User Reviews (72)

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  • But you know that already. You're not here because you wonder if you should watch this episode. You're reading this because you've seen it and just want to see others acknowledging its subtle beauty and the masterful way this gem acts as a heartfelt intermezzo in this otherwise totally fine show, like a 35 minute summary of Linklater's Before trilogy, set in the world of video game developers instead of Europe. Flawless.
  • After watching the all the episodes leading up to this, I was like WTF? Did Apple TV glitch and put me on some other series? I realized it hadn't and proceed to watch. I was blown away. This could have been a series on it's own and I would have tuned in. The writing, acting, character development (mind you this is a single episode) was amazing. Bitter sweet and touching. What a palette cleanser from the main series. Honestly, I wish I knew why they chose to do this and whether it is its own thing or is there something later in the series that ties it in. Either way -- pure genius.
  • sweensa10 February 2020
    This episode is easily better than a lot of films that I have seen in the past that have attempted something similar. everything is perfect from acting, cast, story. And they fit it into 35 minutes.
  • You know you've struck gold when the moments in which the characters say the most, are those in which they say nothing at all. The writing, the acting, the underlying message. It's impeccable.

    This was amazing, and I honestly can't wait to re-watch it for the 4th time.
  • This episode was stunning. Completely diverging from the first few in the season, this side story had all the passion of a full length feature in 30 minutes. This single episode makes the entire series worth watching. I wish I could see it again for the first time.
  • NOT REALLY digging this show all that much until this episode, made me sit up and shut up and watch, I loved it.
  • The overall concept of the show is alright but this one here was a real curveball.

    I didn't know how much I needed this, it's been so long since I've cried last. I came in expecting another episode of a somewhat mind-numbing, insignificant sitcom and was hit in the face with a seriously intriguing, heartfelt story, in the end of which I found myself crying.

    The actors did a magnificent job bringing these characters to life and delivering the heavy weight of this story. It's completely unlike the prior episodes and while the main show itself is alright, this is from another world completely.

    Really what I would like, is a whole series focusing on this kind of heart-string-pulling stories and emotions thick enough to touch. Like a less morbid, less sci-fey Broken Mirror.

    Anyway, this episode was a complete 10 out of 10 for me and no doubt about it.
  • bobcobb30114 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    A one-off episode that had nothing to do with the main show, but in this environment it worked. You had two recognizable sitcom actors and a very strong story that was funny and emotional and telling.

    The standout episode to date.
  • collinmdickson12 February 2020
    Wonder short story and reprieve from the main show.

    Easily the best written episode of the season. Beautifully told story of how much (or little) you'll sacrifice your vision for success and whether what you end up with is anything like what you set out to start.

    Would love to see more arcs that tackle the same questions in a similar light.
  • MDC-IMDb24 February 2020
    This actually made me sit up and watch. It drew me in and, like others have stated, although it's a departure from the previous episodes, it resonates beautifully.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A departure from the main storyline, thank God. I like the romance that formed between them in their shared vision for a video game with their separation by selling out to corporate greed...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Woah this really caught me off guard. What a great origin story, maybe we'll get one for the other characters too at one point. Super gripping story about an indie developer slowly commercialising an artistic indie horror game that turns into a family-friendly kids game. A lot less humour and a lot more drama, great episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    But that doesn't mean a whole lot, as the episodes so far were a fullblown cringe festival. And they only had to make an episode with a total different tone, totally different actors and totally different style of screenplay. That episode is basically its own new series.

    It boggles my mind how bad those romances are written in the show. We have the lesbian girls in the earlier episodes and their love story is pretty cringey and on the nose. At least in this episode it's only the women being obnoxious in the very first scene, Jake Johnson is an amazing actor for being able to pretend he's falling for that weirdo.

    The rest of the episode is acutally quite watchable. The struggle is real and they actually use some real 90ies game references at some point. It's even the first time in this series i hear something that sounds vaguely like real game dev talk. I almost feel respected as a game dev. Almost.

    But it's telling why all the 90ies video and movie recreations are so more authentic than anything video game related. Game devs didn't present their game on VHS tapes in the 90ies. Come on, it's an interactive medium! The writers have such a shallow idea of what they are writing about, it's embarrassing.

    Well, best so far, still no cigar.
  • I understand that other posters liked the deeper meanings in an artistic vision within video games that this episode presented, but personally I just didn't enjoy it in comparison to the rest of the season. I think it was just a bit too dark and too departed from the regular series for me to pay attention and enjoy this episode.
  • I was enjoying the first 4 episodes but it kind of started losing my attention, then episode 5 came out of nowhere, the first episode of the season i did not take my eyes off the screen! This episode made me rate the entire show higher, i gave it a 7 but without this episode i would have given it a 6. I like the other storyline and cast but if the writers are reading this, please intertwine more of the ep. 5 story or at least something random and engaging like this episode.
  • Wow, just wow. I have been in a movie/tv slump because I think I am just feeling worn out from all the crap that is out there. I started watching this AppleTV show Mystic Quest. It's fine... BUT Episode 5 is this weird one off with Jake Johnson and Cristin Milioti. It has nothing to do with the rest of the show and had none of the characters from it. It is a weird truly special short film. I felt more emotion from that than I have from almost anything I have watched since the start of quarantimes.

    Now this is incredible, because, wow, but also, why then, is the rest of the show not this fun or heartfelt? If it is possible to do this, then why wouldn't you do this?!
  • By far the best episode of the whole show. Unlike the main show that is mostly occupied by rather unlikable psychopaths (with the exception of Rachel and Dana) this episode has heart and guts and emotional depth. Wouldn't mind if they canned MQ and continued with DSD instead.
  • mkayseryan18 June 2021
    Best ep in any series of the year. Let's be real Rob is a genius and everyone fits perfectly.
  • I know some are saying this doesn't fit in with the series and they are sort of right, it's very much a drama episode thrown in a comedy series, that being said the episode is excellent. Well written and made and it does fit in with the series to an extent. I thought it was an excellent short drama, better than many films to be honest. I highly recommend it. I recommend the whole series. It's a great show, quite different to always sunny though (which is also excellent).
  • 35 minutes of some of the best writing, acting and production I have seen in a sitcom for a long long time. 500 days of summer esq with its quirky romance and humour. I love mythic quest in general but this episode, although not linked directly to the main story line, takes it to another level.
  • This episode is an entire movie by itself. Sad-sweet tale, with really likeable protagonists. I wasn't expecting that, and it was so great. I don't know what to expect now from mythic quest, and I like this feeling.... :)
  • This is an amazing diversion from the other eps. Deeply engaging, truly great writing, excellent casting and acting. I want the team who produced this to know: I got you. I get this. Really emotional and really rewarding.

    Everyone saying it's a 10/10 is right. Fan-freaking-tastic.
  • mxfilms3 April 2020
    A departure from the standard episode. We find a much darker, and more real story here. One that leaves you thinking about it after the credits role.
  • chunkylefunga18 August 2022
    For a stand alone episode it's pretty well done.

    All I would have changed is the lead female. She clearly doesn't know anything about gaming or how to play a dark character and it shows in her bad acting.
  • email-29721 February 2020
    A Dark Quiet Death feels like an alternate concept for the series. It is a dark depressing drama thrown into the middle of a sitcom for no reason. Luckily it's characters and story have virtually nothing to do with the actual show.
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