User Reviews (1)

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  • Sleepin_Dragon20 February 2024
    On his way to confession, ahead of a football match, Kevin has got caught up in a race riot, and ended up bruised and battered with a black eye. Kevin's colleagues believe he must have been the cause of the fighting.

    Now I can't lie, I quit this show some time back, I couldn't really get on with it, a bored afternoon and I thought it was time to give it another chance.

    Now it would be very easy to give this a one star rating, call it trash, and simply forgetting about it. However I've decided to try, and see it in context of when it was made.

    Even taking into account when it was made, and taking on board the prejudices and attitudes of the time, once you remove those from the script, you're left with an episode that simply doesn't have any laughs, this one is very poor.

    Football riots, then religious fights, two topics that are bound to cause problems.
