User Reviews (11)

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  • hafR3330 December 2020
    Light story, good vibes with its quirkness, I watch until the end of episodes and like it. The costums, desain, light are really inspiring. It is another level of Japanese cinematography. I think another Japan drama should wear this color more with different genre. For me, it reminds me when I watched Why woman kill directed by Lucy Liu, but with different characteristics of cast.
  • PennyReviews11 March 2020
    " Followers " was a visual pleasing drama.

    The story was okay, but it could have been way better. There were so many issues that the drama touched, like having to choose between family and wokr. But the drama focused more on the bringht lights and the beautiful colors rather than the story. So, it felt like it was presented a bit superficial, without taking a deeper dive into what the characters felt. The romance was nice and subbtle, and the monbebe mother was just reletable and funny. Also, the second couple felt odd, as the guy seemed more connected with the son rather with the mother. The final episode was a bit rushed and it was more like it was trying to wrap things up with an unrealistic happy ending. Still, the cinematography was breathtaking and the performances were great from everyone in the cast.

    So, overall, six out of ten.
  • themicster29 February 2020
    It's difficult to write a review about something you passionately wanted to be great, but just isn't.

    Moreover, living in Tokyo and working in the entertainment industry means that I was well aware of the rumors of an absentee director leaving the bulk of the shoot to her staff. Stories of technical problems and entire episode worth of content left on the cutting room floor also make it difficult to write an unbiased review.

    Putting that aside, characters who are inconsistent and difficult to root for are what truly made me dislike this series.

    I had very high hopes for "Followers" as Japanese serialized entertainment deserves to have a place in the on demand era. As the above reviewer mentioned, this is, for better or worse, just another example of the current generation of Japanese entertainment. Slightly tone deaf, completely unrealistic, and a bit painful to watch.

    If the rumors about this production are true, this director would do well next time to do the work herself instead of just color grading and picking pretty clothing for her clearly confused cast to wear.

    5 points for a cast that is clearly trying to entertain us.

    Here's hoping they restore that extra episode worth of footage down the line.
  • I don't normally write reviews unless I feel inclined to. And for this, I feel inclined to.

    If you've never watched a Japanese drama in your life you probably won't like this. When Director Minagawa was approached to make this series, she at first thought she had to do something to appeal to the international audience, but on the contrary she was given the freedom and liberty to appeal to the local taste. The Japanese audience. Therefore, if you've never watched a Japanese drama or have and didn't like how slow things move, you won't like this.

    Japanese dramas, tv shows, and most Japanese reality shows are slow paced. Think slice of life, type of vibe. It's not like Korean dramas on Netflix where the characters have depth to them but also this grave importance to them, and things are always happening. There's edginess to Korean dramas, and that's not the way things are for Japanese dramas.

    I love how Followers captures the way things are now whether people agree with it or not. I'm sure many people expected Followers to be some high party life night scene type TV show with drama, because that's how our media portrays our taste and needs. But to the Japanese, this everyday lifestyle and struggle between what you want and what others want, how times are changing, how viewpoints are changing. Gone are the days of women needing to choose either to be a working woman or a mother, now you can be both. It's not selfish. It's just stuff society is still struggling to cope with. Being a housewife isn't the best thing for a woman, that kind of thinking is outdated. There are exceptional women doing exceptional amazing things every day, even if we don't see it.

    Followers captures that essence. Those everyday moments.

    We see the damage numbers do to ourselves, youth, and the like. But yet we as humans still somehow expect others to live by our personal standards. I must say, that the TV show was slow to start, but it really had me in tears at times. I found myself really drawn to the slow story pace and letting things unfold naturally. I felt myself really connecting in numerous ways to the storyline. It may not be all glitz and glam, but that's how life is. Life isn't always glam.

    I really loved seeing Japanese LGBTQ+ in Followers. That's not something obvious in a lot of Japanese tv shows because of how Asians are still conservative, and I completely respect them. But I also really loved it all the same.

    I recently heard a quote that said something along the lines of, if someone tells you "You can only do this or that," and they try to steer you in their own direction... turn it back on them and turn that "or" into an "and." This quote really reminds me of this TV show.

    Who says you can't have both? Who says you can't be a mother a career woman? Nothing in life that's worth it ever comes easy. It's going to be hard. You're going to fail. You're going to struggle a lot. Don't listen to all the people who don't matter and their negative words. Listen to those who love you, they'll support you. "You'll never be scared if you stay true to yourself."

    I took away so much from this TV show. I would definitely love a season 2 with other stories to it. This was so well done. Again, it may not be everyone's cup of tea though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the worst things I ever saw on Netflix, this is an absolute abomination:

    Director Ninagawa portraits herself as a god-like instagram influencer that has everything she wants. Ninagawa unironically celebrates the whole shallow & garish social network fashion scene as if it was something that was actually worth aspiring.

    There is not a hint of self-reflection or humour in this, I kept waiting and waiting for some revelation or twist that would make everything snap into place, but..nothing.

    The plot is like it was written by a 2-year-old who imagines what being a rich artist would be like.

  • I've seen half negative and half positive reviews on this show. I finished it in about two days. I love Japanese and Korean dramas, and though this one doesn't have a direct plot (as it focuses on many characters that are all intertwined some way or another), I found it to be compelling by the individual stories of each person. I loved the quirkiness, the stunning colours, and the emotions portrayed within each individual. We all know that the entertainment industry can be a sticky mess, and I believe "Followers" gave us an insight of how not just Japanese, but all entertainment industries can truly be. Don't be fooled by the negative reviews! A film or show can only be understood by the viewer. It could be for you, or it could not! I gave it a 9/10 because it intrigued me and kept me watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie lacks stories, characters, and creativity to watch to the end. In other words, it's not worth watching.
  • I'm ranking this 10 because of all the negative things people have said about this. It's visually stunning, the music used is amazing and the English Dub on Netflix is actually really well done if you can't be bothered with subtitles

    You feel for all the characters, though the first episode was my favourite. They all develop in a way that keeps you wanting to see what happens next.

    It's not trying to be a ground breaking, morally driven tv show, it depicts Instagram fame pretty accurately in Japanese culture.

    I'd recommend this show to anyone who isn't taking it too seriously.
  • Except the marvelous costumes, harajuku style vibe, the plot is so so. I watched it until. The end because it was aesthetically pleasing, but the plot could be better.
  • Perfect wardrobe, great scenes, good music choice and nice script. Life of fenomens doesn't look like easy. For me it is different and really worth watching show.
  • desireegil8 June 2020
    I loved the serie because gives positive messages without being hold by any mold. What I would change would be some scenes that without them this show would be for anyone to watch; frankly, I found them unnecessary for the story.

    Beyond that, is one of my faves, because they give the message of being true to yourself, to listen to yourself and follow your own path, knowing it won't be easy but it will be yours.