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  • I tuned in to this movie just to have something on the TV to clear up the dead air. This movie turned out being really amazing. Just when you think it's going to be cheesy and too much comedy for the subject matter it finds a way of really showing the heartbreaking road to being diagnosed with cancer and moving on after cancer.

    Sarah Chalke was amazing. I don't know if the movie would have been as good without her playing the part, many times it was her face and expressions that told the story. It's also a somewhat layered story not just showing what she is going through when she is diagnosed, but also giving us a look into how her husband, her friends, and her family deal with it. Over all fantastic job.
  • Unfortunately I missed the first half an hour of this made for TV movie but it totally sucked me in and I wish I'd seen it from the beginning. A very inspiring story, Sarah Chalke gives an amazing performance here as Geralyn Lucas; a young woman at the start of her life with everything going for her (great husband, supportive family, friends, dream job) who is diagnosed with breast cancer. Geralyn fights back on her own terms using courage, humour and never without her bright red lipstick.

    Sarah Chalke brings warmth and sensitivity to the central role and the dialogue is witty and fun (even though she's going through cancer and debilitating chemo). The effects her sickness has on her husband and friends as well as herself are also well explored and felt realistic. Based on a memoir 04.13
  • kaljbl27 October 2006
    When my daughter and I turned on the TV Monday night neither of us had heard about this movie before. Having just lost a very dear friend to breast cancer we decided to watch it. I can't think of anything bad to say about this movie. It was wonderful, very moving but not sappy. Sarah Chalke gave a Emmy worthy performance. We've told anyone that might have missed it the first time to watch when it is on again this Saturday the 28th on Lifetime. It brought back memories both good and bad of our friend that we had lost. The movie shows all the different emotions that a cancer patient goes through in their battle. We especially loved when ever she found one of her angels.
  • missygoldstein23 October 2006
    Very inspiring story of a young girl with everything; great job, husband, success, beauty...and suddenly getting diagnosed with the big C. She's terrified she will lose her fabulous life, but more importantly her life, period. She has a very touchy feely moment with a cab driver who shares his cancer experience and wisdom. She is fortunate to have a loving husband and a very good support system from friends to family to her mentor at work who is also a survivor.

    Throughout the movie she faces every step from the mastectomy to chemo to hair loss to nausea to fear of death. She forges ahead determined to fight.

    Sarah Chalke was great as the courageous Geryln. Watching Gerylyn you can't help but compare her to yourself, and how we get bogged down in our petty problems for years and years on end. She's truly an inspiration.
  • kqnebrasky1 November 2006
    As a 28 year old woman with breast cancer, currently in chemo...this movie really helped me a lot. It gave me the hope and courage I was searching for. What a great movie, I am reading the book now...You will laugh and cry and laugh again. Sarah Chalke does an amazing job showing the emotions you go through when diagnosed and during treatment. Even if you have never had or don't know anyone with cancer this movie is just plain good! And if you do have cancer this movie is a positive guideline for you or know someone with breast cancer this movie will help you understand what your loved one is feeling emotionally and somewhat physically. Please check it out!

    it is a must see!
  • lookwhosknocking19 September 2012
    As a 28 year old woman with breast cancer, currently in chemo...this movie really helped me a lot. It gave me the hope and courage I was searching for. What a great movie, I am reading the book now...You will laugh and cry and laugh again. Sarah Chalke does an amazing job showing the emotions you go through when diagnosed and during treatment. Even if you have never had or don't know anyone with cancer this movie is just plain good! And if you do have cancer this movie is a positive guideline for you or know someone with breast cancer this movie will help you understand what your loved one is feeling emotionally and somewhat physically. Please check it out!

    it is a must see!
  • This movie is excellent and helpful for those dealing with breast cancer.

    My friends at my oncology unit recommended that I see the film to further understand the choices and the emotional impact of working with the disease. They have all suggested that a copy of the film (either VHS or DVD) be placed in the hospital library where I volunteer so that others may view the film.

    My sister is dealing with breast cancer and doesn't have cable, so this would be the only way that she will see it.

    Does anyone know how to secure a legal copy that can be placed in that library? I don't want to record it off the air and then pass it off as legal since that is just plain stealing. I would like to work on this as a gift to all my friends dealing with any form of cancer. We need all the support we can get.

    If you know how to accomplish this, you can certainly email me personally.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Oh my God! Sarah was AMAZING! After watching this I now have a whole new level of respect and admiration for Sarah, she was really brave doing some of those really intense, emotional and nude scenes, her performance in this just proofs how great an actor she really is, and how she can make you laugh out loud as Elliot on scrubs, or make you sad, cry and still laugh in a drama. Sarah truly gave an Emmy worthy performance in the movie, and if she doesn't at least get nominated I'll be shocked. I think that this is some of Sarah's best ever work! I'm very proud of how well, brilliant, smart, and spectacular her acting was, and now people will see her as more than just Elliot from scrubs. She gave a truly breathtaking performance and made me see a new side to her, a strong and brave side, and many times in the movie she didn't have to say anything, her face and expressions told the story, she really captured struggling and heartbreaking perfectly. It hurt me a little whenever I saw Sarah in such emotional and physical pain in some scenes, but her acting got me though it. I believe that she succeed in showing the hope, fear, and courage that the real Geralyn Lucas had, and now women will be able to watch this film and have hope and find something to give them courage, like the red lipstick did for her. Plus I really like how Sarah said and did things in the movie that reminded me of her as Elliot, like her purple, red and blue bras, her snorts, her crazy neurotic outbursts, when she called herself "lop-sided", and most of all "Barbie", and when she told her husband things about herself in a cab before she went to get her pictures taken, but what I also liked was that she also said and did things that Elliot would never do, it just shows how mature she can be. I think this was Sarah's first big lead role, and I hope we see more of her in films were she's the lead. Because of this film, I'm going to donate money for breast cancer research when ever I can. Sarah has really grown up as an actress and the way she's matured and improved as an actor and a person is extraordinary, and I can't wait for what she gives us next. I really liked this movie, Sarah truly deserves an Emmy for this, and I believe she gave us a good and wonderful message that we are not alone and that there's always hope. And I loved the ending when she felt like she won the fight of her life and made something like a scar into a thing of beauty, that almost made me cry--almost. Bravo Sarah and God bless. PS: If you haven't seen the movie, you should.
  • This movie reminded me so much of my Mother. Although she wasn't in her 20's when she got breast cancer, she was 38, still under the age of 40. So now myself I have to get a mammogram at the young age of 28. It's a scary feeling for the family to know that your loved one has cancer. This movie goes through every feeling that she had. It really touches you in the heart. Women, young women, and's never too early to start self-breast exams. Early detection is key to fight this. We caught my Mother's cancer early enough all she had to have was a lumpectomy and radiation. She is closing in on her 5th anniversary of being cancer free. So let's fight the good fight and win this thing.
  • ursgirl2 January 2007
    I recently watched this film (after having it recorded for over a month) and found it fascinating and inspirational.

    Even for someone without breast cancer, Gerlyn had a way of making me feel strong in other aspects of my life.

    I am currently taking a film class in college, and the cinematographer and director did a spectacular job of using the many elements of film watching here. In fact, I think they used them all. Great Job!

    This is a definite must-see. I am not sure if Lifetime will or has aired it again since it viewing in Oct., but I know many of their movies are kept at the library and some video stores.
  • I always wondered about the physical (and emotional) pain that one goes through while trying to beat cancer. Never having dealt with it myself (Praise god!!) I always wondered what kinds of pains and evils one has to overcome. It is truly frightening. I like how this movie is realistic, yet not. The actress Sarah Chalke, from Roseanne, is one of my favorite t.v. actresses. Great movie overall. Better than I had anticipated. If you haven't already seen it, see it!! There is this one part that really got to me. When she says something about her constant vomiting. She said that her and her husband have taken there relationship to a new level. Now the extent of their relationship is him holding her hair for her while she pukes. Her husband is really great through out the entire movie and just wants to help her through it and get through it together. And yet there are times when she pushes him away. He is so sweet though and puts up with a lot. Of course she does as well. They went through hell and back together and that is my favorite part of the movie. God bless any one who has had to deal with such horrors in real life.