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  • sol121830 May 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    **Some Spoilers**Having lead a very organized life since she suffered a string of emotional and personal disasters in trying to establish a relationship with the opposite sex English proof reader Sarah Winston, Jennifer Beals, has built an imaginary Berlin-like wall between herself and the rest of humanity.

    Tuning out her emotions for those she's in contact with Sarah has became a cold and unfeeling person not only towards those she deals with but even her only companion a cute little mutt whom she named Shakespeare. The dog not being as perfect as she expects him to be, he does his business on the carpet and chews up the upholstery, is sent back to the pound to either be readopted or put to sleep.

    Looking out her window Sarah spots a number of people assembling to attend a local AA, Alcoholic Anonymous, meeting next door. Spotting this sensitively handsome-looking young man among those attending the meeting Sarah is immediately attracted to him. It takes a while but Sarah finally gets up enough nerve to meet her dreamboat and attends a AA meeting where she ends up sitting next to him. It turns out that the guy that Sarah is in love with, from afar, is Charlie Patterson, Peter Overbridge. Charlie is a recovering alcoholic who's there at the meeting with his teenage son Kit, Gerald Funk, who's also in the process of kicking his alcoholism.

    Having no trouble at all striking up a conversation with the very friendly Charlie Sarah quickly becomes part of his crowd of AA members even though, unknown to Charlie & Co., she has no drinking problem. Concerned about her "alchoholism" Charlie as well as his son Kit, who's mom left him and Charlie when he was two, try to get Sarah off the sauce not knowing that she probably may have an even more acute illness then drinking; Trying to strike up a relationship with Charlie and his friends by using their sickness, alcoholism, as cover in her being a fellow alcoholic.

    Toching and effective movie about a lost soul in the wilderness who finds her way back to society by becoming involved with people who have, for the most part, bigger problems then she has. Seeing what recovering alcoholics go through turns Sarah into the kind feeling and giving human being that she abandoned years ago.

    Always there for her friends when they needed her, in one case preventing a distraught AA member from blowing his brains out, Sarah's secret in not really being an alcoholic in the end became her own undoing. Charlie who fell madly in love with Sarah and wanted to help her recover is flabbergasted when he finds out the truth and is almost driven back to the bottle because of it! It takes as much, maybe even more, courage for Sarah to stand up in front of a room full of recovering alcoholics, including her friends, as an alcoholic confronting, in public, his or her alcoholism in Sarah admitting her duplicity in using their addictions to improve her social life.

    In the end it, by coming clean, turned out to be the best thing that Sarah even did. It not only made her a better person with those that she came to know and love at AA but those, including her little dog Shakespeare and estranged younger sister Olivia (Sarah Edmondson), that she so mistreated and was cold to before she ever go involved with Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't watch Lifetime very often, and I'm rarely impressed when I do. But this one, which I only stopped on because Jennifer Beals was in it, just kind of took my breath away. There were some raw emotions, the kind we don't like to talk about, in there. There was a grown up approach to a new relationship. There was a reconciliation that rang true to me. And the ending was romantically classy.

    Is Jennifer aging beautifully or what?! 43 at the time of this movie, and she didn't look a day over 30. Her leading man was very handsome in a younger Gary Oldman way. And, having participated in some AA meetings in my life, the actors and scenes pertaining to that were very well done.

    Anyway, loved it and I highly recommend.
  • Might be the worst film I have ever seen.No character development,cliché scene heaped upon cliché.The main actor(Jennifer Beale)seemed afraid to both act or be involved in what was a very limited production.The entire cast consisted of the members of an AA group.Avoid this film at all costs,I sat jaw agape about a 1/3 through the film.The viewer is unable to connect,or make an emotional investment in the characters due to not being given any background.I was actually surprised at how easy it was to spot the flaws in this film, but they are stark. I would give this film a zero if it was possible.
  • juliawolf13 January 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    (This review may be a spoiler for some readers.) While this was a refreshingly sweet movie, some facts about AA need to be clarified. !) No AA member should "13" step a new member; meaning,relationships should be put on hold for about one year and no

    member, one who has been sober for three years as the main male lead is, should try to seduce a new member. 2) If a new member or whomever does not want to go to a meeting, one should not force themselves on the other. 3) One should never put another member, especially a new member, on the spot with respect to speaking.

    Had the author done better research on the subject matter, she would know this. I found it unfortunate because the author could have made the story somewhat more suspenseful. The premise of the movie is different, although, lacking in truth.

    I could go on but, the movie is somewhat unrealistic regarding AA.
  • If I could rate this zero stars, I would. PLEASE don't waste your time. The positive reviews are clearly all written by the same person. No storyline AT ALL, no sub characters. Whoever chose the music for this movie needs to find another job.
  • cvanveen9 March 2008
    Ordinarily there's a certain expectation from 'made-for-TV' movies. This one, with the always-lovely Jennifer Beals, was marvelous. Her beauty and range of emotion...sometimes carrying scenes with a glance or a facial expression...tipped the scales for me. The interplay between Sarah and her 'love' was sweet throughout, and it was beautiful to see a couple's relationship grow slowly rather than race to a quick end. The final scene, without giving anything away, was just as you'd like the movie to end.

    'Sarah's' surrounding cast was fabulous, but Jennifer's starring role was even more so. Three cheers for the movie, and endless cheers for Jennifer.
  • Really heart-warming, charming, and sweet. This movie restored my faith in Lifetime Movie Network. All the actors are the kind of talented where I didn't even notice how good they were (until I read a previous poster's comment afterward) because they just WERE their characters. And all the characters are rounded and not static. They change and go through problems, feelings, conflicts, etc. It's really easy to watch and get absorbed in because so much of Sarah (and others) is revealed slowly and progressively. You witness the full growth and evolution of her romantic relationship and personal journey. The scenic views of wherever (Vancouver is where it's filmed?) really add to the setting and ambiance, also. Props to Sarah for going to the pound for a dog instead of a breeder (this is in the first 10 minutes or so of the movie). I don't know whether men would like it as much as women, but then again, it did air on Lifetime Movie Network.
  • I watched the movie tonight and truly loved it. So much so, that when it was over, I looked to see who the author was so I could tell her how much I enjoyed the movie. It was so different, yet so real, and so beautiful. Thank you Julie Brazier for writing this story and whoever made it into a movie for television, thank you too. Also the actors did a wonderful job. The only face I recognized was "Sarah"...but all did an excellent job, including the small parts. As I wrote that sentence I recalled something I was told when I was in my 1st play. There are no small parts, only small actors. This movie had a host of wonderful actors doing a marvelous job portraying a story that really reached out to the viewer. I just wanted to say thanks again. I went on the internet to see if she had written any other movies or maybe a book. I found this site, so I hope word gets to her to let her know how much I enjoyed her movie.
  • This is a charming movie. Jennifer Beals, as always, is beautiful and talented. The sound of her voice is enchanting and her laugh is delightful.
  • That is the BEST movie I have seen in has it all...and it's clean....I LOVE it....need more movies with some values added in. This movie has forgiveness, sexual purity, dealing with problems, loneliness, friendship, dealing with addictions...and yet it had humor. I wasn't familiar with the stars but I loved each part they played. It was very well casted. I've tried to find it listed again and haven't had any luck yet. I would be interested in obtaining a DVD. This will be one of my favorite movies of all times. Maybe because it spoke to me in so many ways. Everyone has problems in life and this movie addressed so many of them. Thanks....where can I get a DVD?