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  • lvb5315 August 2007
    Just watched it today, so what can I say? It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, but so far this one is the best Swedish crime-movie so far. The movie begins with the most basic stuff you can find in any other movie, a woman is out with her dog, the dog finds a corpse, the investigators starts with the case, chit-chat with the coroner and so on. The first part of movie is essentially basic and boring stuff, but the good part comes later in the movie. The last part was VERY predictable, but since i'm not going into some spoilers I won't tell anything.

    And as for the production: the production was horrible. You could see some reflections of the cameramen in some scenes, low-quality sound and the screen format was terrible. I don't know if I should say that normal films are played in wide-screen but this one was like, 4:3. So the experience of watching this movie was terrible. The budget was very high, as I've heard to be one of the Swedish movies with the highest budget so far, but since there will be six other movies you couldn't notice anything.

    But as the result, I can only give a five out of ten. The story was good and it was actually pretty thrilling at the end, but if I would rate the production, I'd give it a three out of ten.

  • This is a typical police film. Made for TV and the DVD-market. If you keep that in mind and see the film with the right expectations I'll guarantee you will have a good time.

    Best is some of the actors. Especially the lead, Angela Kovacs. This is the first, in a very long time, every single line was delivered in a believable and natural way. Often, in this sort of productions, actors play roles (like in the theatre) they don't act like real people. Angela Kovacs feels totally true and is magnificent. So is Lasse Brandeby, actually, who is best known for his comedic work. He seems totally relaxed and is the part, without any overacting.

    If you, like me, prefer Wallander (with Krister Henriksson) to Beck (with Peter Haber) you will love this. In its kind this film is very good, and I look forward to more films in the series.
  • This has to be the worst Swedish cop movie ever, hands down! It has so many flaws that I don't even know where to begin. Other Swedish cop movies such as Beck and Wallander sure aren't great, but in comparison to this horrible production, they really stand out as great movies.

    To begin with, the story is horrible; the writer must have missed some classes and should probably have spoken with real coppers before he wrote the story, cause it gives very little information, and the actors/actresses make up clues kinda, it isn't remotely close to guess like they do, and be right without no mistakes at all. The actors/actresses aren't very good either, mediocre to say the least. The movie just doesn't feel authentic, which has to do with a very poor storyline and the actors/actresses as well. I wouldn't recommend anyone watching this really, because I don't have anything good to say about it.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Who's writing this stuff? Only 2 episodes in, and basic police procedures are seriously lacking. For example, a few detectives track a serial killer to a ship. There's no call out of support officers, no back up on the dock or in boats. Of course the killer gets away. In another, examining the serial killer's lair, no one has gloves on. Each is picking up evidence with bare hands, pawing everything of forensic value--even picking up a plastic bag with a head in it. There's tailing a suspect's car-- only 50 to 100 feet behind. Really? Then, with no close backup, two detectives get spotted spying on the perps in a house. One perp leaves and disappears. Neither detective even considers he's circling around or that they should pull back-and they get knocked out. What a surprise. At least the cliche of kidnapping the cop's daughter was not dragged out. This is just sloppy, lazy writing. Hard to believe this is a Scandinavian series. But then, I guess I'm just spoiled by others of quality.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Completely absorbing, with a superb performance by Angela Kovaks as Inspector Irene Huss. Great location work in Gothenburg and Copenhagen. The film is a cross between Prime Suspect the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larsson. The direction, writing, camera work, and especially the acting, are all superb.

    Since there are no more Helen Mirren Prime Suspects to see this is the next best thing (and for the very best, the french film classic Le Petit Lieutenant with Nathalie Baye as the female chief inspector). I've only seen The Torso and have two more mysteries to go on this DVD collection! Grade: A! (: