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  • My Girl is a cute Korean TV drama that never strays from the usual in these productions...but like many of them has moments of true feeling, both of joy and pathos.

    The story concerns a young hotel magnate whose grandfather lingers near death, depressed of having never met his granddaughter, having dismissed her mother from his life years earlier. The manager, unable to locate his long lost sister, instead hires a young con artist who has tried to scam him to act as his sister for the benefit of his grandfather.

    Romantic and comic entanglements ensue between the two as their plan takes hold all to well. But what will happen when the grandfather makes a miraculous recovery and the two are forced to act as brother and sister, perhaps forever?

    The 16 part drama is light and fluffy, with much humor, but also an edge of sadness and repressed passion. The performances and direction are top notch, with several poignant and heartfelt moments spread throughout.

    A treat for fans of romantic Korean drama with large helpings of comedy.
  • My Girl; a 2005 Korean melodrama series that gets a lot of credit for being one of the better K-dramas in the last decade or so, and, it is just that for about 12-13 episodes. Unfortunately, this show is 16 episodes long, and it has some other problems as well, for which I feel some demerits are in order.


    Here's your story: Lee Da-hae plays Ju-Yoo-rin; she's the poor young girl who meets the young rich dude who's the male lead. You will see this same theme play out a lot in various K-dramas; many of these shows are quite similar, and they often use the same story lines over and over again. To further illustrate this, the young rich dude in this series is a hotel heir who needs to hire the services of Yoo-rin off the street in a pinch because she speaks the same foreign language of one of the hotel guests (which is the exact same way this exact same actress gets involved with another hotelier in the series Miss Ripley several years later). My Girl is a lot more comedic and whimsical than Miss Ripley, but the same aspects are in play, as is the case with many other Korean melodramas i.e. 2 handsome dudes + 2 pretty girls (usually with a rich/poor angle) going through their paces of some story or another while they straighten out their love lives.

    After helping out the hotel's foreign guests, Yoo-rin is asked by the heir to pretend to be his long lost sister or cousin (can't remember which), so that his dying grandfather can meet her just once before he croaks. She does so, but the grandfather miraculously recovers soon after (of course), so Yoo-rin and the hotel heir are stuck playing the charade of being siblings/cousins for much longer than they anticipated. Along the way, the 2 leads reluctantly start to develop feelings for one another (of course), and other people slowly start to suspect that Yoo-rin is not really the granddaughter (of course). After that, it's just a matter of following along to see how the story will ultimately unfold over time, and what the outcome will be in regards to the budding relationship between our two romantic leads.

    Aside from the two leads, there's a host of other characters straight out of central casting: the playboy cousin who discovers the ruse of the 2 leads, the former girlfriend who reappears in the hotel heir's life, Yoo-rin's worthless dad, the hotel family patriarch, 2 competing aunts, various friends, etc. They all play some part in helping or hindering the primary story over time, and/or, have their own smaller side stories going on in the meantime. Most, if not all, of this secondary cast is effective in their roles.

    I like a number of things about this show: This show is pretty lighthearted in tone for most of its run, and it's often quite funny (particularly so in the first several episodes). In addition, the two main leads are terrific; Lee Dong-wook is plenty enjoyable & likable in his role as the handsome hotel heir, and, Lee Da-hae is regularly, and often fantastically, effective within this KTV melodrama genre (regardless of whether she's playing the funny kind girl, or the sexy evil woman, or what have you).

    The primary problem with this show is the abysmal pacing and writing that occurs during the final four episodes or so. This occurs all too often near the end of many K-dramas, and it's really starting to get on my nerves. The collective parts working in this field on a regular basis need to fix this problem once and for all and stop ruining what are otherwise excellent TV shows. This has nothing to do with how I wished a particular story would've concluded, but rather I would appreciate some more effort when it comes to getting these shows "over the final hurdle". This series (and many others like it) would be absolutely awesome, if there was only some better way to consistently resolve their stories in some coherent and well written manner that doesn't drag on forever.

    The other really bothersome thing here is the ongoing reason why Yoo-rin and the hotel heir couldn't be together due simply to this story they've concocted. Yoo-rin has already fulfilled her purpose of meeting the grandfather, and it was well understood by all that she was going to return to her "adoptive father" sooner or later. So, just send her off somewhere asap and be done with it; there's nothing stopping the 2 leads from seeing each other without them living under the same roof with the grandfather. Even if the grandfather eventually found out the scheme, it's a simple matter of the grandson telling his granddad that he's sorry he lied, but he couldn't find the real granddaughter in time so he hired some girl to act as such in order to make him happy before he died. That would have almost certainly would have worked better than what actually occurred.

    Bottom Line: This show is extremely good if you stop watching it at about the ¾ mark. After that, it mostly sucks (save for a few bright spots here and there that eventually wrap things up). So, 6-7 out of 10 stars for me. I will reluctantly give it 7 stars. It's enjoyable and solid for the most part, but it could have been so, so, so much better with some improved endgame writing/foresight/storytelling.
  • This series is well written and a laugh almost every other scene. For 2005 the humor is not dated and is clever and funny even by 2022 standards. The Hong sisters best work. More sophisticated than "You're Beautiful".

    This is a well cast show with lots of chemistry and well cast leads. A young Lee Dong Wook shows good comedic and romantic acting skills. Lee Joon Gi with his unique looks is a watchable secondary lead. Lee Da Hae gives a spirited and animated performance as the charming con artist. She could have been annoying after a while but instead she is endearing and watchable. The last couple of episodes have a dragged out unnecessary obstacle. But there is a satisfactory conclusion.

    A must watch for K drama fans.
  • I can't describe the ambivalence I've felt after watching "My Girl". I'm fulfilled and yet I can't let go of the whole thing. This is like my first TV Korean Drama and I've enjoyed every single moment of it. Actually, I'm a huge movie fanatic but I'm not into the whole series thing. But "My Girl" is different. I've watched it for 5 times already and I know it sounded sick but who cares I'm enjoying myself.

    I overwhelm by the whole cast and especially the main cast. Lee Da Hae and Lee Dong Wook never fails to make me sizzle. I'm also drawn by the fashion sense of Koreans. Very conservative and yet not boring.

    I recommend people to see this series at least 2 times or better yet 5 times if your bored. A quick escape to the world of Yoo Rin is fulfilling.
  • This is the reason why I was into Korean drama !! The songs in this drama are AMAZINGGGGG AND PERFECTION !!!!

    Omg the story was amazing !! It's definitely a MUSSSST WATCHHH!!!
  • elnaznahavandi13 January 2021
    It was funny and entertaining even now in 2020. All actors were great. It was the first time that I saw Lee Joongi and I fall in love with him.
  • Love at first sight.

    I fell in love with this the first time I saw this 12 years ago. Actors and actresses perfectly fit their role.

    I haven't seen any K-Drama with the same level of romantic/excitement.

    Lee Da Hae and Lee Dong Wook has strong chemistry on/off screen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What i mean by this is that there are other version than this(korea). i watch the Philippines version first, and i love both versions.

    this is one of my childhood korean drama. one of the best too. if one want to introduce korean drama to new fan, this could be the one. ~poor girl with rich boy. ~comedy romantic. ~there also a twist at the end of few episodes.(drama of course). ~energetic optimistic chic girl and cold handsome boy. ~two bestfriends/friends want the same girl. ~family involve.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Joo Yoo-rin (Lee Da-hae) grew up with a father whose gambling, swiindling, lying results in a lifestyle of constant moves. She is a native of Jeju Island but has spent many of her years in Japan, China and many other places on the run from either her father's gambling debts or the fallout from the latest grift. She often bears the brunt of her father's deeds and has learned to lie and scheme herself to survive and to repay her father's many debts.. By chance or perhaps fate Yoo-rin encounters Seol Gong-chan (Lee Dong-wook) while running from some gangsters. Two worlds collide when Gong-chan (sole heir to a hotel chain) discovers Yoo-rin speaks multiple languages and he just so happens to need an interpreter. He hires Yoo-rin to Interpret for visiting Chinese businessmen. During her as interpreter, YAvisiting one of Gong-Chan's vacant mansions. When the short term job is over, Yoo-rin decides her homeless situation can be solved by secretly staying in Gong-Chen's vacant mansion. which sets them up for another hilarious encounter. Gong-chen is a bit distracted by his grandfather's failing health and a search for a lost granddaughter which will fulfill his grandfather's deathbed wish. He is not having luck finding the granddaughter and is worried his grandfather will die with regret. A passing comment that Yoo-rin resembles the lost niece results in Gong-chen thinking up a way to utilize his home invader's unique skills -playing the role of the lost granddaughter Seo Jung-woo (Lee Joon-gi) is Gong-chan's friend since childhood and is also heir to a fortune. He encounters Yoo-rin and protects her from the gangsters. It is love at first site for him as he has traveled the world and been with many women yet never met anyone like The mysterious Yoo-rin. Kim Se-hyun (Park Si-Yeon. is a rising tennis star and the girl who broke Gong-Chan's heart after leaving him to pursue tennis. She is back to win his heart back and is not happy with the growing attraction between aging-chan and Yoo-rin. Grandfather,energized by seeing his "granddaughter" makes a miraculous recovery and now it seems Yoo-rin and Gong-chan may be locked in their lie.

    I really like parts of this movie but didn't like other aspects. It was almost cringe worthy in the beginning some of the lies Yoo-rin was telling and sort of hard to watch. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to like the couple together because I'm just not one that likes lies. However after the first couple of episodes, it calm down a bit and some character development happened and I saw a whole other side to Yoo-rin's character That made how she was more understandable. I found myself very angry at the past girlfriend for leaving Gong-Chan like she did and it seemed like he accepted her back too readily. I really liked his best friend and I actually liked him together a lot With Yoo-rin they were a lot alike in many ways and he was always rescuing her. Towards the end I had a hard time understanding why the grandfather couldn't forgive her easier because she had saved his life and they all loved her so much and she lied to them but it wasn't her choice to do so and they had a really good reason. I also didn't like that they found the actual granddaughter towards the end and it really added nothing to the story. I thought maybe she would've been a character that we had seen but she was a whole new character and we didn't even really get to know much about her at all to be able to cheer on her relationship with the grandfather. It felt like a missed opportunity for a plot twist. I guess coming from a family with someone who is adopted it just makes no sense to me that someone you love that deeply would not become the same as family to you. To me family is not so much about the blood but more about the relationship. And they spent a large part of the story showing how that type of relationship develops between Yoo-rin and Gong-Chan's family members. I loved the friendship between Ging-Chan and his best friend and I'm glad that the competition over the girl did not ultimately tear their friendship apart. Their friendship reminded me of the friends in "Boys Over Flowers". I felt like the ending was a bit rushed because we had waited so long to see them get together and some of the other story elements resolve but all of that really happened in the last half of the last episode and we only saw them together the last 10 minutes or so. I would've rated it higher if the ending had felt less rushed. I was really surprised that 3/4 of the way through I was having tearful moments because the story got really sad in parts. That was a surprise. It had been so comedic through most of it but having such heavy, sad moments was a real change. I also liked the relationship she developed with the entire family and felt sad towards the end when they basically turn their backs on her although they did go to bat for her later with theGrandfather. But you didn't get to see the reconciled relationships very much because it ended so quickly. It was good and I would recommend it just not as a top choice. It is an older drama and it's amazing how you can tell by the filming and the way people act without even knowing that ahead of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    How do I watch?how do I watch all the episodes its not working
  • lamiaa-1175727 September 2020
    So great and gives me nostalgic feelings Lee Joon Gi was so pretty here even prettier than co-actresses