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  • gangstahippie3 November 2008
    Hooked On Monkey Phonics is a hilarious South Park episode! It's another example of kids being kids.This show actually has one of the most realistic portrayals of kids I have ever seen.The boys meet two home-schooled kids at a spelling bee, they are extremely smart and seem to know the answers to all the hard spelling questions.Kyle is smitten by the girl, Rebecca.The home-schooled boy now wants to socialize with the other kids and asks his father to put him in public school.His father reluctantly agrees.The boy however, gets ridiculed and beaten up because he has not socialized before and acts fairly weird.Meanwhile, Kyle kisses Rebecca.This however turns her into a total slut(fairly true to life I might add).Meanwhile, Cartman decides to be home schooled.This is a very funny south park episode!
  • This episode is worthy of note if only for the appearance of Ronnie James Did and his band.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Phonics Monkey was adorable and funny. My only problem with this episode is that it used the overused trope of "Home Schooling = No socializing", and tons of people believe this in real life. As an actual person who was Home Schooled, I just want to say that this is not true. All of my Home Schooled friends, and myself, socialized as much, if not more than Public Schoolers. There's a Home School community. We're not the weirdos that you see on TV. :-)