User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    late night, nothing to do, flicking through channels and a movie is starting. "Might be good" i think to myself...

    i can honestly say that was the worst spent hour and half of my life. why i chose not to stop watching baffles me.

    ***SPOILERS*** they take a clichéd but potentially entertaining plot (ballet dancing schoolgirl who works as a stripper after-hours), turn it just a little bit weird by glorifying a relationship between a 16 year old and a 30 year old, then decimate whatever potential was left with poor directing, ridiculously bad acting, tired and 'i feel like I've seen this before' script and what must be the worst soundtrack in any professional film. In closing the film they use the disgusting plot bridge 'a few years later' before showing the standard happily ever after ending.***SPOILERS END***

    i must mention that ordinarily i would only speak of films i enjoy but i feel such strong hate for this film that i must suggest all copies of it be burned. i wouldn't wish the pain of listening to the line "how old do you have to be to know you love someone" on any human being. If IMDb was to allow a 0 rating then surely this film would be deserving. i feel guilt from voting 1 because that is simply one too many.

    and while i could rant for weeks on the shortfalls of this film there is one monumental disaster of film making i must emphasize; the music. it will begin at the most inappropriate time and destroy the flow of the scene, annoy you with repetitive piano recitals, and then ball you up and hit you below the belt with some horribly written quasi-pop music.

    Put simply, if you came here because you have already seen this movie i feel your pain. if you wish to see this movie i beg you to reconsider, and if you were in any way involved in making this movie i PRAY your name wasn't listed in the credits.