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  • a young couple, a homosexual couple and a couple in their mid 40's.... what are the similarly they've got? the answer is "love and insecure" the use of rain is very powerful, as it gives some forms of nostalgia......yet a reality of actual past experience, like the quote from the movie " memories are the treasure of tears" that is something really beautiful. poetic and beautifully thinking through.

    making love is a beautiful thing,you saw a young couple who first experience the sensation of love....the physical lust that body trying to screaming out. the power of touch, the sense of wanting to become as one.

    dance is a way that artist can use their body to demonstrate their lust, they show their true naked true-self selflessly trying to be part of one another.

    yet all the couples still demonstrate a sense of insecurity in giving all.

    We all been in love and we all have been hurt by love, that is why we all worry about if we gave too much.... yet we also worry if we ain't giving enough.

    have you been in love? have you ever think of that moment you and her making love? have you ever think of the moment when your heart is pounding and felt betrayed? have you ever felt he/she is the only one? the rain demonstrate the meaning of love with its dance performance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Rain" is a Swedish short film from 2007, so over a decade old already and this one runs for almost half an hour. The writer, director and also an actor here is Pontus Lidberg and maybe some have heard of the name already and come across some of his works when it comes to dance choreographies. It is clearly visible here in any case that this is his expertise. Sadly also in a negative sense because virtually every element aside from the characters' movements feels as if it falls flat and comes short. A story is missing altogether almost, even if they tried to convince us otherwise with the (seemingly) romantic ending. The music is one of very few highlights here, some solid songs used and it's useful to everybody outside of Sweden, England etc. that there is no spoken language in here, which means you can watch this film wherever you are from and you will not need any subtitles. Then again, maybe spoken language could have helped the film? It's a double-edged sword and in any case it is difficult to understand what's going on. The aesthetic movements cannot carry it alone, on the contrary actually as they have a tendency to turn this into a style over substance movie in my opinion. So I can only say I am a bit glad that this was a pretty short watch all in all, still relative long for a short film, but overall because I did not find it satisfying by any means. I guess you really have to be deeply involved in the world of dance to see any true value in here. I myself am not and that's why I give ti a thumbs-down and to everybody who isn't either I say it's better to skip this one. Not recommended.