User Reviews (25)

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  • I have never seen this show or any of this groups' previous shows. I'd never even heard of them, although it seems now that they have been around more than a few years. I'll say in advance that I enjoy British humor, especially Monty Python & Tracey Ullman. I enjoy anything funny & well made, regardless of where it's from. When I found this show listed on HBO OnDemand I popped some popcorn & took over the couch.

    I nearly died laughing. That was just the first 5 minutes. I had to stop it a few times because I laughed so hard I missed some of it & had to back it up. Watching this program felt like I was making a new friend, someone that would happily be in my life forever. I want more. I NEED MORE.

    To me, this show is Kids In The Hall meets Monty Python with Reno 911 sprinkled on top, but DIRTY funny too. Funny British Comedy! Funny Comedy for any country.

    I've watched the Little Britain USA twice more & sat down to write it up here, which I've NEVER done before. I am sure there will be some who disagree with my initial feelings for this show after my first viewing, but that's some people for you! Some people have a sense of humor, some don't. And I stand by my warning...Go to the bathroom before you watch this show. I wish someone had warned me.
  • TheEtherWalk18 February 2010
    The cult duo are back with a new series on a new continent. Little Britain USA could very well surpass the original series, which was fairly hit and miss. Most of the best characters are back and most of the new ones are great too. (The astronaut was a little weak, but I'll give it time.) The couple of 40 years who are completely miserable is probably my favorite. The humor is outrageous if a little gross, but so was the original. It seems like 'USA' has reached a higher quality of comedy. This is a truly hilarious series and a joy for fans of these guys. If you hate them I can't guarantee this show will change your mind, but I think it's very well done.

    Unfortunately it's already been cancelled. And Americans think Friends is good comedy...
  • Before I'd seen my first episode of "Little Britain USA", I'd talked to some British friend about the series. While we all agreed that we liked the original series, they told me not to even bother with the newest Americanized version--it just wasn't funny. Well, I got HBO a few months later and watched this new series with feelings of great dread...and found that I really liked the show...about as much as the original. Sure, some of my favorite characters are gone (such as Daffyd), but many of the old ones (such as the evil fatty-hater, Marjorie as well as the Prime Minister's assistant--who is now the Prime Minister himself!). One other inclusion from the original shows that I was thrilled was present were Tom Baker's inane narration--it was perhaps even more stupid (and funny) than before. My only reservation is exactly the same one I had about the original all-British shows--there is an awful lot of repetition and a few more characters would have been appreciated. Still, all these shows make me laugh...a lot!
  • Let me just preface this post by stating that I fell in love with Little Britain after spending some time in the UK and catching the show. There were a few cultural references that went over my head being that I'm an American, but I still loved the odd and obscene humor that it boasted.

    After returning to the US, I wondered and secretly hoped that we would get our own taste of Little Britain with vibrant and familiar references to boot. Sure, watching the original on DVD was entertaining, but I kept thinking of characters they could build with influence from our culture.

    Then low and behold, I'm going through the HBO on Demand this morning when I see "Little Britain USA" in the series list. My jaw dropped, and I immediately did my sitting happy dance. So I pressed play on episode 01, sat back with my coffee, and anticipated seeing Carol Beer rudely tell an American "Computer Says No"... as well as what Yankee characters they would bring to the table.

    Let me tell you... it HONESTLY did not disappoint. I laughed so hard at one point, I'm sure I woke my roommate up. The things Marjorie says to Rosie O'Donnell are priceless. And Jesus Christ, the gym/bikini guys might even top the obscenity of Bubbles.

    I'm sure there will be a lot of elitists and Brits that will despise the idea of their beloved show going American mainstream, but these people just need to get off their high horses and give it a chance. This is a show with two brilliant comedians/actors that needs to be shared and enjoyed by as many people as possible.

    And yeah, maybe I'm just a tad bit biased because perhaps now I won't get as many "Who Are you?" responses to my Carol Beer costume I have planned for this Halloween.

    Anyway, I really like it. So far, so good. And I really look forward to seeing how far they go with it. You should really see it for yourself before you dismiss it as a bad idea. But I will be honest with you... you need to have a strange and open sense of humor to truly enjoy this show.
  • nickknock29 September 2008
    It's nice to see some edgy comedy. All the comedy shows on TV are so bland. Other sketch shows like SNL, Mad TV have no had anything good in ages. You have to listen to radio and Howard Stern, for anything even close to original and edgy. I hope the show does well, it deserves to. I wish the other shows before mentioned would watch this and learn a few lessons. They are so scared of offending anyone, their shows have become stale and unwatchable. Anyone who disagrees, see how many people watched SNL after their first sketch. Comedy shows use to push the envelope, now they all attempt to meet the greatest mass. So in the end I hope this show does more then just make it to the next season, I hope it influences comedy programs on this side of the pond!
  • I loved the original Little Britain and was prepared to really like LB:USA since HBO's got a track-record of nurturing good writing. But, here's the thing: the laugh track in the original serves (at least in my opinion) as a bit of double-irony. The jokes are puerile and play on basic stereotype. They're easy to laugh at already. No laugh track required, so its addition works as a counterpoint to the irony. Not so in the American version; it actually feels like a degradation of the jokes. Or maybe I'm overthinking this thing. Tell you what. If you've seen and liked Little Britain, you'll like Little Britain: USA, because it's god-damned funny and Tom Baker still does the narration. If you've never seen it, try it. But don't act like you didn't know it's not American-style. The word Britain's right there in the title.
  • I really like the three series of Little Britain (the British version). They're in no way my favourite comedy show (South Park, Family Guy, The Office, Extras, Spaced, Brasseye and Big Train all come above it), but as far as sketch-show comedy goes, the original series was pretty good.

    Watching Little Britain USA, I can't help but feel disappointed that many people will not like it, therefore they will not want to visit the original British series, which I think is so much better than this.

    The jokes are more immature than before, and some of them simply are not funny. Overall, the show still generates laughs and is enough to pass the time in a semi-pleasant way. Just don't go expecting award-winning comedy this time around.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've seen Monty Python,Black Adder,The Young One's,etc. And at last i'm finding English humor back on course again.Of course we've got Shameless(When it comes back etc.)But this is REAL British humor,understood by some,and loathed by a lot more!The people from the USA are not used to strong humor,or nudeness(The nipple of J.Jakson of example)And the English humor is maybe to strong for them,but as the USA is soooo BIG there will be a lot of people out there laughing the heads off!!! Or like the internet calls it LOL!!Please watch this series with an open mind.The T.V. was made to entertain people,and this series does just that!!!It's get's all those things out your head for work etc.It makes you laugh,and you just forget about it all!! I've just found out why the American's can't find all the scech's funny because a lot of them are cencered.The one of the two guy's playing in the changing-rooms they are censered BUT the "THINGY" was only 2cm long!!!!Now I now,so you American people watch this great series in the English version of it.It comes uscensored.Enjoy
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Little Britain became a huge success all over the world, whether it was broadcast in other languages, or remade by other comedians abroad, it is good however that the Americans allowed the original stars to create a spin off for the United States. Basically Matt Lucas and David Walliams bring back some of their most popular characters who are now living in the USA, and obviously they have created some brand new characters who are just are bizarre and in amusingly bad taste. Characters include old favourites Lou and Andy, Vicky Pollard, Daffyd Thomas, Marjorie Dawes, Sebastian Love (now the Prime Minister in love with the President), Bubbles DeVere, Emily Howard, Carol Beer ("Computer says no"), Harvey Pincher ("Bitty"), Linda Flint ("Martin, it's Linda..."), and brand new characters including grandmother Mildred, gym buddies Mark and Tom, little girl Ellie-Grace ("I love you more than..."), the eighth man on the moon Bing Gordyn and many more. Narrated by Tom Baker, and guest stars in the series include Rosie O'Donnell, Geraldine James, Vivica A. Fox, Paul Rudd, Sting, Robert Vaughn and many more. Obviously it is not quite as funny and original as the original series were (the first two being the best, three not as good), but the over the top jokes certainly don't completely disappoint, but the show was apparently a bit of a flop in the States, but it's not bad. It was nominated the Emmy for Outstanding Makeup for a Single Camera Series (Non-prosthetic) and Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series, Miniseries, Movie or a Special. Good!
  • I have been a fan of Little Britain for a long time. I live in the USA but downloaded and watched all the UK episodes like I do a lot of British TV; Top Gear, Saxondale, Ali-G, I'm Allen Partridge, the Original Office, etc, etc.. I am a true lover and connoisseur of UK comedy shows. Little Britain is no Saxondale but it is a great show.

    When I first saw Little Britain USA I nearly threw up laughing so hard! Not only has the show evolved and gotten more edgy it is clear that they are able to go much further because of the R rated content HBO allows that BBC in the UK did not.

    It funny to see the negative responses on here, they seem to be mostly from people from the UK. And I suspect that the only reason they don't like it is because they went into it determined to hate it just because of the "USA" on the end of the title. If they ever got the show before they would really love the "USA" version that does not hold back! This show makes jokes about sexuality, racism, etc. that most American TV wont touch. This is something that has been funny about The Office, Saxondale, Ali-G, even Top Gear for years. The fact that the people from Britain don't get how over the top that is here for this audience, mixed with the sheer raunchiness allowed by HBO over BBC is truly their loss!! And I suspect more about a miss placed sense of anti-Americanism than a true evaluation of the show!!
  • In the episode when Bubbles DeVere gets thrown off the ship... when the camera pans away from Robert Vaughn, could someone confirm that another quite fabled TV and Movie actor uncredited is sitting there...? Its perhaps a trick of the light or someone who just happens to look like this star but after watching recently Space 1999: S1 - Black Sun... its the eyes that give it away... but perhaps someone can confirm that is Martin Landau or not or just some supporting actor from an agency.

    I'm minded of this as its not the first time Landau has declined mainline credits. I think that it rather ironic having the man from Mission Impossible sitting opposite from the Man from Uncle, watch the Space 1999 episode Black Sun and you will see a time warp from the 70's to now...

    I wouldn't be surprised as Williams and Lucas are both of an age that would have seen the tail end of series II of 1999 when it was shown here in the UK, for many of us young lads it was our "Star Trek" and enjoyed great viewer ship on Saturday mornings despite ITV's abysmal schedule and to wrap it up, if that is Martin... its great to see he's still about.
  • bryanross198511 October 2008
    OK, where do I start? I fell in love with Little Britain at the start of series 1. Series 2 and 3 both had flaws but were great also. I went to see them live and was blown away. It was the funniest thing I had seen in a long time.

    When my Fiancée and I heard about Little Britain USA, we couldn't wait, we watched it, I think I laughed (halfheartedly) about once.

    I think that the characters were "Lost in Translation", by which I mean that whilst trying to appeal to both Americans and British people, the characters and jokes had lost all of their comedic value.

    Whilst I respect Walliams and Lucas for what they have done for British Comedy. It doesn't quite work in the USA.

    P.S. The canned laughter doesn't work at all. The live Studio audience gave the British series an authentic and natural quality
  • Little Britain: 1. Take a dozen jokes, about a third of which are actually funny, make each joke into a sketch. 2. Repeat the exact same joke in each episode, but with a minor variation. Instead of Lou and Andy spouting their catchphrases in their living room, they're now doing it in a supermarket!!!!!! Hilarious! 3. Do this so much that even the sketches that were slightly amusing soon become tired and repetitive to anyone whose idea of comedy isn't just endless catchphrases. 4. Enjoy unfathomable success.

    Little Britian USA: 1. Repeat steps 1-3 above, but this time set everything in the States because an American audience won't understand it otherwise. 2. Chuck out any jokes that aren't about penises. 3. Add an irritating canned laughter track. 4. Put a few more penis jokes in for good measure. They're just soooo witty. 5. Hopefully bomb and be banned from our screens forever.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a real shame this was the last we saw of Little Britain, but it's not as if it didn't go out in style. The USA series was just as good as the original series in my opinion, although while the original series is probably better overall, I must admit, a lot of the elements of Little Britain USA were way better than the equivalent elements of the original show. I particularly liked the theme tune being played in a higher pitch at the end, and the upbeat remix they gave to the opening theme. While it was a shame to see some old characters absent from this series (such as Mr Mann, Roy and Margaret), the new characters such as Phyllis Church and Mr Doggy were brilliant. I'm so glad they kept Tom Baker as the narrator though, it would be incomplete without him. It's a shame they never managed to do another series, they almost managed to do one, but Lucas and Walliams declined due to the condition that the first episode would be commissioned to be 90 minutes long, which they did not want to commit to. If only they'd said yes. But anyway, Little Britain was incredible from start to finish while it lasted, and I couldn't be more grateful that a spin-off of it exists as well.
  • STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

    And so the LB duo have crossed over the Atlantic and brought their peculiarly disgusting humour to the yanks. We've known about it happening for a while, but it's interesting how after about the third series, all the hype and mania about the show (a direct result of them selling out) died down and the series disappeared off our screens for a bit. Lucas got all the publicity for his five minute wedding while Walliams tried (with some success) to pursue serious acting roles, including that of comedy legend Frankie Howard. The series seemed to survive on the occasional comic relief/Christmas special here and there, but the height of it's success, during the 2004/2005 sort of time, just came and went. I must hold my hands up and say I got caught up in it all and loved the series when it first started. While it relied on juvenile gross out sort of humour a lot more than any genuinely intelligent comedic writing, the characters were very well realized and it was a generally good reflection of the state of Britain today. But with Little Britain USA, the signs of a dead horse being flogged are all but clear to see.

    It's interesting, I note how all the good reviews on this homepage seem to be coming from Americans, who are used to this sort of humour, and all the bad reviews seem to be coming from the British reviewers. This sort of reaction after just two episodes should be saying something. The devil's really in the title: Little Britain USA. As well as the novelty, the perspective has also been lost: it was meant to be a satire of British caricatures and mannerisms, with an emphasis on certain exaggerated characters who embodied them. By lampooning American stereotypes, the boy's have accomplished no more with their style than your average Eddie Murphy film and a lot less successfully. They've also exposed a pathetic desperation to keep their cashcow going by reflecting little 'Britain' in America, including inexplicably moving characters from the UK series, like unhelpful desk clerk Carol Beer (how did she get a transfer to the States if she was so bad at her job?) over there seemingly permanently, as well as favourites Lou and Andy (the same old gag again and again!) and Daffyyd (how he'll stay 'the only gay in the village' is anyone's guess???) in amongst new American characters, all of whom fail to make an impression. All this, by definition makes the show lose all meaning but since the objective now seems to be to sell out as much as possible (they way it's always been, some might say) maybe that happened a long while ago.

    It was never the most subtle or sophisticated of shows, and stood as much chance of winding you up and getting on your nerves if you weren't in the mood for it as it did making you laugh out loud and that's definitely the feeling here. I've discovered Mitchell and Webb, and in particular Peep Show, since then and comedy with something to fall back on when the gross out stuff fails is definitely the better option. Everything has it's day, but Little Britain hasn't just had it's cake, it's tried to eat it too and in the process spilled the bits everywhere and sent a once enjoyable franchise down the swanney to, well...America. *
  • joeker-betts5 October 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    When "Little Britain" first hit British screens it was groundbreaking. I fell in love with it and it's characters. Clever, ridiculous and down right absurd and it was great. The second series came along. That was alright but not as good as the first. Then the third series. I was genuinely upset. It went way over the line and the cleverness of the earlier series flew out the window. Then I watch the first episode of this, "Little Britain USA". I'm not going to go on about it and rip it to shreds but I will say I feel they have sold out. There were very few funny moments and I feel that this has killed "Little Britain". It's had it's day, which is a damn shame.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Words cant describe how poor this show is. Prior to the show being broadcasted in the UK there were mixed reviews of the series from United States residents. I personally did have high expectations for it, expecting it to be as original and witty as Little Britain has always been. I mean i used to love theses guys, they were amazing, their smart jokes, used to leave you laughing on the floor. I own every DVD and never get bored of it.

    But this was terrible. I fail to believe how anybody, could find one sketch of this even remotely funny. Just terrible joke after joke which were all so cheesy and unimaginative.I mean they could have made these sketches an hour before the show and would have done a better job. From the annoying studio audience laughing at cringe worthy jokes that just made you want to shout at the telly "That wasn't Funny !! " They must have been paid heavily to go through that torture. Every sketch was poor and weak and i wouldn't be surprised if this was cancelled off air.

    Even David Walliams and Matt Lucas acting was extremely bad,and i thought i'd never say that ! Its as if they just took the first shot and left it as it was, if it was bad - oh well. If it was good then its a bonus. And all the kids who seemed like drugged robots. Where did they get them ? Surely they could have hired kids from an acting school

    And finally when one slightly funny sketch (Fat Fighters) eventually came around that was just completely ruined by the frustrating audience who by the end of the show i wanted to shot. But even this wasn't that great.

    If you haven't seen this, you'll probably ignore the bad reviews as I did, thinking that Little Britain has an will be great. Be prepared to be disappointed Little Britain fans

    This doesn't even deserve a 1 out of 10. If you want to waste 30 minutes of your life on this then go ahead. But BE WARNED ! ITS TERRIBLE !
  • To begin with, I'm a major fan of Little Britain. I consider these guys to be geniuses, on par with Monty Python when it comes to English humor. I own all of their works on DVD and have seen the sketches numerous times. So what happened in the transition from the UK to the USA? We happened to them. For as many great comedies HBO has produced -- The Larry Sanders Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mr. Show, et al. -- somebody at the pay channel really fumbled in bringing this classic British duo to Yankee turf. Here's what happened: they added the clumsiest, most fake-sounding laugh track in the history of television to the soundtrack. WHO thought it was necessary to do this? It sounds like rubbish! I'm talking great hysterical frenzies of laughter, even at the most subtle of jokes (which I know is rare in Little Britain territory). It was so painful to watch the first episode, I abandoned it a quarter of the way through. I really hope they will tone it down in future -- I have been looking forward to Little Britain USA for such a long time, it is terribly dispiriting to see what HBO has done with this grotesque soundtrack.
  • I was never a fan of Little Britain when it was shown on the BBC, and Little Britain USA is just as bad. Little Britain and Little Britain USA is basically a sketch show with a collection of 'colourful' characters, like Vicky Pollard, the chav schoolgirl, Bubbles, the overweight nudist, Lou and Andy, the fake disable guy and his carer, Daffyd Thomas, the homophobic Welsh gay, etc, with some American buddies like the gym buddies, the mother and daughter team Ellie and Grace where they tell each other how much they love each other until one of them comes up with something vulgar (like double ended didoes) and Phyllis Church and Mr. Doggy, a woman who does inapproitate things in the disguise of her King Charles Spaniel.

    They are several problems with Little Britain and the American Spin-off. Firstly once you heard one of the jokes, like Vicky Pollard's 'yeah but no but' or seeing Andy getting out of his wheelchair when Lou isn't looking, then you don't need to see or hear it again, but Matt Lucas and David Walliams are poor writers and just go over the same territory over and over again. At the same time the fans of the show just lap it up and love it. The catchphrases from the show have become a part of British culture and can get very annoying. Because they is such little room for continuing the show in Britain the characters are taken to other places like Thailand and obviously the US. Secondly, the show is vulgar, it is perfectly willing to go to the lowest common denominator just to get a cheap laugh, like seeing someone grotesque naked or watching a woman urinating whilst talking to someone. The show has been criticised for being sexist, racist, homophobic, and ageist, basically annoying a lot of people on the left and right. I say its borderline and does cross the line sometimes. The offers no intelligence to the audience, has no clever jokes at all. It crude and crass. The characters are horrible and they is no point to the show. They is little originality and because of the show ability to repeat itself all the time any novelty goes off really quickly.

    They has been a real decline in British comedy over the years. Gone are the days where great shows like Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder, Red Dwarf, the Young Ones, etc... are long gone, and the BBC keeps rubbish show after rubbish show like After You're Gone, Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps and Coming of Age. But they are still some gems like Peep Show, the Office and to a lesser extent Extras, as well as panel shows like Have I Got News for You and Mock the Week. I personally recommend shows like that way above Little Britain and Little Britain USA.

    What surprises me most is that it s HBO that shows Little Britain USA. How can a channel that has made top-quality like the Soparnos, Oz, Deadwood, Rome, etc... show this rubbish to its audience? Do the executives think that just because the show is British that it means it's high quality? It doesn't. The saving grace in my made is that the American critics have panned the show and audience figures were low in the states. It does show that America does have taste and in recent years have overtaken Britain in quality in a number of areas in entertainment. Top-quality British shows are becoming less and less frequent. As well Little Britain USA has not be renewed for a new series which is good news.
  • I'm sorry to say I agree with comments, I don't tow any line.... little Britain was the first show for years that made me laugh, shock, tears, belly laugh... prior to this Monty python; black adder; wood and Walters.. I had high expectations. I am gutted. Not only have they as performers sold out... canned laughter... predictable jokes...sycophantic to u.s.d - the worst thing of all - they have sold out their characters, how can Andy watch Lou on t.v walking - stealing a kids car - the whole situ/comedy comes from Andy's naivety and ignorance and Lou's exploitation of this....the intro of new characters all cater to an American audience, but i doubt the U.S fans who originally followed the show and made it infamous, the whole thing feels alien and treacherous.... Tom baker thankfully hasn't changed, his script is new but his tone still maintains the sardonic balls and gusto (recorded in u.k away from the new york dazzle!).... Don't SELL OUT GUYS (I think overall USA tart. sorry Dave, is walliams) - We don't want this - The U.S don't want this - pls let this be some bizarre master plan... anyhow... Tara
  • Let me first start out by saying I like Little Britain Series one and two; I missed series three because I started to live in the US again by that time but I may not watch series three now that I know how Little Britain USA turned out. In act of full disclosure I did start a bit late into the US version as I just upgraded my Satellite package to include HBO and BBC America in November due to a new discounted rate through my apartment complex so if there was some comedy gold missed in the first few episodes due tell me.

    When I discovered that there was a US version of Little Britain I was quite happy. I was very keen on watching the programme I enjoyed so much back in the UK and being able to watch it in HD was just some icing on the cake. Well, as it turns out the cake has been left out since 2004 because by the time I viewed Little Britain USA it had become quite stale indeed. Mind you I watched one and a quarter episodes so it's not like I didn't give it a shot I just didn't find it all that good. I think I may have chuckled once perhaps but that was at a rehashed bit that used to be quite funny in the first series. In fact as I watched the US version I started to think that maybe it was never funny in the first place. Maybe I was deluded back in Britain into thinking it was funny just because of the hype surrounding the show at the time. I thought that I had been duped but then I happened across the original on BBC America and I discovered that I had not been duped the show has just become really bad. I then tried to watch another episode that I had recorded of the new series and was just as let down after only 8 minutes and had to shut it off. In my eyes the show as run its course.

    Please do yourself a favour and watch Series one and two... maybe three; again I haven't been able to see that one yet but just don't bother with Little Britain USA. You will just get depressed by the thought of how much these once funny characters are dead perhaps forever.
  • Network: HBO; Genre: Sketch Comedy; Content Rating: TV-MA (for strong language, strong scatological humor, graphic sexual dialog and full frontal nudity); Perspective: Contemporary (star range: 1 -4);

    Seasons Reviewed: 1 season

    What is it about the sketch comedy series that brings out all the hacks? That brings out all of those whose sense of humor doesn't rise above lazy elementary school jokes surrounding bodily fluids, nudity, gay jokes and fat jokes? With HBO's import, "Little Britain USA", we often get all three at once. Whether it's half the crap on Comedy Central or Showtime's "The Underground" or now "Little Britain", we shouldn't have to be eye raped by a ghastly, juvenile sense of humor every time we tune into a sketch comedy series.

    "Britain" comes on the heels of Tracey Ullman's brain-dead "State of the Union", exhausting a concept that didn't work for her (yet makes her show look much better by comparison). Once again a narrator (Tom Baker) take us all around America explaining the American way of life to us as an outside observer, this time comparing American and British culture head-to-head. The cast mostly consists of Matt Lucas and David Williams, in costumes and fat suits to play characters in all of the sketches. Like "Union", the sketches are a minute or 2 long, which means they aren't fleshed out to anything yet feel unmercifully long even at that length. "Britain" is a more blatantly caustic series, openly hostile toward American culture and lobbing a few grenades at Britain for appearances sake. Britain has transvestites and miserable marriages and they aren't always proper. Americans are all fat, illiterate, crack smoking, gun-toting imbeciles. Americans have never shied away from making fun of themselves – as most of our primetime animated programs show – just not with a sledgehammer style.

    The show speaks for itself. I'll let these descriptions spare you the sight of actually having to witness it. The first sketch climaxes in a wheelchair bound character peeing in a pool. That's it. A later one features a grown man nursing on his mother's breasts at a dinner table, which naturally also evolves into a spraying of bodily fluids. Oh yes, and naked fat women and naked homo-repressed body builders are inherently funny here. And even if you've had a frontal lobotomy, have so little respect for yourself and your intelligence that you find this garbage funny, the show is unbelievably repetitive, recycling bits and characters that were never funny through the entire series. A woman whose dog tells her to do things, an astronaut who brags about going to the moon, a rude hospital receptionist and, most annoying, a child who speaks to her mother in language she picked up from hardcore pornography – these one-note, single-joke bits are deemed such rock solid comedy gold by Lucas and Williams that they are repeated ad nauseum in every single episode.

    Single camera director Michael Patrick Jann and studio director David Schwimmer (yes, there's a laugh track and, yes, that David Schwimmer) keep everything pitched out to the cheap seats. It is sophomore humor at its most base and vile. So if you can't get enough gay jokes, fat jokes, fart jokes, spraying bodily fluids, racial stereotypes, men wearing dresses and desperate "shock" humor for the sake of it where the mere utterance of an obscenity is considered sidesplitting comedy (and if you need these gags repeated over and over before you get them) this is your show. A random buffet of clumsy paper-thin would-be satire that is an embarrassment to both Britain and the United States. It isn't insulting because it's crude, it's insulting because it's so infantile. "Little Britain USA" – the worst TV show of 2008. Let's hope I never have to hear from Lucas and Williams again.

    0 / 4
  • triciascz8 August 2012
    I may have enjoyed this comedy series if it weren't for the canned laughter. I couldn't watch more than a few minutes. IMDb requires ten lines of text in order to submit a review, so...Please excuse me for writing continuing to write when I really have no more to say about the series. If the producers would remove the canned laughter, I think I would enjoy this particular comedy series.I just couldn't get past the canned laughter. British humor can be hilarious. I regret that I couldn't stand to watch this particular series. I hope I can now end this and post my review. IMDb also requires ten. Lines. Of. Text. In. Order. To. Review.
  • Let me just say, I am a big fan of the Little Britain series, and up until now it has been very entertaining. But flicking over hopefully to watch little Britain USA, all I saw was rubbish. Any previous comedic value has been removed, and what was left was purely humour using the shock factor - trying to be offensive in a desperate attempt to break in to a new market. Why David? Why Matt? You could have done so much better if you had stuck to the winning formula - the jokes went too far, Carol talked far too much and I was extremely underwhelmed by the whole thing. I'm sorry, I could only face watching one episode before giving up on little Britain altogether. Little Britain - keep it British!
  • Little Britain is one of my favourite shows of all time and it also saved Matt and David's careers because before that, they had flop after flop after flop. LB was a massive success and I even saw the live show in Belfast. David Walliams was the first, but hopefully not the last, celebrity that I saw naked in real life.

    But what comes up, most come down. And for Lucas and Walliams it was this. The biggest question for Little Britain is "How do you top a show that's so great?" and the answer is you can't. And that's the problem with this show. Lucas and Walliams ran out of ideas and should've quit LB after the third season. But when HBO is paying you a lot a money to write a show that you have no idea where to begin, you'd probably think "Meh, what could go wrong?"

    At the end of first episode, I thought "That was okay, I guess. Maybe it'll take a couple of episodes to grow on me." It didn't. It got worse.

    The first problem with this show is that the new characters aren't funny. The twist at the end of the "I love you more than" game is just unfunny sex jokes. Oh ha ha, a little girl saying "Penis" and "Blow jobs".

    The boring couple who do boring things is not funny. It is indeed boring.

    The old lady who does things her dog wants her to do is not funny.

    What about the old characters? Well, putting Vicky Pollard in Boot Camp is a great idea, but it's not executed very well. Lou and Andy, we've seen it before.

    Sebastian falling in love with the President instead of the Prime Minister, we've seen it before. Besides we've seen the Prime Minister humiliate himself, the President does not.

    The "Bitty" sketches, ugh. Seen it.

    Is there anything I like? Well, I have to admit, the man getting an erection every time he holds guns made me chuckle, the naked men in the locker room was funny the first time, but not in the second and third times we saw them.

    Instead of laughing, I found myself yawning through the whole series. Thank God there was only one season.

    Speaking of laughing, the studio audience laughter was replaced by canned laughter.

    Overall, an absolute bore. Stick with the first three seasons and ignore this one.