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  • Categorizing the innumerable Playboy videos issued over the years (I used to get them regularly in the '80s sent to me as review copies) as documentaries is a stretch. Besides the constant self-promotion of the magazine and its founder, they did provide softcore entertainment of a sort, and this 2006 DVD release consists entirely as excerpts from several previous releases dating back to the VHS era, spotlighting the beauty of Jenny McCarthy.

    Chief interest is perhaps to a newer audience, as she quite successfully springboarded from her Playboy model success to mainstream success as a TV celebrity. Perhaps only Pamela Anderson has been more popular in this type of transition. But of course no softcore actress/model has ever achieved the type of stardom (and attendant respectability) of the parallel career movement of another niche group: pro wrestlers, as demonstrated by Dwayne Johnson and Jon Cena, to cite the most successful. Even though pornography is a major aspect of the entertainment spectrum, the stigma against performers in the Adult industry remains as strong as ever, and with the Far Right's ascent in political power in recent years there's little hope for that to change.