User Reviews (8)

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  • ahifi6 July 2009
    I'm a complete animal lover and, I have to say, I was disappointed by the ending - even though I was secretly chuckling inside!

    This episode sees the boys tricked into thinking a performing whale is talking to them and they go to the extreme measures of returning the whale to his apparent home on the moon!

    It's one of those ridiculously unbelievable episodes which the show seems to churn out on a regular basis now, yet it does enough to make you laugh at the stereotypes on display - especially MASA!

    Overall, a fairly great episode with a final set-piece that will just make you chuckle. Check it out! 8/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    you guys have no idea what you are talking about and i hope people have not avoided this episode because of your ignorant comments. this is one of my favorite episodes (seen them all). "my dad is gonna sneak into my room naked one night and beat me up"; token painting his face white; "si fly"; "aww it is crank call again. kiss my ass George bush, this is not funny"; ... come on that is gold. i think the end credits is the hardest i have ever laughed. also, we get to see a real life sketch of what the boys might look like in the real world. God forbid that the show graduates from simple minded fart jokes after 10 seasons. try looking a little deeper into the episode and take off those x-files and alias blinders
  • youssefkhouili28 March 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    The penultimate episode of the 9th season of south park is quite a thought-provoking one, it depicted how most people can blindly believe an ideology or set rules of indoctrination 100% and they're ready to die for it even if it's purely a HOAX and JOKE!

    Default to truth is what fairly happened to south park children, they want badly to believe what they hear and see even though without any proof, they gave up reason and verification just to assume what they hear is the absolute truth.

    Also, this episode was quite funny, when they were asking other countries' presidents to help them fly to the moon, most presidents turned down the offer basically because kids can't afford an expensive rocket to the moon, but luckily they found "MASA" in Mexico which charged them with only 200$ to the safe moon!

  • This was the funniest South Park episode I have seen in my life. Just the fact that these kids can kidnap a whale, take it to Tijuana, Mexico, and then put it on the moon is hilarious. I enjoy watching South Park, but this episode made me love watching South Park. I have a feeling that Free Willzyx will stay number 1 on my top ten South Park episodes for a long long time. Also, after watching this and many many other episodes, I have realized that these kids really have interesting lives. One of them should write an autobiography. I could picture it now: "A life of death" by Kenny McCormick, or "Screw You Guys, I'm going home" by Eric Cartman.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hilarious from start to finish, Free Willzyx is the penultimate episode of Season 9 and I haven't seen yet the last episode (which is Bloody Mary) but for sure if Free Willzyx would have been the last episode of the Season then the very last scene of the Season would have been totally awesome and hilarious, I promise you that I won't mention anything more about that bizarre final scene. Anyway, this is a very nice episode in which the boys will have similar desires of the ones of the people from the animal liberation organizations since the boys want to liberate a whale from the Denver Sea Park and eventually they steal the whale. However there are some differences between the boys and the animal liberation people, sure both want to take Jambu the whale to home but the boys think that Jambu can talk and for them Jambu's home is not the sea! Hilarious stuff comes from the two men that are the responsible of the boys believing that Jambu can talk and that his name is not that but Willzyx ("it was funny") and hilarious stuff also comes from Manuel who works for the MASA (Mexican Aeronautica y Spacial Administracion – hilarious), certainly Mexico having a space program is hilarious. Check also the very memorable drawing of the boys made by the men from the Denver Sea Park! Then I really liked this episode, yes simply that.
  • gangstahippie26 September 2008
    Free Willzyx is an average episode of South Park. Kyle thinks the whale at this aqua theme park is talking to him when nobody is around.It is really the commentators just having some fun with the kid.Kyle thinks its real and pretending to be the whale they tell Kyle he needs to get to the moon or else he will die.So Kyle gets his friends and they all help out.Meanwhile, the two commentators need to get it back or else they will be fired and this animal rights group thinks they are helping them by saving Willzyx.This is a pretty decent episode but not particularly great.

  • Bon_Jovi_chick5 April 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with the user "SpecialAgentFoxMulder" that this episode is awful- posisbly thr worst of the entire show. Now I'm not keen on many episodes of the later series but this one takes the biscuit! It was unfunny and unoffensive. As for the ending, I'm sorry but it disgusted me more than any other episodes combined.

    I mean, the boys think they meant well but the ending was so upsetting- that they think the whale belongs on the moon and over the credits, we see it has died. Wht could have saved the episode was if the pranksters were able to confess for what they did.

    There seem to be no outgoing message. Okay, South Park may be guilty of preaching too much and its always nice to see an unpreachign one (such as Make Love Not Warcraft") but this episode was just wrong! Avoid at all costs! Helen xxxxx
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Free Willzyx (Stupidest name/title ever) is the worst episode of ANY of the TV shows I watch, which includes X-Files, Alias, All 3 Law And Orders, All of the CSI's, Family Guy, Simpsons, Chappelle's Show, Colbert Report, and more. South Park was for very long my favorite of the comedy shows, because of it's shockingly obscene content and disturbing black comedy. Free Willzyk has NONE of the content I mentioned earlier. It was so tame, so unoffensive it might has well been an episode of Sesame Street. Kyle goes to Sea World where a few of the workers play a prank on him, making him think a whale is talking to him. He BEFRIENDS THE WHALE, actually BEFRIENDS IT. Hello? This is South Park! the same show that brought you "Cancelled", "Chickenlover", "It Hits The Fan", "Death Camp Of Tolerance", and so many more! Not SpongeBob SquarePants! Ugh. I actually watched the whole episode, which is 30 minutes of my life I will never get back. Anyhow, I was extremely disgusted with this episode and I can't believe the shocking decline in the quality of Matt & Trey's work.