira(great movie if you haven't seen it).The episode has Cartman with a Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper.A trapper keeper seems to be a school supply(I have never heard of it before).Cartman's trapper keeper is very advanced in terms of technology, however a robot from the future has come to destroy it because the trapper keeper takes over the world and destroys humanity in the future.The Trapper Keeper turns into a big blob(like in Akira) and sucks Cartman in.It then roams South Park and the boys try to stop it.Meanwhile, Kyle's brother Ike starts kindergarten where Garrison is the teacher.They decide to have a vote for class president between Ike and a kid named Filmore.It turns into a heated debate! Trapper Keeper is an entertaining and funny episode which pays homage to some good sci-fi films.
  • Among the many episodes I have seen of South Park, this particular episode was one of the most I favor. It seems that this episode spoofs and/or parodies a few notable sci-fi films, which I think works in terms of making it work out in the main storyline.

    So, Cartman owns a new electronic device called the Trapper Keeper, but when a cyborg (identifying himself as "Bill Cosby") from the future travels back in time to South Park and warns the boys that the Trapper Keeper will become self-aware and overrun humanity in later years, they must stop it before chaos begins. However, Cartman refuses to let go of the Trapper Keeper, thus making it difficult for them to save humanity.

    It felt like "The Terminator" meets "Akira" and a small hint of "2001: Space Odyssey" which I think is the best combination of films I have ever seen well-executed. I found the episode to be one of my personal favorites.