User Reviews (12)

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  • dogma86711 May 2006
    I am almost sure that these weren't real people and just actors, the whole thing just makes no sense 1. They were about to give all the money to somebody on the 2nd day (all but one said this) 2. The behavior of these people is just ridiculous. my favorite is when steve says, "Don't threaten to throw anything at me!" and also when Richard goes nuts which happened in about every episode. Adam totally did a 180 and voted for tara even though she was the one that totally screwed him. 3. totally dumb ending-tara comes back at the last minute and suddenly richard and jonathon who were the 2 that were wanted the money to the death all of a sudden change their minds and are like OK tara can have it. 4. totally corny way they left the bunker, especially tara's little look back, that was pure Hollywood
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Summary: Your typical reality TV cast(southerner, devout Christian, angry new yorker, arrogant frat boy, etc) become forlorn and angry when they "learn" that their assignment is to vote for one contestant among them to win 1.5 million dollars.

    The Flop: Producers make up rules as they go along giving the show the distinct feeling that this is all a scripted load of bull. Nothing feels well thought out. Contestants aren't interested in staying on the show except to make sure no one else takes home the cash. (Spoiler: Two contestants walk off the show in the first few episodes) Footage is redundant and the integrated Burger King ads insure that the show is left with no dignity.

    The Host: J.D. Roth. Possibly the least likable personality on television. Looks like the president of a junior high A/V club with a glue-on goatee. Viewers compelled to ask : Who is this dork and is his Dad a Fox executive, or what?

    Better Alternative: Go to a local garden supply store and watch people shop for fertilizer.
  • I have given this some thought and I am now prepared to say that, of all the television shows that I have ever watched which successfully completed a full season of programming, "Unan1mous" is the worst I have ever seen. They locked 9 contestants in a basement and then had them do nothing for a period of many days (it may have been 30 days, but I'm not sure of that. Who cares?). Well, actually, they did do something -- intermittently they would vote to determine who won money. It was like the reality show "Big Brother" but with no competitions (and no sunlight). The contestants on "Unan1mous" appeared to be made physically ill from life in the "underground bunker" ("moldy basement" would have been a more apt term to use than "underground bunker"). I watched most of the episodes out of a perverse curiosity -- to see if they could possibly have an entire season of programming in which NOTHING interesting took place. They did it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, we always wondered what JD Roth would do when he stopped hosting teen "reality" shows. He grows facial hair and does the same anemic job with grown-ups as he does the prepubescent. His lack of stage presence is like a vacuum. Further, his attempts to ooze an ignominious attitude is much like a substitute teacher trying to lay a guilt trip on high schoolers. Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels would have made better game moderators.

    I don't understand how this show is even vaguely interesting, even to people whose brains have turned into mashed potatoes by watching too many back to back episodes of "Fantasy Island" and "The Love Boat" in the '80s.

    The premise of sticking people with diverse backgrounds in an isolation tank is stale. Big Brother has already ran that so far into the ground that you'll need a back hoe just to talk about it with your friends.

    The "contestants" don't participate in engaging dilemmas, although they were apparently selected for their incompatible ethical and moral backgrounds - they merely manipulate and lie, just like they do in real life. What is worse is that their brand of back stabbing is so ham fisted that a two year old does a better job at playing one parent against the other.

    If you enjoy this kind of thing, you could have more fun by clandestinely telling people in your office that you heard that someone is going to get fired by the end of the week. Oh, and then remind them not to say anything to anyone else because there was an investigation and if it is talked about, whoever is caught will be axed, too.

    So far, the reviewers unanimously agree - skip this show for something more entertaining, like a speed shoelace tying contest.
  • I can't believe people are reviewing this for it's "entertainment value". It simply hasn't any, but the really striking thing about "Unan1mous" is the sheer, unvarnished cruelty it so proudly parades. Here's the premise: You put a group of contestants together, flaunting the fact that these people are in real dire straits, mind you; they've all been through monumental personal loss and they look like life has simply smacked the snot out of them. Then, you make these poor souls dance like papier mache marionettes, while dangling a gradually diminishing $1,500,000 prize, forcing them to negotiate with each other and the producers, until they can choose which one of the whole group of 9, will take home the entire amount (whatever's left of it, that is). You have them do this in a bleak concrete underground bunker while a smug, pernicious host watches and comments about the 'action' over television monitors set high in the ceiling, to reflect, I would imagine, the godlike power of the money. I saw Sidney Lumet's classic satire "Network" again last week, and believe me, Paddy Cheyefsky couldn't have made anything like this up. They simply wouldn't have believed it. So the question would be, what kind of values are the executives at FOX using to put garbage like this on, anyway? What moral center are they working with? This filth is a disgrace to everything good Americans have stood for over the course of 230 years. I'm sickened by it and host J.D. Roth at least, should be ashamed of himself for being involved in this travesty. He certainly looks like he's sold his soul to the devil. FOX has put some real trash on over the years, but "Unan1mous" is a certifiable new low.
  • Rogue-3231 March 2006
    This has got to be the worst excuse for a 'reality show' ever put on the air. I watched the first two episodes ONLY because it was on after American Idol, but I will not be watching any further. It's mind-boggling, how stupid it is, really, and completely lame. I think it's rigged, too, from the way the second installment ended (with the guy not voting for Steve, just so they could drag the show on for a few more tedious, worthless episodes). It almost plays like a parody. . .Hey, I got it - - this is the Fox network's April Fools joke! That has to be it! Very clever, guys. You almost had us there. For a couple of weeks, anyway.
  • Dude,I agree with you totally and 100%! This show is rigged bigtime! What kind of show can this be? If everyone voted for the incredibly nice guy Steve, on the 2nd episode and made him a millionaire, how the heck would this show last? It would be the shortest so-called reality show in history. This show is just a rip off of Big Brother with unnecessary complicated foolishness to make it seem like such a worthy show to watch. "You can't vote for yourself" as a rule of the game,So why would anyone want to play a game that isn't of any benefit to themselves? Wouldn't everyone just walk out and call it a day when they find out that they won't be winning? Just doesn't make any sense. Then to top it,the show's only like 20 something minutes(if you omit the commercials) How much can we get into the show with that little time? Or maybe if the show was an hour...(45 minutes no commercials) The viewers would have saw right through it and stopped watching. Set your TIVO because you will never see this show anywhere again after it airs...
  • The 2005-2006 season has been an uncommonly good one for FOX overall. Which is a refreshing change after many seasons of canceling wonderful shows (including Firefly, John Doe, Futurama and many others) and abysmal reality shows. For some time it appeared FOX had given up on virtually all quality programming.

    However this season we had "House". "Bones". "Prison Break". "24". Let's not forget cornerstones like "American Idol". Overall a quality season.

    And... then came "Unan1mous". Eww. Amidst a lineup of shows, a number of which were real winners, FOX reverts to type for a moment and brings on garbage like this. A banal reality show in keeping with such "gems" as Joe Millionaire and Mr Personality. What can I saw about this show except - STOP MAKING THINGS LIKE THIS! If you ever get a chance to see this, for heaven's sake, DON'T! Oh, well. FOX has redeemed themselves, for the most part, in my eyes. Prison Break, 24 and House are excellent shows. I can forgive them for Unan1mous.

    I forgive them less for canceling "Arrested Development", one of the best comedies in years, but that is another story... ;)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If it weren't for American Idol, this show wouldn't have even made it through two episodes..... It resembles a begging little puppy that sits under the table, waiting for whatever is left of your chicken sandwich. If we could all just get up and change the channel, then your voice will be heard.... Remember: You CAN make a difference. Sadly, that is not what is happening now... We are letting this get out of hand. I wasted half-an-hour of my dear depleting life watching this filth. Now what would really make this a good show is if they tricked the actors: Perhaps throw in the Burger King Man, a smoke grenade, and a few bottles of hard liquor, and yes, I would watch it. But for now, I feel no suspense whatsoever. ******************SPOILER******************* For those of you that were wise enough not to watch this show, here is an overview of the plot: Nine unrelated 'people' are locked in an underground bunker, completely unaware of the twists that will befall them. They made sure to fetch the most different people on the face of the planet: A trucker, a preacher, a gay man, a handbag designer, a crazy man, a single mother, and others. Perhaps Fox thought that this would make for heated controversy. Wrong. These people are all actors, and basically this show is just a stereotype of every group of people packed into 30 minutes, once a week. How many preachers go around saying, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, honey!" The answer: None. Preachers are meant to "share the love of God", not bash everyone that they see. Next, there is the 'psycho', who gives us a completely unrealistic view of mentally ill people, with his rants of 'I hate you all,' and the solitary behavior that Fox tries to stage. And the soccer mom: How many mothers would leave their children behind so that they can be locked up in a steel bunker for three months, with no contact with them whatsoever? Perhaps one that really despised the children. Don't fall for the 'Well, we need the money,' Crap. Please. And then there is the trucker, who is being portrayed as a simple idiot, believing everything that anyone says, just because he has a country accent. Yet another stereotype.. 'Tara hates you, Steve... Vote her off...*chuckle*' 'I'll vote hurrrr off, how durr she du thayat tu me.' So many stereotypes, so little time....

    I end this review with one simple word: Prep0sterous.
  • The show was not rigged as many would like to believe. It is AGAINST THE LAW to cheat a game show. I do not think FOX would break the law and fix a show.

    The show should have been an hour long, but it didn't so i'm over it. They had 8-12 million viewers EVERY week. Sure any show after Idol will do pretty good, but this is the best ratings an after idol show has every received. So as much as some "hate" the show, they did something right. Some of you people can't handle reality, and to me this is reality at it's greatest. Sure there were some actors, but actors are real people.

    It's a giant human experiment, putting people in a closed environment with no fresh air, no ability to tell day from night, no contact with the outside world. Some crack, some hold strong, some don't do much at all.

    All in all, the concept was great, the show was good. I think Fox will attempt a seconds season, with it being a bit more planned out.
  • moviewizguy10 May 2006
    Although I didn't like it for many reasons, I actually like the ending of the show. 9 people are in a room and 1.5 million dollar is in the line and the people have to vote for ONE person for them to win. The votes have to be UNANIMOUS (8/9, 7/8, 6/7, 5/6...etc.). Some of them are greedy but some are not. The people can also leave whenever they want but the money gets cut in half. The concept of the show shows what people are really like in real life. These people can't actually have a Unanimous decision, can't they? But it will end sooner or later. When the show ends, it shows that people are not greedy but generous in a way and made one person life's changed. It gives you a awe feeling, at the end of the season for the people and the winner. This TV show can be harsh in some ways because it really shows that people are greedy, but it's worth the watch.
  • Possibly worse than the Jerry Springer show. Of course everyone would want to win the money, so you can see where all the problems are going to come in. They wouldn't want anyone else to win the money, losing their chance to win it themselves. I don't think it could have been any more predictable. If it ever reruns, don't waste your time. Worthless, absolutely worthless. What a waste of 8 half hours of television. This is particularly disappointing since they were wasting the perfect opportunity to cash in on following American Idol, why would you not put a really good new show on to follow it, seeing as so many people are watching? This was not meant to be a full season show, so why waste the time slot? Fox has hit an all time low with this show.