User Reviews (9)

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  • Overall this is a nicely done movie for the tight budget. Acting is good and authentic, Donkov makes one of his best performances by any standards. Directing is also good...there were some lovely shots/scenes especially during the opening. Script is believable, tight and in a way classic. Music was nicely picked, though sound editing could be better (but this goes for all Bulgarian productions). It is enjoyable, serious but not too heavy...there are some rough edges here and there but the overall result is worth your time :)
  • I actually have two problems (ok, not problems but things that bug me) with this movie - the acting and the very familiar and formulaic story setup. Acting is common issue with all Bulgarian productions with some rather rare exceptions. If I happen to watch Bulgarian production that is dubbed in English for instance it instantly gets better. So, here we get more of the same - stiff, emotionless, declarative. Deyan Donkov gives a performance above the others. Lead actress tries, but it is obvious she needs more experience. The story tries too hard to be dark and provocative but it cannot steer away from the million other movies exploring lost souls taking the wrong road, hanging out with the wrong people. During some scenes, it looks even forced. Still, there is a nice twist midway through the movie which surprised me and gave the movie a little bit of own identity and fresh perspective only to lead to cliched final at the end. Not great, but definitely not terrible. Camerawork and editing, along with the soundtrack is pretty much alright (especially building around old albums of Rammstein. For a Bulgarian production, though, it is one of the better ones for sure, comparing it to other new tv series or movies, it would get a solid 8.5/10 over the others. My score is given based on comparison with all movies I've seen, and I think it is a fair one.
  • f4irY_B4nD1t13 April 2020
    For a bulgarian movie is not bag . There were a lot of clichés . It looked like the story could actually happen in real life .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok first of all this moive was not bad at all The story is very touching. The actors made an amazing job! The thing that i wanted to see is the mother and her daughter in good relations. Still the moive made an amazing job thank you Marian Vulev!
  • gbelchev27 June 2020
    Mariyan, please do NOT repeat this mistake again. You are better in beating folk singers.
  • nikola_z22 September 2020
    Im sorry, but the Movie sucks. I watched it over TV, but if I had to pay for it in the cinema, I would want my money back. It's shame to call yourself director if this misunderstanding...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My personal rating is 8, the movie is good, there is something to be desired and clean from scenes Good acting! Greetings from Vratsa :)
  • Quick joke before reviews this title really,really. "I tell ya, when I was a kid I got no respect. The time my old man took me to the zoo, they thanked him for returning me." The director and his cast crew combines magnificent performance and offers us movie magnificent charming entitled Bad Girl. Exclusive offering high class luxury, quality sound, screenplay , served perfectly by the impeccable all trained cast and crew band as the legendary venue of glamorous parties, great scandals for which isn't no body proud. Bad Girl story that had it all without having to sacrifice its soul machine to churn out stories for future love. Bad Girl movie is emotional,exciting, and downright funny as hell. An elegant palette of cool sophistication, Bad Girl is glorious uncharted beauty. Positioned for its privacy and views, this is London living in full glory. Perfect and private of course for entertaining lovely views of London skyline.
  • Deep and touching movie about life and how choices we made affect it. It is my favorite new Bulgarian movie, I played it to some foreign friends and they loved it too :)